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Humanising AI could lead us to dehumanise ourselves

<div class="theconversation-article-body"><em><a href="">Raffaele F Ciriello</a>, <a href="">University of Sydney</a> and <a href="">Angelina Ying Chen</a>, <a href="">University of Sydney</a></em></p> <p>Irish writer John Connolly <a href="">once said</a>: "The nature of humanity, its essence, is to feel another’s pain as one’s own, and to act to take that pain away."</p> <p>For most of our history, we believed empathy was a uniquely human trait – a special ability that set us apart from machines and other animals. But this belief is now being challenged.</p> <p>As AI becomes a bigger part of our lives, entering even our most intimate spheres, we’re faced with a philosophical conundrum: could attributing human qualities to AI diminish our own human essence? Our <a href="">research</a> suggests it can.</p> <h2>Digitising companionship</h2> <p>In recent years, AI “companion” apps such as Replika have attracted millions of users. Replika allows users to create custom digital partners to engage in intimate conversations. Members who pay for <a href=",relationship%20status%20to%20Romantic%20Partner.">Replika Pro</a> can even turn their AI into a “romantic partner”.</p> <p>Physical AI companions aren’t far behind. Companies such as JoyLoveDolls are selling <a href="">interactive sex robots</a> with customisable features including breast size, ethnicity, movement and AI responses such as moaning and flirting.</p> <p>While this is currently a niche market, history suggests today’s digital trends will become tomorrow’s global norms. With about <a href="">one in four</a> adults experiencing loneliness, the demand for AI companions will grow.</p> <h2>The dangers of humanising AI</h2> <p>Humans have long attributed human traits to non-human entities – a tendency known as anthropomorphism. It’s no surprise we’re doing this with AI tools such as ChatGPT, which appear to “think” and “feel”. But why is humanising AI a problem?</p> <p>For one thing, it allows AI companies to exploit our tendency to form attachments with human-like entities. Replika is <a href="">marketed</a> as “the AI companion who cares”. However, to avoid legal issues, the company elsewhere points out Replika isn’t sentient and merely learns through millions of user interactions.</p> <p>Some AI companies overtly <a href="">claim</a> their AI assistants have empathy and can even anticipate human needs. Such claims are misleading and can take advantage of people seeking companionship. Users may become <a href="">deeply emotionally invested</a> if they believe their AI companion truly understands them.</p> <p>This raises serious ethical concerns. A user <a href="">will hesitate</a> to delete (that is, to “abandon” or “kill”) their AI companion once they’ve ascribed some kind of sentience to it.</p> <p>But what happens when said companion unexpectedly disappears, such as if the user can no longer afford it, or if the company that runs it shuts down? While the companion may not be real, the feelings attached to it are.</p> <h2>Empathy – more than a programmable output</h2> <p>By reducing empathy to a programmable output, do we risk diminishing its true essence? To answer this, let’s first think about what empathy really is.</p> <p>Empathy involves responding to other people with understanding and concern. It’s when you share your friend’s sorrow as they tell you about their heartache, or when you feel joy radiating from someone you care about. It’s a profound experience – rich and beyond simple forms of measurement.</p> <p>A fundamental difference between humans and AI is that humans genuinely feel emotions, while AI can only simulate them. This touches on the <a href="">hard problem of consciousness</a>, which questions how subjective human experiences arise from physical processes in the brain.</p> <p>While AI can simulate understanding, any “empathy” it purports to have is a result of programming that mimics empathetic language patterns. Unfortunately, AI providers have a financial incentive to trick users into growing attached to their seemingly empathetic products.</p> <h2>The dehumanAIsation hypothesis</h2> <p>Our “dehumanAIsation hypothesis” highlights the ethical concerns that come with trying to reduce humans to some basic functions that can be replicated by a machine. The more we humanise AI, the more we risk dehumanising ourselves.</p> <p>For instance, depending on AI for emotional labour could make us less tolerant of the imperfections of real relationships. This could weaken our social bonds and even lead to emotional deskilling. Future generations may become less empathetic – losing their grasp on essential human qualities as emotional skills continue to be commodified and automated.</p> <p>Also, as AI companions become more common, people may use them to replace real human relationships. This would likely increase loneliness and alienation – the very issues these systems claim to help with.</p> <p>AI companies’ collection and analysis of emotional data also poses significant risks, as these data could be used to manipulate users and maximise profit. This would further erode our privacy and autonomy, taking <a href="">surveillance capitalism</a> to the next level.</p> <h2>Holding providers accountable</h2> <p>Regulators need to do more to hold AI providers accountable. AI companies should be honest about what their AI can and can’t do, especially when they risk exploiting users’ emotional vulnerabilities.</p> <p>Exaggerated claims of “genuine empathy” should be made illegal. Companies making such claims should be fined – and repeat offenders shut down.</p> <p>Data privacy policies should also be clear, fair and without hidden terms that allow companies to exploit user-generated content.</p> <p>We must preserve the unique qualities that define the human experience. While AI can enhance certain aspects of life, it can’t – and shouldn’t – replace genuine human connection.<!-- Below is The Conversation's page counter tag. 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1 in 5 Australians admit they don’t wash their hands every time they use the toilet

<div class="theconversation-article-body"><em><a href="">Christine Carson</a>, <a href="">The University of Western Australia</a></em></p> <p>Do you wash your hands every time you use the toilet? How about before you handle food? Be honest.</p> <p>Australia’s Food Safety Information Council has released its <a href="">latest report card</a> on the country’s hand washing habits. It found 19% of Australians don’t wash their hands every time they use the toilet. Close to half (42%) admit they don’t always wash hands before handling food.</p> <p>So who’s doing well when it comes to hand hygiene, who’s not – and why does it matter?</p> <h2>What did the report find?</h2> <p>The new report surveyed hand washing practices of 1,229 people. Results were consistent with what we’ve learned from <a href="">similar surveys</a>.</p> <p>Once again, women do better than men at washing their hands after using the toilet, although only slightly (80% of men say they do every time, versus 83% of women). Just 55% of men wash their hands before touching food, compared to 62% of women.</p> <p>Age also seemed to make a difference. Under 34 years old, 69% of people washed their hands every time they used the toilet. Over age 65, that jumped to 86%.</p> <p>Although some of these differences aren’t completely unexpected – such as <a href="">the gap</a> between men’s and women’s hand washing habits – the reasons remain unclear.</p> <h2>Why don’t people wash their hands?</h2> <p>Public health messaging often focuses on how to wash hands well. But there’s less research that follows up on how widely people actually adopt these practices. And to understand why – if they are skipping the soap and water – those messages might not be getting through effectively.</p> <p><a href="">One study</a> that looked at this question in India asked school children about barriers to hand washing. The vast majority (91%) had low “illness threat perception”. In other words, they simply didn’t perceive a risk of getting sick form not washing their hands after going to the toilet.</p> <p>Interestingly, the inability to see germs with their own eyes was one of the biggest barriers, cited by 46% of the children. But 72% said they would wash their hands if their friends did.</p> <p>It’s tempting to speculate these reasons may also apply to other age groups, but we simply haven’t done enough research to know. People’s reasons for hand washing, or not, likely vary across their lifetime and with their circumstances.</p> <h2>What are the risks?</h2> <p>Urine and faeces contain millions of germs, especially faeces, which has more than <a href="">100 billion</a> germs per gram.</p> <p>When you use the toilet and touch surfaces in the bathroom, you will pick up germs. People who skip the hand washing step on the way out take those germs with them when they leave, depositing them on each surface they touch afterwards.</p> <p>You may not get sick yourself, but you’re increasing the spread of bacteria. This can increase the risk of infection and illness for other people, including those with compromised immune systems such as older people and those undergoing common forms of treatment for cancer.</p> <p>Hand washing before cooking and eating is also important. The risk here goes both ways. If you have disease-causing germs on your hands (maybe because you didn’t wash them after the toilet) you may transfer them to the food where they can multiply and even produce toxins. People who eat the food may then get sick, often involving vomiting and diarrhoea.</p> <p>In the other direction, some foods naturally carry germs before cooking – such as <a href="">salmonella and campylobacter bacteria in raw poultry</a>. If you don’t wash your hands after handling these foods you may transfer them to other surfaces and risk spreading infection.</p> <h2>How should I wash my hands?</h2> <p>Follow these three simple tips for hand washing correctly:</p> <ol> <li> <p><strong>wet</strong> your hands and rub them together well to build up a good lather with soap for at least 20 seconds and don’t forget to wash between your fingers and under your nails. You might have to use a nail brush</p> </li> <li> <p><strong>rinse</strong> well under running water to remove the bugs from your hands</p> </li> <li> <p><strong>dry</strong> your hands thoroughly on a clean towel for at least 20 seconds. Touching surfaces with moist hands encourages bugs to spread from the surface to your hands.</p> </li> </ol> <h2>What about hand sanitiser?</h2> <p>If no running water is available, use an alcohol-based hand sanitiser. These rapidly inactivate a wide range of germs, rendering them non-infectious. Hand sanitisers are effective against a <a href="">wide range of bacteria and viruses</a> that can cause many common gastrointesintal and respiratory infections.</p> <p>However if your hands are soiled with organic matter – such as blood, faeces, meat, sand or soil – they won’t be effective. In that case you should clean your hands with soap and water.</p> <h2>The bottom line</h2> <p>Hand washing is a bit like wearing a seat belt — you do that every time you get in a car, not just on the days you “plan” to be involved in an accident. The bottom line is hand washing is a simple, quick intervention that benefits you and those around you — but only if you do it.<!-- Below is The Conversation's page counter tag. 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Eight simple changes to our neighbourhoods can help us age well

