Natasha Clarke
International Travel
Expedition cruises - and what you should know before boarding one

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Author Sue Halliwell in the Norwegian Fjords aboard a LindbladNational Geographic expedition cruise. Credit: John Gardiner

An expedition cruise aims to provide intimate encounters with local wildlife, this photo taken from a LindbladNational Geographic cruise to Arctic Svalbard. Credit: Doug Gould

Many expedition cruise companies team with environmental organisations such as National Geographic to present high quality onboard environmental expertise, education and experiences. Credit: John Gardiner

Shore expeditions are usually frequent on an expedition cruise and offer a chance to explore the local nature. Credit: John Gardiner

Shore expeditions are usually frequent on an expedition cruise and offer a chance to explore the local nature. Credit: John Gardiner

Shore expeditions are usually frequent on an expedition cruise and offer a chance to explore the local nature. Credit: John Gardiner

Author, Sue Halliwell explores Arctic Svalbard on a Lindblad National Geographic expedition cruise. Credit: John Gardiner

Author, Sue Halliwell explores Arctic Svalbard on a LindbladNational Geographic expedition cruise. Credit: John Gardiner

Inflatable zodiacs are used for much of an expedition cruise’s off-ship exploration. Credit: John Gardiner

Full participation in an expedition cruise involves taking all the off-ship excursions offered. Credit: Lindblad National Geographic

Fulll participation in an expedition cruise involves taking all the off-ship excursions offered. Credit: Lindblad National Geographic

Inflatable zodiacs are used for much of an expedition cruise’s off-ship exploration. Credit: Doug Gould