<div class="theconversation-article-body"><em><a href="">Jerome N Rachele</a>, <a href="">Australian Catholic University</a>; <a href="">James F Sallis</a>, <a href="">University of California, San Diego</a>, and <a href="">Venurs Loh</a>, <a href="">Australian Catholic University</a></em></p> <p>Where we live can play a big part in ageing well, largely because of the links between physical activity and wellbeing. <a href="">Research shows</a> that two-thirds of Australians prefer to age in place. That is, we want to live independently in our homes for as long as we can. Our neighbourhoods and their design can then improve or hinder our ability to get out of the house and be physically active.</p> <p>The rapid ageing of Australia’s population only adds to the importance of neighbourhood design. In 2016, 15% of Australians were aged 65 or older. That proportion is <a href="">projected to double</a> by 2056.</p> <p>These trends present several <a href="">social and economic challenges</a>, particularly for the health sector. Designing neighbourhoods in ways that promote physical activity can help overcome these challenges.</p> <h2>Eight simple steps</h2> <p>The following is a short list of <a href="">evidence-based steps</a> local and state governments can take to assist older people to be physically active. These involve minor but effective changes to neighbourhood design.</p> <p><strong>Improve footpaths:</strong> Research indicates that older people have a <a href="">higher risk of falls</a>. Ensuring footpaths are level and crack-free, and free from obstructions, will encourage walking among older people – especially those with a disability.</p> <p><strong>Connected pedestrian networks:</strong> Introducing footpaths at the end of no-through-roads and across long street blocks reduces walking distances to destinations. This makes walking a more viable option.</p> <p><strong>Slowing traffic in high-pedestrian areas:</strong> Slowing traffic <a href="">improves safety</a> by reducing the risk of a collision. It also reduces the risk of <a href="">death and serious injury</a> in the event of a collision.</p> <p><strong>Age-friendly street crossings:</strong> Installing longer pedestrian crossing light sequences gives older pedestrians <a href="">more time to cross</a>, and installing refuge islands means those who walk more slowly can cross the street in two stages.</p> <p><strong>Disabled access at public transport:</strong> Although a form of motorised transport, public transport users undertake more incidental physical activity compared with car users. This is because they walk between transit stops and their origins and destinations. Improving disabled access helps make public transport a viable option for more older people.</p> <p><strong>Places to rest:</strong> <a href="">Providing rest spots</a> such as benches enables older people to break up their walk and rest when needed.</p> <p><strong>Planting trees:</strong> Planting trees <a href="">creates more pleasant scenery</a> to enjoy on a walk. It also provides shade on hot days.</p> <p><strong>Improving safety:</strong> Ensuring that streets are well-lit and reducing graffiti and signs of decay are likely to <a href="">improve perceptions of safety</a> among older people.</p> <h2>Why physical activity matters</h2> <p>Physical function – the ability to undertake everyday activities such as walking, bathing and climbing stairs – often declines as people age. The reason for this is that ageing is often accompanied by a reduction in muscle strength, flexibility and cardiorespiratory reserves.</p> <p>Regular physical activity can <a href="">prevent or slow the decline</a> in physical function, even among those with existing health conditions.</p> <p>Middle-to-older aged adults can reduce their risk of physical function decline <a href="">by 30%</a> with regular physical activity (at least 150 minutes per week). This includes recreational physical activity, like walking the dog, or incidental physical activity, such as walking to the shops or to visit friends.</p> <p>By making minor changes as outlined above, the health and longevity of our elderly population can be extended. Such changes will help our elderly age well in place.</p> <p><em><a href="">Jerome N Rachele</a>, Research Fellow in Social Epidemiology, Institute for Health and Ageing, <a href="">Australian Catholic University</a>; <a href="">James F Sallis</a>, Professorial Fellow, Institute for Health and Ageing, Australian Catholic University, and Emeritus Professor, Department of Family Medicine and Public Health, <a href="">University of California, San Diego</a>, and <a href="">Venurs Loh</a>, PhD Candidate, Institute for Health and Ageing, <a href="">Australian Catholic University</a></em></p> <p><em>Image credits: Shutterstock </em></p> <p><em>This article is republished from <a href="">The Conversation</a> under a Creative Commons license. Read the <a href="">original article</a>.</em></p> </div>

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Why hurricanes like Milton in the US and cyclones in Australia are becoming more intense and harder to predict

<div class="theconversation-article-body"><em><a href="">Andrew Dowdy</a>, <a href="">The University of Melbourne</a>; <a href="">Liz Ritchie-Tyo</a>, <a href="">Monash University</a>, and <a href="">Savin Chand</a>, <a href="">Federation University Australia</a></em></p> <p>Tropical cyclones, known as hurricanes and typhoons in other parts of the world, have caused huge damage in many places recently. The United States has just been hit by <a href="">Hurricane Milton</a>, within two weeks of <a href="">Hurricane Helene</a>. Climate change <a href="">likely made their impacts worse</a>.</p> <p>In Australia, the tropical cyclone season (November to April) is approaching. The Bureau of Meteorology this week released its <a href="">long-range forecast</a> for this season.</p> <p>It predicts an average number of tropical cyclones, 11, are likely to form in the region. Four are expected to cross the Australian coast. However, the risk of severe cyclones is higher than average.</p> <p>So what does an average number actually mean in our rapidly changing climate? And why is there a higher risk of intense cyclones?</p> <p>The bureau’s forecast is consistent with scientific evidence suggesting climate change is likely to result in fewer but more severe tropical cyclones. They are now more likely to bring stronger winds and <a href="">more intense rain and flooding</a>.</p> <h2>Climate change is making prediction harder</h2> <p>Our knowledge of tropical cyclones and climate change is based on multiple lines of evidence <a href="">globally</a> and for the Australian region. This work includes our studies based on <a href="">observations</a> and <a href="">modelling</a>.</p> <p>The bureau’s seasonal outlook in recent years has assumed an average of 11 tropical cyclones occurring in our region (covering an area of the southern tropics between longitudes 90°E and 160°E). It’s based on the average value for all years back to 1969.</p> <p>However, for the past couple of decades the annual average is below nine tropical cyclones. In earlier decades, it was over 12. This long-term downward trend adds to the challenge of seasonal predictions.</p> <p>The most recent above-average season (assuming an average of 11) was almost 20 years ago, in the <a href="">2005–06 summer with 12 tropical cyclones</a>. Since then, any prediction of above-average tropical cyclone seasons has not eventuated.</p> <h2>El Niño and La Niña influences may be changing too</h2> <p>Historical observations suggest more tropical cyclones tend to occur near Australia during La Niña events. This is a result of warm, moist water and air near Australia, compared with El Niño events. The shifting between El Niño and La Niña states in the Pacific region is known as the El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO).</p> <p>Such events can be predicted with a useful degree of accuracy several months ahead in some cases. For example, the US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) has <a href="">forecast</a>:</p> <blockquote> <p>La Niña is favored to emerge in September–November (71% chance) and is expected to persist through January–March 2025.</p> </blockquote> <p>Based on that, one might expect a higher-than-average number of tropical cyclones for the Australian region. However, the <a href="">ENSO influence on tropical cyclones has weakened</a> in our region. It’s another factor that’s making long-range predictions harder.</p> <p>The <a href="">bureau’s ENSO outlook</a> is somewhat closer to neutral ENSO conditions, based on its modelling, compared to NOAA’s leaning more toward La Niña. The bureau says:</p> <blockquote> <p>Should La Niña form in the coming months, it is forecast to be relatively weak and short-lived.</p> </blockquote> <p>The bureau’s prediction of an average number of tropical cyclones this season is broadly consistent with its prediction of close-to-average ENSO conditions.</p> <h2>So what does this all mean for this cyclone season?</h2> <p>If we end up getting an average Australian season for the current climate, this might actually mean fewer tropical cyclones than the historical average. The number might be closer to eight or nine rather than 11 or 12. (Higher or lower values than this range are still possible.)</p> <p>However, those that do occur could have an increased chance of being <a href="">category 4 or 5 tropical cyclones</a>. These have stronger winds, with gusts typically exceeding 225km per hour, and are more likely to cause severe floods and coastal damage.</p> <p>If we end up getting more than the recent average of eight to nine tropical cyclones, which could happen if NOAA predictions of La Niña conditions eventuate, that increases the risk of impacts. However, there is one partially good news story from climate change relating to this, if the influence of La Niña is less than it used to be on increasing tropical cyclone activity.</p> <p>Another factor is that the <a href="">world’s oceans are much warmer than usual</a>. Warm ocean water is one of several factors that provide the energy needed for a tropical cyclone to form.</p> <p>Many ocean heat <a href="">records have been set</a> recently. This means we have been in “uncharted waters” from a temperature perspective. It adds further uncertainty if relying on what occurred in the past when making predictions for the current climate.</p> <h2>Up-to-date evidence is vital as climate changes</h2> <p>The science makes it clear we need to plan for tropical cyclone impacts in a different way from what might have worked in the past. This includes being prepared for potentially fewer tropical cyclones overall, but with those that do occur being more likely to cause more damage. This means there are higher risks of damaging winds, flooding and coastal erosion.</p> <p>Seasonal prediction guidance can be part of improved planning. There’s also a need for enhanced design standards and other climate change adaptation activities. All can be updated regularly to stay consistent with the best available scientific knowledge.</p> <p>Increased preparedness is more important than ever to help reduce the potential for disasters caused by tropical cyclones in the current and future climate.</p> <hr /> <p><em>The authors acknowledge the contribution of CSIRO researcher <a href="">Hamish Ramsay</a> during the writing of this article.</em><!-- Below is The Conversation's page counter tag. Please DO NOT REMOVE. --><img style="border: none !important; box-shadow: none !important; margin: 0 !important; max-height: 1px !important; max-width: 1px !important; min-height: 1px !important; min-width: 1px !important; opacity: 0 !important; outline: none !important; padding: 0 !important;" src="" alt="The Conversation" width="1" height="1" /><!-- End of code. If you don't see any code above, please get new code from the Advanced tab after you click the republish button. The page counter does not collect any personal data. More info: --></p> <p><a href=""><em>Andrew Dowdy</em></a><em>, Principal Research Scientist in Extreme Weather, <a href="">The University of Melbourne</a>; <a href="">Liz Ritchie-Tyo</a>, Professor of Atmospheric Sciences, <a href="">Monash University</a>, and <a href="">Savin Chand</a>, Associate Professor, Applied Mathematics and Statistics, <a href="">Federation University Australia</a></em></p> <p><em>Image credits: Shutterstock </em></p> <p><em>This article is republished from <a href="">The Conversation</a> under a Creative Commons license. Read the <a href="">original article</a>.</em></p> </div>

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How can I stop using food to cope with negative emotions?

<div class="theconversation-article-body"> <p><em><a href="">Inge Gnatt</a>, <a href="">Swinburne University of Technology</a></em></p> <p>Have you ever noticed changes in your eating habits when you are sad, bored or anxious?</p> <p>Many people report eating either more, or less, as a way of helping them to cope when they experience difficult emotions.</p> <p>Although this is a very normal response, it can take the pleasure out of eating, and can become distressing and bring about other feelings of <a href="">shame and self-criticism</a>.</p> <p>Adding to the complexity of it all, we live in a world where <a href="">diet culture</a> is unavoidable, and our relationship to eating, food and body image can become complicated and confusing.</p> <h2>Emotional eating is common</h2> <p>“Emotional eating” refers to the eating behaviours (typically eating more) that occur in response to difficult emotions.</p> <p><a href="">Research shows</a> around 20% of people regularly engage in emotional eating, with a higher prevalence <a href="">among adolescents</a> and women. In a <a href="">study</a> of more than 1,500 adolescents, 34% engaged in emotional eating while sad and 40% did so while anxious.</p> <p>Foods consumed are often fast-foods and other energy-dense, nutrient-poor convenience foods.</p> <h2>Stress, strong emotions and depression</h2> <p>For some people, emotional eating was simply a <a href="">habit formed earlier in life</a> that has persisted over time.</p> <p>But other factors might also contribute to the likelihood of emotional eating. The physiological effects of stress and strong emotions, for example, can influence hormones such as <a href="">cortisol, insulin and glucose</a>, which can also increase appetite.</p> <p>Increased impulsivity (<a href="">behaving</a> before thinking things through), vulnerability to depression, a tendency to ruminate and <a href="">difficulties regulating emotions</a> also <a href="">increase the likelihood</a> of emotional eating.</p> <h2>So what do you do?</h2> <p>First, know that fluctuations in eating are normal. However, if you find that the way you eat in response to difficult emotions is not working for you, there are a few things you can do.</p> <p>Starting with small things that are achievable but can have a huge impact, such as prioritising <a href="">getting enough sleep</a> and <a href="">eating regularly</a>.</p> <p>Then, you can start to think about how you handle your emotions and hunger cues.</p> <h2>Expand your emotional awareness</h2> <p>Often we label emotions as good or bad, and this can result in fear, avoidance, and <a href="">unhelpful coping strategies</a> such as emotional eating.</p> <p>But it’s also important to <a href="">differentiate</a> the exact emotion. This might be feeling isolated, powerless or victimised, rather than something as broad as sad.</p> <p>By <a href="">noticing</a> what the emotion is, we can bring curiosity to what it means, how we feel in our minds and bodies, and how we think and behave in response.</p> <h2>Tap into your feelings of hunger and fullness</h2> <p>Developing an intuitive way of eating is another helpful strategy to promote <a href="">healthy eating behaviours</a>.</p> <p>Intuitive eating means recognising, understanding and responding to internal signals of hunger and fullness. This might mean tuning in to and acknowledging physical hunger cues, responding by eating food that is nourishing and enjoyable, and identifying sensations of fullness.</p> <p>Intuitive eating <a href="">encourages flexibility</a> and thinking about the pleasure we get from food and eating. This style of eating also allows us to enjoy eating out with friends, and sample local delicacies when travelling.</p> <p>It can also reduce the psychological distress from feeling out of control with your <a href="">eating</a> habits and the associated negative <a href="">body image</a>.</p> <h2>When is it time to seek help?</h2> <p>For some people, the thoughts and behaviours relating to food, eating and body image can negatively impact their life.</p> <p>Having the support of friends and family, accessing <a href="">online resources</a> and, in some instances, seeing a trained professional, can be very helpful.</p> <p>There are many <a href="">therapeutic interventions</a> that work to <a href="">improve aspects</a> associated with emotional eating. These will depend on your situation, needs, stage of life and other factors, such as whether you are <a href="">neurodivergent</a>.</p> <p>The best approach is to engage with someone who can bring compassion and understanding to your personal situation, and work with you collaboratively. This work might include:</p> <ul> <li>unpacking some of the patterns that could be underlying these emotions, thoughts and behaviours</li> <li>helping you to discover your emotions</li> <li>supporting you to process other experiences, such as trauma exposure</li> <li>developing a more flexible and intuitive way of eating.</li> </ul> <p>One of the dangers that can occur in response to emotional eating is the temptation to diet, which can lead to disordered eating, and eating disorder behaviours. Indicators of a potential <a href="">eating disorder</a> can include:</p> <ul> <li>recent rapid weight loss</li> <li>preoccupation with weight and shape (which is usually in contrast to other people’s perceptions)</li> <li>eating large amounts of food within a short space of time (two hours or less) and feeling a sense of loss of control</li> <li>eating in secret</li> <li>compensating for food eaten (with vomiting, exercise or laxatives).</li> </ul> <p><a href="">Evidence-based approaches</a> can support people experiencing eating disorders. To find a health professional who is informed and specialises in this area, search the <a href="">Butterfly Foundation’s expert database</a>.</p> <hr /> <p><em>If this article has raised issues for you, or if you’re concerned about someone you know, call Lifeline on 13 11 14, or the <a href="">Butterfly Foundation</a> on 1800 ED HOPE (1800 33 4673).</em><!-- Below is The Conversation's page counter tag. Please DO NOT REMOVE. --><img style="border: none !important; box-shadow: none !important; margin: 0 !important; max-height: 1px !important; max-width: 1px !important; min-height: 1px !important; min-width: 1px !important; opacity: 0 !important; outline: none !important; padding: 0 !important;" src="" alt="The Conversation" width="1" height="1" /><!-- End of code. If you don't see any code above, please get new code from the Advanced tab after you click the republish button. The page counter does not collect any personal data. More info: --></p> <p><em><a href="">Inge Gnatt</a>, PhD Candidate, Lecturer in Psychology, <a href="">Swinburne University of Technology</a></em></p> <p><em>Image credits: Shutterstock</em></p> <p><em>This article is republished from <a href="">The Conversation</a> under a Creative Commons license. Read the <a href="">original article</a>.</em></p> </div>


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30 years of Friends: how the US sitcom became an enduring global sensation

<div class="theconversation-article-body"><em><a href="">Richard Howells</a>, <a href="">King's College London</a></em></p> <p>I have to be honest – I didn’t actually watch the first episode of the classic TV series Friends when it originally aired in the US on September 22 1994. Nor did I bother when it first turned up on British television the following spring.</p> <p>But the final instalment was a different matter. I was on a road trip in the US at the time and checked into a motel on the outskirts of Cincinnati, Ohio specially to catch the concluding episode (The Last One) on May 6 2004. Room service arrived in the nick of time. My burger and beer only fuelled my appetite for what was to come – and the anticipation of guessing what the final line would be.</p> <p>So why the big change? How did my attitude evolve from indifference in the nineties to excitedly pulling off the interstate in the noughties? The answer is key to the show’s success – and why it remains so popular today.</p> <p>Back in 1994, the initial premise of Friends seemed to lack promise. The plot revolved round six not especially interesting characters, and none of the cast was especially famous (at least to me). The show was set mainly in two adjacent apartments in Manhattan and a coffee bar called Central Perk to which the characters returned almost every episode and in which (in the best sitcom tradition) the best seats were always available. Crucially, not a lot actually happened.</p> <h2>The power of the ensemble</h2> <p>So why did it work? The first important thing is that Friends was not so much a situation comedy as a character comedy. That meant it did not need a remarkable premise or dramatic incidents to drive the show. It was an ensemble piece in which we gradually got to know the characters and the friends became our friends.</p> <p>The show was built around everyday storylines – crushes, romances and misunderstandings or maybe something as gently amusing as Ross overdoing the teeth whitener. Viewers began to identify with individual characters (<a href="">“are you a Monica or a Rachel?”</a>) or to take sides on the issues of the day. What, for example, are the relationship rules of being “on a break”?</p> <figure><iframe src=";start=0" width="440" height="260" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen="allowfullscreen"></iframe><figcaption><span class="caption">One episode of Friends revolves around Ross (David Schwimmer) getting his teeth whitened.</span></figcaption></figure> <p>Friends was, of course, very well produced, cast and written. As it became even more successful, it survived the normally perilous inclusion of <a href="">celebrity guest stars</a> and – vitally – it never “jumped the shark” (industry-speak for growing out of its initial premise or building up to dramatic, but ultimately silly, plot gimmicks from which it is impossible to recover). Ultimately, and hearteningly, the six characters all remained friends.</p> <p>Beneath the professional craft and production polish of Friends, it is the concept of friendship, underscored with by the viewer’s sense of aspiration, which ultimately explains the series’ success then and now.</p> <p>One of the functions of popular culture is to provide a better imaginary world than the one we actually inhabit. In some ways this is simply compensation for the reality of the everyday: we dream of that which we do not have. It’s what the great Utopian sociologist Ernst Bloch called <a href="">“wishful images in the mirror”</a> – except that the mirror here is a television screen.</p> <p>The world of Monica, Rachel, Joey, Chandler, Phoebe and Ross is certainly a wishful one for many. They live in improbably nice apartments for their jobs (or lack of them), and they are defined by their personalities rather than their careers. They are good looking and well dressed, and the series centres on their ample leisure and social time. Unlike reality, arguments are always overcome and – most importantly of all – friendship always triumphs.</p> <figure><iframe src=";start=0" width="440" height="260" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen="allowfullscreen"></iframe><figcaption><span class="caption">The first and last scene of Friends.</span></figcaption></figure> <p>What a contrast this vision provides to the actual lives of so many people today. The real world is beset with isolation, loneliness, sometimes insurmountable problems, occasionally fear and certainly drudgery. But with Friends, as the <a href="">chirpy theme song</a> reminds us, there is always someone “there for you” – if only in surrogate.</p> <p>Some critics today carp about the show’s <a href="">lack of diversity</a> and <a href="">outdated attitudes</a> to the cultural issues of the present day. While this may be true, like TV series, criticism also dates. And series which have long gone into reruns, repeats, streaming and syndication are virtually critic-proof in that they are recommended by word of mouth rather than increasingly ideologically centred reviews. Viewers just want it to be funny.</p> <p>Oh: And in case you were wondering, the final line in the whole of Friends went to the <a href="">late Matthew Perry</a> as Chandler Bing. When Rachel suggests they all go for one last coffee, Chandler quips: “Sure. Where?”</p> <p><a href=""><em>Richard Howells</em></a><em>, Emeritus Professor of Cultural Sociology, <a href="">King's College London</a></em></p> <p><em>Image credits: NBC</em></p> <p><em>This article is republished from <a href="">The Conversation</a> under a Creative Commons license. Read the <a href="">original article</a>.</em></p> </div>


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More Australians are using their superannuation for medical procedures. But that might put their financial health at risk

<div class="theconversation-article-body"><em><a href="">Neera Bhatia</a>, <a href="">Deakin University</a></em></p> <p>A record number of Australians are accessing their superannuation early on compassionate grounds, mainly to fund their own medical procedures – or those of a family member.</p> <p>Some 150,000 Australians have used the scheme in the last five years. Nearly 40,000 people <a href="">had applications approved</a> in 2022-23, compared to just under 30,000 in 2018-19 – an increase of 47%.</p> <p>Some people think this flexible use of funds is a good way to ensure people can fund their own medical needs. But more transparency and better oversight is needed.</p> <h2>What are compassionate grounds?</h2> <p>Since July 2018, the Australian Tax Office has administered the early release of superannuation – meaning before <a href="">retirement</a> – under certain circumstances, including compassionate grounds.</p> <p><a href="">Compassionate grounds</a> for you or your dependant (such as child or spouse) are:</p> <ul> <li>medical treatment or transport</li> <li>modifying your home or vehicle to accommodate special needs for a severe disability</li> <li>palliative care for a terminal illness</li> <li>death, funeral or burial expenses</li> <li>preventing foreclosure or forced sale of your home.</li> </ul> <p>The medical treatment must be for a life-threatening illness or injury, or to alleviate acute or chronic pain, or acute or chronic mental illness.</p> <p>The treatment cannot be “readily available” through the public system. Cosmetic procedures are excluded.</p> <p>You also have to prove you cannot afford to pay part or all of the expenses without accessing your super, for example, by spending your savings, selling assets or getting a loan.</p> <p>People who can access other funding for the expense, such as via the <a href="">National Disability Insurance Scheme</a>, are ineligible.</p> <h2>Why are people using this scheme more?</h2> <p>The ATO has not explained what is driving the surge. General cost-of-living pressures may play a role. People may have fewer savings to draw on for medical procedures.</p> <p>But the treatments most commonly being accessed using superannuation – fertility treatments, weight loss surgeries and dental care – point to other systemic issues.</p> <p>There have long been issues with IVF and <a href=",has%20a%20structural%20budget%20problem.">dental care</a> not being readily available or funded in the public health system.</p> <p>Weight loss surgeries (including <a href="">bariatric surgery</a>) can help combat potentially life-threatening conditions such as heart disease. Recent <a href="">research</a> suggests there has been an overall drop in the number of Australians having bariatric surgeries since 2016. But of those, 95% are performed through the private system.</p> <p>While early access to super can provide individuals access to critical treatment, there are issues with how compassionate grounds are defined and regulated.</p> <h2>Lack of clarity</h2> <p>As my co-author and I <a href="">have shown</a>, the vague wording of the <a href="">Superannuation Industry regulations</a> leaves them worryingly open to interpretation.</p> <p>For example, the meaning of “mental disturbance” is not defined.</p> <p>You may not meet the criteria of having an acute or life-threatening illness, or acute or chronic pain. But if you can show a certain condition causes you acute mental disturbance, you may qualify to release your superannuation early.</p> <p>People accessing their superannuation for IVF use this criterion, for example, by arguing they need to access funds to continue treatment and alleviate the acute mental distress caused by ongoing infertility issues.</p> <p>Two registered medical practitioners are each required to submit a report demonstrating the treatment is needed, and one must be a specialist in the field in which the treatment is required. However, the regulations do not specify clearly that the specialist should have relevant qualifications.</p> <p>In the IVF example, this means the specialist opinion can be provided by a fertility doctor rather than a mental health expert – and that person may stand to profit if they later also provide treatment.</p> <h2>A closed-loop system</h2> <p>Conflict of interest is another major issue.</p> <p>There is nothing in the regulations to stop a medical practitioner – such as a dentist – being involved in all steps and then financially benefiting. They could encourage a patient to access superannuation for a treatment, write the specialist report and then also receive payment for the treatment.</p> <p>Some clinics <a href="">promote</a> accessing superannuation as an option to pay for expensive treatments.</p> <p>This raises important questions about the independence of the process, as well as professional ethics.</p> <p>Medical practitioners making recommendations for early release of superannuation should be doing so on genuinely compassionate grounds. But the potential for exploitation remains an ethical concern, when a practitioner can financially benefit from recommending early access to nest egg funds.</p> <p>Transparency around potential <a href="">conflicts of interest</a> are impossible to ensure without proper oversight.</p> <h2>What is needed?</h2> <p><strong>1. Mandatory financial counselling</strong></p> <p>The ATO <a href="">has warned</a> accessing super early is not “free money”, with a spokesperson urging people to get financial advice. But the law should go a step further and make this compulsory. That way people making decisions during an emotionally charged moment can understand any future implications.</p> <p><strong>2. Tightening of the criteria</strong></p> <p>Greater clarity in the legislation – such as defining “mental disturbance” – would help prevent loopholes being exploited.</p> <p><strong>3. Better oversight</strong></p> <p>Less health-care industry involvement would promote greater transparency and independence. An independent body of medical practitioners could assess applications rather than practitioners who could financially benefit if applications are approved. This would help alleviate perceived and actual conflicts of interest.</p> <p>Accessing superannuation early may be the only option for some people to start a family or access other life-changing medical care. But they should be able to make this decision in a fully informed way, safeguarded from exploitation and aware of the implications for their future.<!-- Below is The Conversation's page counter tag. Please DO NOT REMOVE. --><img style="border: none !important; box-shadow: none !important; margin: 0 !important; max-height: 1px !important; max-width: 1px !important; min-height: 1px !important; min-width: 1px !important; opacity: 0 !important; outline: none !important; padding: 0 !important;" src="" alt="The Conversation" width="1" height="1" /><!-- End of code. If you don't see any code above, please get new code from the Advanced tab after you click the republish button. The page counter does not collect any personal data. More info: --></p> <p><a href=""><em>Neera Bhatia</em></a><em>, Associate Professor in Law, <a href="">Deakin University</a></em></p> <p><em>Image credits: Shutterstock </em></p> <p><em>This article is republished from <a href="">The Conversation</a> under a Creative Commons license. Read the <a href="">original article</a>.</em></p> </div>

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The internet is worse than it used to be. How did we get here, and can we go back?

<div class="theconversation-article-body"><em><a href="">Marc Cheong</a>, <a href="">The University of Melbourne</a> and <a href="">Wonsun Shin</a>, <a href=""><em>The University of Melbourne</em></a></em></p> <p>When it comes to our experience of the internet, “the times, <a href="">they are a-changin’</a>”, as Bob Dylan would say. You can’t quite recall how, but the internet certainly feels different these days.</p> <p>To some, it is “<a href="">less fun and less informative</a>” than it used to be. To others, online searches are made up of “<a href="">cookie cutter</a>” pages that drown out useful information and are saturated with scams, spam and content generated by artificial intelligence (AI).</p> <p>Your social media feeds are full of eye-catching, provocative, hyper-targeted, or anger-inducing content, from <a href="">bizarre AI-generated imagery</a> to robot-like comments. You’re lucky if your video feeds are not solely made up of exhortations to “subscribe”.</p> <p>How did we get here? And can we claw our way back?</p> <h2>Commercial interests rule</h2> <p>One major factor contributing to the current state of the internet is its over-commercialisation: financial motives drive much of the content. This has arguably led to the prevalence of sensationalism, prioritising virality over information quality.</p> <p>Covert and deceptive advertising is widespread, blurring the line between commercial and non-commercial content to attract more attention and engagement.</p> <p>Another driving force is the dominance of tech giants like Google, Meta and Amazon. They reach billions worldwide and wield immense power over the content we consume.</p> <p>Their platforms use advanced tracking technologies and opaque algorithms to generate hyper-targeted media content, powered by extensive user data. This creates <a href="">filter bubbles</a>, where users are exposed to limited content that reinforces their existing beliefs and biases, and <a href="">echo chambers</a> where other viewpoints are actively discredited.</p> <p>Bad actors like <a href="">cyber criminals and scammers</a> have been an enduring problem online. However, evolving technology like generative AI has further empowered them, enabling them to create highly realistic fake images, deepfake videos and <a href="">voice cloning</a>.</p> <p>AI’s ability to automate content creation has also flooded the internet with low-quality, misleading and harmful material at an unprecedented scale.</p> <p>In sum, the accelerated commercialisation of the internet, the dominance of media tech giants and the presence of bad actors have infiltrated content on the internet. The rise of AI further intensifies this, making the internet more chaotic than ever.</p> <h2>Some of the ‘good’ internet remains</h2> <p>So, what was the “good internet” some of us long for with nostalgia?</p> <p>At the outset, the internet was meant to be a free egalitarian space people were meant to “surf” and “browse”. Knowledge was meant to be shared: sites such as Wikipedia and The Internet Archive are continuing bastions of knowledge.</p> <p>Before the advent of filter bubbles, the internet was a creative playground where people explored different ideas, discussed varying perspectives, and collaborated with individuals from “outgroups” – those outside their social circles who may hold opposing views.</p> <p>Early social media platforms were built on the ethos of reconnecting with long-lost classmates and family members. Many of us have community groups, acquaintances and family we reach out to via the internet. The “connection” aspect of the internet remains as important as ever – as we all saw during the COVID pandemic.</p> <p>What else do we want to preserve? Privacy. A New Yorker cartoon joke in 1993 stated that “<a href="">on the internet, nobody knows you’re a dog</a>”. Now everyone – especially advertisers – wants to know who you are. To quote the <a href="">Office of the Australian Information Commissioner</a>, one of the tenets of privacy is “to be able to control who can see or use information about you”.</p> <p>At the very least, we want to control what big tech knows about us, especially if they could stand to profit from it.</p> <h2>Can we ever go back?</h2> <p>We can’t control “a changin’” times, but we can keep as much of the good parts as we can.</p> <p>For starters, we can vote with our feet. Users can enact change and bring awareness to problems on existing platforms. In recent times, we have seen this with the <a href="">exodus of users</a> from X (formerly Twitter) to other platforms, and the <a href="">platform-wide protest against Reddit</a> for changing its third-party data access policies.</p> <p>However, voting with our feet is only possible when there’s competition. In the case of X, various other platforms – from Mastodon to Threads to Bluesky – enable users to pick one that aligns with their preferences, values and social circles. Search engines have alternatives, too, such as DuckDuckGo or Ecosia.</p> <p>But competition can only be created by moving to decentralised systems and removing monopolies. This actually happened in the early days of the internet during the 1990s “<a href="">browser wars</a>”, when Microsoft was eventually accused of illegally monopolising the web browser market in <a href="">a landmark court case</a>.</p> <p>As users of technology, all of us must remain vigilant about threats to our privacy and knowledge. With cheap and ubiquitous generative AI, misleading content and scams are more realistic as ever.</p> <p>We must exercise healthy scepticism and ensure those most at risk from online threats – such as children and older people – are educated about potential harms.</p> <p>Remember, the internet is not optimised for your best interests. It’s up to you to decide how much power you give to the tech giants who are fuelling theirs.<!-- Below is The Conversation's page counter tag. Please DO NOT REMOVE. --><img style="border: none !important; box-shadow: none !important; margin: 0 !important; max-height: 1px !important; max-width: 1px !important; min-height: 1px !important; min-width: 1px !important; opacity: 0 !important; outline: none !important; padding: 0 !important;" src="" alt="The Conversation" width="1" height="1" /><!-- End of code. If you don't see any code above, please get new code from the Advanced tab after you click the republish button. The page counter does not collect any personal data. More info: --></p> <p><em><a href="">Marc Cheong</a>, Senior Lecturer of Information Systems, School of Computing and Information Systems; and (Honorary) Senior Fellow, Melbourne Law School, <a href="">The University of Melbourne</a> and <a href="">Wonsun Shin</a>, Associate Professor in Media and Communications, <a href="">The University of Melbourne</a></em></p> <p><em>Image credits: Shutterstock </em></p> <p><em>This article is republished from <a href="">The Conversation</a> under a Creative Commons license. Read the <a href="">original article</a>.</em></p> </div>


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Young homeowners are more likely to use their home as an ‘ATM’ than their Boomer parents. Here’s why

<div class="theconversation-article-body"><em><a href="">Rachel Ong ViforJ</a>, <a href="">Curtin University</a> and <a href="">Christopher Phelps</a>, <a href="">Curtin University</a></em></p> <p>For many Australians, the family home is their largest financial asset. With an increasing variety of ways to tap into home equity, the temptation to access this wealth is ever growing.</p> <p>Homeowners increase the debt owed on their home when they borrow against their <a href="">equity</a>. Standard mortgage home loans now provide facilities for relatively cheap or free withdrawals of equity from the home.</p> <p>This turns the <a href="">home into an ATM</a>, which borrowers can access when they choose.</p> <p>Our new <a href="">study</a> asks what motivates Australians to tap into their home equity, and how does this behaviour change with age?</p> <p>Surprisingly, despite having much lower housing equity levels, younger homeowners borrow often, and borrow more, than their Boomer parents.</p> <h2>How common is equity borrowing?</h2> <p>Using 15 years of data from the government-funded <a href="">Household, Income and Labour Dynamics in Australia </a>(HILDA) survey, we tracked the mortgage debt and repayments of homeowners aged 35 and over.</p> <p>The chart below shows younger owners are far more likely to engage in equity borrowing.</p> <p>In 2006, nearly 39% of the youngest homeowners, aged 35–44, borrowed against their home equity. By 2021, this number had dropped to 29%. Despite the decline, it’s still 24 percentage points more common than those aged 65 and over. The older group has remained steady at about 5% over the years.</p> <hr /> <p><iframe id="Ll9Cw" class="tc-infographic-datawrapper" style="border: 0;" src="" width="100%" height="400px" frameborder="0" scrolling="no"></iframe></p> <hr /> <h2>How much do equity borrowers withdraw from their home?</h2> <p>Among those who use their home like an ATM, younger borrowers now withdraw larger amounts than older borrowers.</p> <p>In 2006–07, equity borrowers aged 35–44 and 45–54 withdrew on average $43,000 and $57,000, respectively (expressed in real values set at 2022 price levels). By 2021, the amount withdrawn by these two age groups had climbed to $70,000 and $100,000.</p> <p>On the other hand, the amount withdrawn by borrowers aged 55 or older fell from more than $50,000 to less than $40,000.</p> <hr /> <p><iframe id="ujq3S" class="tc-infographic-datawrapper" style="border: 0;" src="" width="100%" height="400px" frameborder="0" scrolling="no"></iframe></p> <hr /> <h2>What motivates equity borrowing?</h2> <p>Young homeowners’ equity borrowing behaviours are sensitive to changes in house prices and debt values, and their financial risk preferences. Among those aged 35–44, a $10,000 increase in the primary home value raises the likelihood of equity borrowing by ten percentage points.</p> <p>Every $10,000 in debt against the primary home reduces the likelihood by 2.8% percentage points. Those willing to take substantial financial risk are eight percentage points more likely to borrow against their home than those who are risk-averse.</p> <p>Those aged 65+ are not inclined to borrow, and exhibit little change in equity borrowing behaviour with variations in asset, debt, income or financial risk preferences.</p> <h2>Why borrowing practices differ between age groups</h2> <p>As well as being more likely than older homeowners to borrow against equity, the younger group also withdraws higher amounts than their Boomer parents.</p> <p>This is despite younger borrowers already carrying much higher debt against their primary home. Among those in our study who engaged in equity borrowing in 2021, the median debt before borrowing was $401,000 for 35-44 year-olds compared to $0 for those aged 65+.</p> <p>As real house prices have risen over decades, the current generation of young homeowners has had to invest more money into purchasing their first home than previous generations.</p> <p>It’s therefore not surprising the primary home is now widely viewed as a financial resource to be <a href="">tapped into to meet spending needs</a>.</p> <p>On the other hand, most Baby Boomers bought their first home at more affordable prices than their children, and at lower levels of debt. Now they don’t appear to be spending their kids’ inheritance by drawing down housing wealth.</p> <p>In fact, older parents may shy away from equity borrowing to <a href="">bequeath wealth to children</a>. Some also <a href="">dislike passing debt</a> on to their children.</p> <p>Older people may also avoid equity borrowing due to concerns about <a href="">aged care costs</a>. Some may be hampered by <a href="">poor financial literacy</a>.</p> <h2>More debt ahead without policy changes</h2> <p>Present trends suggest young homeowners will remain indebted for longer periods, and more and more will <a href="">retire with mortgage debt</a>.</p> <p>For indebted retirees, there are real prospects of <a href="">drawing down of superannuation</a> to pay off mortgages in retirement.</p> <p>This may impose extra burdens on the age pension system. Another unwelcome consequence, which may add to health costs, is the prospect of <a href="">debt-related psychological distress</a> among those who can’t pay off their mortgage in old age.</p> <p>If the current trends continue, the <a href="">great wealth transfer</a> that has already begun looks set to <a href="">further entrench inequality</a> between those who have access to the bank of mum and dad and those who do not.</p> <p>Encouraging older people to use their housing equity to fund their needs in old age may lighten fiscal burdens on younger generations. But policy reforms will be needed to relieve concerns about the risks of equity borrowing in old age.<!-- Below is The Conversation's page counter tag. Please DO NOT REMOVE. --><img style="border: none !important; box-shadow: none !important; margin: 0 !important; max-height: 1px !important; max-width: 1px !important; min-height: 1px !important; min-width: 1px !important; opacity: 0 !important; outline: none !important; padding: 0 !important;" src="" alt="The Conversation" width="1" height="1" /><!-- End of code. If you don't see any code above, please get new code from the Advanced tab after you click the republish button. The page counter does not collect any personal data. More info: --></p> <p><a href=""><em>Rachel Ong ViforJ</em></a><em>, ARC Future Fellow &amp; Professor of Economics, <a href="">Curtin University</a> and <a href="">Christopher Phelps</a>, Research Fellow, School of Accounting, Economics and Finance, <a href="">Curtin University</a></em></p> <p><em>Image credits: Shutterstock </em></p> <p><em>This article is republished from <a href="">The Conversation</a> under a Creative Commons license. Read the <a href="">original article</a>.</em></p> </div>

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MSG is back. Is the idea it’s bad for us just a myth or food science?

<div class="theconversation-article-body"><em><a href="">Evangeline Mantzioris</a>, <a href="">University of South Australia</a></em></p> <p>MSG is making a comeback. The internet’s favourite cucumber salad recipe includes fish sauce, cucumber, garlic and – as the video’s creator Logan tells us with a generous sprinkle from the bag – “MSG, obviously”.</p> <p>But for many of us, it’s not obvious. Do you have a vague sense MSG is unhealthy but you’re not sure why? Here is the science behind monosodium glutamate, how it got a bad rap, and whether you should add it to your cooking.</p> <h2>What is MSG?</h2> <p>Monosodium glutamate (MSG) is a sodium salt of glutamic acid, one of the amino acids that make up proteins.</p> <p>It occurs naturally in <a href="">foods</a> such as mature cheeses, fish, beef, mushrooms, tomatoes, onion and garlic. It provides their savoury and “meaty” flavour, known as <a href="">umami</a>.</p> <p>MSG has been used to season food for <a href="">more than 100 years</a>. Traditionally it <a href="">was extracted</a> from seaweed broth, but now it’s made by fermenting starch in sugar beets, sugar cane and molasses.</p> <p>Today it’s widely used as a flavour enhancer in many dishes and pre-packaged goods, including soups, condiments and processed meats.</p> <p>There is no chemical difference between the MSG found in food and the additive.</p> <h2>Is it safe?</h2> <p>For most people, yes. MSG is a safe and authorised additive, according to the Australian agency that regulates food. This corresponds with food standards in the <a href="">United States</a>, <a href="">European Union and United Kingdom</a>.</p> <p>Two major <a href="">safety reviews</a> have been conducted: one in 1987 by a United Nations expert committee and another 1995 by the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology. Both concluded MSG was safe for the general population.</p> <p>In 2017 the <a href="">European Food Safety Authority</a> updated its stance and set a recommended limit based on body weight, aimed to prevent headaches and increased blood pressure.</p> <p>That limit is still higher than most people consume. The authority says an 80kg person should not have more than 2.4g of added MSG per day. <a href="">For reference</a>, Europeans average less than a gram per day (0.3-1 gram), while in Asia intake is somewhere between 1.2-1.7 grams a day.</p> <p>Food Standards Australia New Zealand says the European update does not raise any new safety concerns not already assessed.</p> <h2>Isn’t it bad for me?</h2> <p>Despite the evidence, the idea MSG is dangerous persists.</p> <p>Its notorious reputation can be traced back to a <a href="">hoax letter</a> published in the <a href="">New England Journal of Medicine</a> in 1968. A doctor claiming to have experienced palpitations, numbness and fatigue after eating at a Chinese restaurant suggested MSG could be to blame.</p> <p>With a follow-up article in the <a href="">New York Times</a>, the idea of “Chinese Restaurant Syndrome” took off. Eating MSG was associated with a range of symptoms, including headache, hives, throat swelling, itching and belly pain.</p> <p>However an <a href="">early randomised control trial</a> showed no difference in these symptoms between people who were given MSG versus a placebo. This has since been confirmed in a <a href="">review of many studies</a>.</p> <h2>Can MSG cause reactions?</h2> <p>A very small percentage of people may have hypersensitivities to MSG. The reported reaction is now known as MSG symptom complex, rather than so-called Chinese restaurant syndrome, with its <a href=",connecting%20MSG%20to%20health%20outcomes.">problematic</a> racial connotations. Symptoms are usually mild, short-term and don’t need treatment.</p> <p><a href="">One study</a> looked at 100 people with asthma, 30 of whom believed they had hypersensitivities to MSG. However when participants were blinded to whether they were consuming MSG, not one reported a reaction.</p> <p>If you believe you do react to added MSG, it’s relatively easy to avoid. In Australia, it is <a href="">listed</a> in ingredients as either monosodium glutamate or flavour enhancer 621.</p> <h2>Is it better than table salt?</h2> <p>Using MSG instead of regular salt may help <a href="">reduce</a> your overall sodium intake, as MSG <a href="">contains</a> about one third the amount of sodium.</p> <p><a href="">One study</a> found people who ate soup seasoned with MSG rather than salt actually liked it more. They still found it salty to taste, but their sodium intake was reduced by 18%.</p> <p>MSG still contains sodium, so high use is associated with increased <a href="">blood pressure</a>. If you’re using MSG as a substitute and you have high blood pressure, you should closely monitor it (just as you would with other salt products).</p> <h2>Should I use MSG in my cooking?</h2> <p>If you want to – yes. Unless you are one of the rare people with hypersensitivities, enhancing the flavour of your dish with a sprinkle of MSG will not cause any health problems. It could even help reduce how much salt you use.</p> <p>If you’re <a href="">vegetarian or vegan</a>, cooking with MSG could help add the umami flavour you may miss from animal products such as meat, fish sauce and cheese.</p> <p>But buying foods with added MSG? Be aware, many of them will also be <a href="">ultra-processed</a> and it’s that – not the MSG – that’s associated with poor physical and mental <a href="">health outcomes</a>.<!-- Below is The Conversation's page counter tag. Please DO NOT REMOVE. --><img style="border: none !important; box-shadow: none !important; margin: 0 !important; max-height: 1px !important; max-width: 1px !important; min-height: 1px !important; min-width: 1px !important; opacity: 0 !important; outline: none !important; padding: 0 !important;" src="" alt="The Conversation" width="1" height="1" /><!-- End of code. If you don't see any code above, please get new code from the Advanced tab after you click the republish button. The page counter does not collect any personal data. More info: --></p> <p><em><a href="">Evangeline Mantzioris</a>, Program Director of Nutrition and Food Sciences, Accredited Practising Dietitian, <a href="">University of South Australia</a></em></p> <p><em>Image credits: Shutterstock </em></p> <p><em>This article is republished from <a href="">The Conversation</a> under a Creative Commons license. Read the <a href="">original article</a>.</em></p> </div>

Food & Wine

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Tragic flaw sees man use voluntary assisted dying drugs prescribed for his wife

<p><strong><em>Warning: This article contains discussions of suicide and depression that some readers may find upsetting</em></strong></p> <p>A Queensland coroner has criticised the state's voluntary assisted dying laws, after an elderly man took his own life using drugs prescribed for his wife.</p> <p>The Coroner's Court in Brisbane held an inquest into the May 2023 death of a man in his 80s, referred to by the pseudonym ABC.</p> <p>The man's partner, who had a terminal illness, was found eligible for the voluntary assisted dying [VAD] program in March 2023. </p> <p>Under that law a person can self-administer a VAD substance in a private location but they must nominate a "contact person" who will be legally required to return any unused or leftover portion within 14 days.</p> <p>The self-administered drug was delivered to the couple's home a month later, and the man was the "contact person" responsible for the substance. </p> <p>On the same day the drug arrived, his wife was admitted to hospital with Covid, where they decided to take an intravenous VAD drug. She died in hospital on May 8, 2023.</p> <p>The man was told to return the drug within two days of his partner's death, but he failed to do so, using it to take his own life eight days later. </p> <p>He did not return the drug as he was unable to leave his home, and there was no arrangement made for a health professional to collect it. </p> <p>ABC’s adult daughter recalled the moment she found her lifeless father after returning from running errands. </p> <p>“I thought he was asleep in the chair. I put my arms around him. He was cold,” she told the inquest. </p> <p>The woman became emotional and said that she found an empty box in the kitchen and “knew immediately it was the VAD”.</p> <p>In his findings, coroner David O’Connell said he was not judging the merits of VAD, but it had led to a "tragedy" only 107 days after it was legalised. </p> <p>“Persons should not be placed in a position where they can be led into unwise decisions,” the coroner said in his findings handed down on Wednesday.</p> <p>O'Connell said that the laws had failed to find a balance between a patient's autonomy and lethal medication safety. </p> <p>“The VAD law has (the substance) provided to persons with no medical training, no regulatory oversight, and in a period of great personal and emotional turmoil,” he said.</p> <p>The inquest heard ABC had previously been diagnosed with, and received medication for depression, which should've been considered before approving someone as a contact person. </p> <p>"The fact that ABC had been medically diagnosed with depression and took medication was not something the VAD authorities considered, or even enquired on, when approving them to be a Contact Person. Indeed, there are simply no checks or enquiries of the Contact Person's suitability," he said. </p> <p>He added that while there was no breach of protocol or legislative processes by QVAD personnel, it was "not a well-considered law".</p> <p>O'Connell recommended the Queensland government implement an earlier draft of VAD laws that required oversight by a medical professional at all times.</p> <p>Queensland Health Minister Shannon Fentiman said the government would consider the coroner’s recommendations. </p> <p>“Following that case, we are working on a review of that legislation coming up to three years that will start next year, and that will obviously be one of the things that we look at,” she said.</p> <p><em>Image: Shutterstock</em></p>


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"World's biggest" amber nugget worth over $1 million used as doorstop for decades

<p>An elderly woman in Romania has unknowingly used one of the largest known amber nuggets in the world - worth over €1 million ($1.6 million) - as her doorstop for decades. </p> <p>The woman found the stone in the bed of a stream in Colti, a village in the southeast Romania, and used it as her doorstop for years without realising its value. </p> <p>Members of her family also reported that thieves had once broken into her home, but only stole a few pieces of gold jewelry, missing the seemingly insignificant rock. </p> <p>“In their frantic search for valuables, they overlooked the real treasure that was there before their eyes,” they said.</p> <p>It wasn't until after the woman died in 1991 that a relative who inherited her home suspected the doorstop might be more than meets the eye - and he was right. </p> <p>When he sold the amber to the Romanian state, experts at the Museum of History in Krakow, Poland appraised the rock and found that the amber is likely between around 38 and 70 million years old.</p> <p>“Its discovery represents a great significance both at a scientific level and at a museum level,” Daniel Costache, director of the Provincial Museum of Buzau, told  local news outlet <em>El Pais</em>.</p> <p>The expert also claimed that the amber is one of the largest pieces in the world and the largest of its kind weighing a hefty 3.5-kilograms.</p> <p>It has now been classified as a national treasure of Romania, and can be found in the Provincial Museum of Buzau, where it has been since 2022. </p> <p>Romania is one of the countries with significant deposits of amber, with Buzau County being one of the areas where you can find these beautiful stones in abundance. </p> <p>The protected area also contains the old Stramba amber mine, which was very productive during the first half of the 21st century, before it was shut down by the communist regime as it was considered unprofitable. </p> <p><em>Image: Buzău County Museum</em></p> <p> </p>

Home & Garden

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Can a 10-year-old be responsible for a crime? Here’s what brain science tells us

<div class="theconversation-article-body"><em><a href="">Susan M. Sawyer</a>, <a href="">The University of Melbourne</a> and <a href="">Nandi Vijayakumar</a>, <a href=""><em>Deakin University</em></a></em></p> <p>The age a child can be arrested, charged and jailed in Australia is back in the spotlight.</p> <p>Last year, the Northern Territory became the first jurisdiction to raise the age of criminal responsibility from ten to 12. Now its new, tough-on-crime government has pledged to <a href="">return it to ten</a>. It comes after Victoria <a href="">walked back</a> its earlier commitment to raise the age to 14, settling instead on 12.</p> <p>But the United Nations Committee on the Rights of the Child says 14 should be the absolute <a href="">minimum</a>. It raised this age from its earlier recommendation (in 2007) of 12, citing a decade of new research into child and adolescent development.</p> <p>So what does the science say? What happens to the brain between ten and 14? And how much can those under 14 understand the consequences of their actions?</p> <h2>Who is an adolescent?</h2> <p>Our research shows adolescence is a <a href="">critical period</a> for development. It’s the time children’s experiences and explorations shape how they develop cognitive skills (including critical thinking and decision making), as well as social and emotional skills (including moral reasoning).</p> <p>Adolescence also lasts longer than we tend to think. Important brain development begins during late childhood, around eight to nine years. Intense changes then follow during early adolescence (ages ten to 14). But these changes continue well into the twenties, and full cognitive and emotional maturity is not usually reached until around age 24.</p> <p>However, everyone’s brain matures at a different rate. That means there is no definitive age we can say humans reach “adult” levels of cognitive maturity. What we do know is the period of early adolescence is critical.</p> <h2>What does puberty do to the brain?</h2> <p>Puberty is a defining feature of early adolescence. Most of us are familiar with the changes that occur to the body and reproductive systems. But the increase in puberty hormones, such as testosterone and oestrogen, also trigger changes to the brain. These hormones <a href="">increase most sharply</a> between ten and 15 years of age, although gradual changes continue into the early twenties.</p> <p>Puberty hormones change the structures in the brain which process emotions, including the amygdala (which encodes fear and stress) and ventral striatum (involved in reward and motivation).</p> <p>This makes adolescents particularly reactive to emotional rewards and threats. <a href="">Our research</a> has shown the brain’s sensitivity to emotions increases throughout early adolescence until around 14 or 15 years old.</p> <p>At the same time, changes in puberty have <a href="">been linked</a> to increased sensation seeking and impulsive behaviours during early adolescence.</p> <p>This context is crucial when we discuss the behaviour of children in the ten to 14 age range. The way their brains change during this period makes them more sensitive and responsive to emotions, and more likely to be seeking experiences that are new and intense.</p> <h2>How do adolescents make decisions?</h2> <p>The emotional context of puberty influences how younger adolescents make decisions and understand their consequences.</p> <p>Decision making relies on several basic cognitive functions, including the brain’s flexibility, memory and ability to control impulses.</p> <p>These cognitive abilities – which together help us consider the consequences of our actions – undergo some of the <a href="">steepest development</a> between ages ten and 14. By age 15, the ability to make complex decisions has usually <a href="">reached adult maturity</a>.</p> <p>But adolescents at this age remain highly susceptible to emotions. So while their brain may be equipped to make a complex decision, their ability to think through the consequences, weighing up costs and benefits, can be clouded by emotional situations.</p> <p>For example, <a href="">research has shown</a> 13-14 year-olds were more distracted from completing a task and less able to control their behaviour when they viewed images that made them feel negative emotions.</p> <p>The social world of teenagers also has a significant impact on how they make decisions – especially in early adolescence. One study found that while older adolescents (aged 15-18) are more influenced by what adults think when weighing up risk, adolescents aged 12-14 <a href="">look to other teenagers</a>.</p> <p>Experiments <a href="">have also shown</a> adolescents aged 12-15 make riskier decisions when they are with peers than by themselves. Their brain responses also suggest they experience a greater sense of reward in taking those risks <a href="">with peers</a>.</p> <h2>How do teens understand the consequences of their actions?</h2> <p>The concept of <a href="">criminal responsibility</a> is based on whether a person is able to understand their action and know whether it is wrong.</p> <p>Moral reasoning – how people think about right and wrong – depends on the ability to understand another person’s mental state and adopt their perspective. These skills are in development <a href="">across adolescence</a>.</p> <p>Research suggests it may take more effort for adolescent brains to process <a href="">“social” emotions</a> such as guilt and embarrassment, compared to adults. This is similar when they make <a href="">moral judgements</a>. This evidence suggests teenage brains may have to work harder when considering other people’s intentions and desires.</p> <p>Young adolescents have the cognitive ability to appreciate they made a bad decision, but it is more mentally demanding. And social rewards, emotions and the chance to experience something new all have a strong bearing on their decisions and actions in the moment — possibly more than whether it is right or wrong.</p> <h2>Early adolescence is critical for the brain</h2> <p>There are also a number of reasons adolescent brains may develop differently. This includes various forms of neurodisability such as acquired brain injury, fetal alcohol spectrum disorder, attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and intellectual disability, as well as exposure to trauma.</p> <p>Teenagers with neurodevelopmental disorders will likely cope differently with decision making, social pressure, impulse control and risk assessment, and face <a href="">extra difficulties</a>. Across the world, they are <a href="">disproportionately incarcerated</a>.</p> <p>In Australia, Indigenous children and adolescents are incarcerated <a href=",AIHW%202023d%3A%20Table%20S76a">in greater numbers</a> than their non-Indigenous peers.</p> <p>Each child matures differently, and some face extra challenges. But for every person, the period between ten and 14 is critical for developing the cognitive, social and emotional skills they’ll carry through the rest of their life.<!-- Below is The Conversation's page counter tag. Please DO NOT REMOVE. --><img style="border: none !important; box-shadow: none !important; margin: 0 !important; max-height: 1px !important; max-width: 1px !important; min-height: 1px !important; min-width: 1px !important; opacity: 0 !important; outline: none !important; padding: 0 !important;" src="" alt="The Conversation" width="1" height="1" /><!-- End of code. If you don't see any code above, please get new code from the Advanced tab after you click the republish button. The page counter does not collect any personal data. More info: --></p> <p><em><a href="">Susan M. Sawyer</a>, Professor of Adolescent Health The University of Melbourne; Director, Royal Children's Hospital Centre for Adolescent Health, <a href="">The University of Melbourne</a> and <a href="">Nandi Vijayakumar</a>, Research Fellow, School of Psychology, <a href="">Deakin University</a></em></p> <p><em>Image credits: Shutterstock </em></p> <p><em>This article is republished from <a href="">The Conversation</a> under a Creative Commons license. Read the <a href="">original article</a>.</em></p> </div>


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Readers response: What are your thoughts on the increasing use of digital payments?

<p>While technology continues to advance, so does the way we pay for things. </p> <p>Many shopping outlets have turned to using digital payment methods rather than cash, which has divided many who find it easier to use cold hard cash than rely on technology. </p> <p>We asked our readers their thoughts on digital payments and the response was overwhelming. Here's what they said. </p> <p><strong>Joan Hughes</strong> - Couldn’t go shopping due to bad pains in my leg and back, so my grandson did an online shop. Tried to use my card 5 times but wouldn’t accept it, so had to use my granddaughter's. This is the 3rd time my card has been rejected. Rubbish system, cash is definitely best.</p> <p><strong>Johanna Shakes</strong> - Very hard to adjust for elderly.</p> <p><strong>Debra Walker</strong> - Hate it! Cash is king.</p> <p><strong>Lex Jordan</strong> - I think we should all stand and boycott these companies that don't accept cash.</p> <p><strong>Patricia Tebbit</strong> - Don't mind using cards but access to cash is imperative. Think of small charity raffles, garage sales &amp; countless other things where cash is required.</p> <p><strong>Lyn Bradford</strong> - I love it, I use 95% card, 5% cash. So much easier. </p> <p><strong>David Taylor</strong> - Just making it easier for hackers.</p> <p><strong>Jennifer Bucktin</strong> - Cash is best. If digital goes down, you can't use anything.</p> <p><strong>Steve Smith</strong> - The digital age is here to stay so it's going to be better for all to get used to it.</p> <p><strong>Quentin Brown </strong>- Love them both, digital and cash as it's much easier to pay bills etc. Of course you have to be smart and not gullible. Why can't we have both?</p> <p><strong>Kath Sheppard</strong> - Cash is king, a lot safer as well, can't overspend either or be charged fees.</p> <p><em>Image credits: Shutterstock </em></p>

Money & Banking

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Expert reveals why you shouldn’t use hotel hair dryers

<p dir="ltr">An expert has shared why you should avoid using hair dryers that are provided in hotels. </p> <p dir="ltr">Many travellers rely on these handy devices that are often found in bathroom drawers in hotels, instead of packing your own hair dryer that can often take up valuable luggage space. </p> <p dir="ltr">However, trichologist Jacqui McIntosh, who focuses on diseases related to the scalp and hair, said travellers should avoid these appliances at all costs. </p> <p dir="ltr">According to the expert, there's a high chance there are bacteria and germs lurking inside the hair dryer that have been passed between hotel guests.</p> <p dir="ltr">"Using a hairdryer riddled with bacteria and germs does pose health risks and can be detrimental to your hair health," she told <em>The Mirror</em>. </p> <p dir="ltr">McIntosh says when the microorganisms inside a hairdryer make their way onto your hair and scalp, "they can spark infections and irritations, disrupting your hair follicles and slowing down healthy growth."</p> <p dir="ltr">Even without the worry of bacteria and germs, there's a chance of dust and mould lurking inside the appliance, which she says are "troublemakers for your scalp".</p> <p dir="ltr">"Neglected hair dryers are time bombs waiting to go off. Debris buildup inside the device spells overheating, increasing the risk of singeing your hair or scalp," she explained.</p> <p dir="ltr">McIntosh also clarified that, as pointed out in a 2009 study, hairdryers are one of the handful of items that are missed by hotel cleaning staff, so next time you’re staying in a hotel, probably best to bring your own hair dryer. </p> <p dir="ltr"><em>Image credits: Shutterstock </em></p> <p> </p>

Travel Trouble

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What happens in my brain when I get a migraine? And what medications can I use to treat it?

<div class="theconversation-article-body"> <p><em><a href="">Mark Slee</a>, <a href="">Flinders University</a> and <a href="">Anthony Khoo</a>, <a href="">Flinders University</a></em></p> <p>Migraine is many things, but one thing it’s not is “just a headache”.</p> <p>“Migraine” <a href="">comes from</a> the Greek word “hemicrania”, referring to the common experience of migraine being predominantly one-sided.</p> <p>Some people experience an “aura” preceding the headache phase – usually a visual or sensory experience that evolves over five to 60 minutes. Auras can also involve other domains such as language, smell and limb function.</p> <p>Migraine is a disease with a <a href="">huge personal and societal impact</a>. Most people cannot function at their usual level during a migraine, and anticipation of the next attack can affect productivity, relationships and a person’s mental health.</p> <h2>What’s happening in my brain?</h2> <p>The biological basis of migraine is complex, and varies according to the phase of the migraine. Put simply:</p> <p>The earliest phase is called the <strong>prodrome</strong>. This is associated with activation of a part of the brain called the hypothalamus which is thought to contribute to many symptoms such as nausea, changes in appetite and blurred vision.</p> <figure class="align-center "><img src=";q=45&amp;auto=format&amp;w=754&amp;fit=clip" sizes="(min-width: 1466px) 754px, (max-width: 599px) 100vw, (min-width: 600px) 600px, 237px" srcset=";q=45&amp;auto=format&amp;w=600&amp;h=485&amp;fit=crop&amp;dpr=1 600w,;q=30&amp;auto=format&amp;w=600&amp;h=485&amp;fit=crop&amp;dpr=2 1200w,;q=15&amp;auto=format&amp;w=600&amp;h=485&amp;fit=crop&amp;dpr=3 1800w,;q=45&amp;auto=format&amp;w=754&amp;h=610&amp;fit=crop&amp;dpr=1 754w,;q=30&amp;auto=format&amp;w=754&amp;h=610&amp;fit=crop&amp;dpr=2 1508w,;q=15&amp;auto=format&amp;w=754&amp;h=610&amp;fit=crop&amp;dpr=3 2262w" alt="" /><figcaption><span class="caption">The hypothalamus is shown here in red.</span> <span class="attribution"><a class="source" href="">Blamb/Shutterstock</a></span></figcaption></figure> <p>Next is the <strong>aura phase</strong>, when a wave of neurochemical changes occur across the surface of the brain (the cortex) at a rate of 3–4 millimetres per minute. This explains how usually a person’s aura progresses over time. People often experience sensory disturbances such as flashes of light or tingling in their face or hands.</p> <p>In the <strong>headache phase</strong>, the trigeminal nerve system is activated. This gives sensation to one side of the face, head and upper neck, leading to release of proteins such as CGRP (calcitonin gene-related peptide). This causes inflammation and dilation of blood vessels, which is the basis for the severe throbbing pain associated with the headache.</p> <p>Finally, the <strong>postdromal phase</strong> occurs after the headache resolves and commonly involves changes in mood and energy.</p> <h2>What can you do about the acute attack?</h2> <p>A useful way to conceive of <a href="">migraine treatment</a> is to compare putting out campfires with bushfires. Medications are much more successful when applied at the earliest opportunity (the campfire). When the attack is fully evolved (into a bushfire), medications have a much more modest effect.</p> <p><iframe id="Pj1sC" class="tc-infographic-datawrapper" style="border: 0;" src="" width="100%" height="400px" frameborder="0" scrolling="no"></iframe></p> <p><strong>Aspirin</strong></p> <p>For people with mild migraine, non-specific anti-inflammatory medications such as high-dose aspirin, or standard dose non-steroidal medications (NSAIDS) can be very helpful. Their effectiveness is often enhanced with the use of an anti-nausea medication.</p> <p><strong>Triptans</strong></p> <p>For moderate to severe attacks, the mainstay of treatment is a class of medications called “<a href="">triptans</a>”. These act by reducing blood vessel dilation and reducing the release of inflammatory chemicals.</p> <p>Triptans vary by their route of administration (tablets, wafers, injections, nasal sprays) and by their time to onset and duration of action.</p> <p>The choice of a triptan depends on many factors including whether nausea and vomiting is prominent (consider a dissolving wafer or an injection) or patient tolerability (consider choosing one with a slower onset and offset of action).</p> <p>As triptans constrict blood vessels, they should be used with caution (or not used) in patients with known heart disease or previous stroke.</p> <p><strong>Gepants</strong></p> <p>Some medications that block or modulate the release of CGRP, which are used for migraine prevention (which we’ll discuss in more detail below), also have evidence of benefit in treating the acute attack. This class of medication is known as the “gepants”.</p> <p>Gepants come in the form of injectable proteins (monoclonal antibodies, used for migraine prevention) or as oral medication (for example, rimegepant) for the acute attack when a person has not responded adequately to previous trials of several triptans or is intolerant of them.</p> <p>They do not cause blood vessel constriction and can be used in patients with heart disease or previous stroke.</p> <p><strong>Ditans</strong></p> <p>Another class of medication, the “ditans” (for example, lasmiditan) have been approved overseas for the acute treatment of migraine. Ditans work through changing a form of serotonin receptor involved in the brain chemical changes associated with the acute attack.</p> <p>However, neither the gepants nor the ditans are available through the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS) for the acute attack, so users must pay out-of-pocket, at a <a href=",%2D%24300%20per%208%20wafers.">cost</a> of approximately A$300 for eight wafers.</p> <h2>What about preventing migraines?</h2> <p>The first step is to see if <a href="">lifestyle changes</a> can reduce migraine frequency. This can include improving sleep habits, routine meal schedules, regular exercise, limiting caffeine intake and avoiding triggers such as stress or alcohol.</p> <p>Despite these efforts, many people continue to have frequent migraines that can’t be managed by acute therapies alone. The choice of when to start preventive treatment varies for each person and how inclined they are to taking regular medication. Those who suffer disabling symptoms or experience more than a few migraines a month <a href="">benefit the most</a> from starting preventives.</p> <p>Almost all migraine <a href="">preventives</a> have existing roles in treating other medical conditions, and the physician would commonly recommend drugs that can also help manage any pre-existing conditions. First-line preventives include:</p> <ul> <li>tablets that lower blood pressure (candesartan, metoprolol, propranolol)</li> <li>antidepressants (amitriptyline, venlafaxine)</li> <li>anticonvulsants (sodium valproate, topiramate).</li> </ul> <p>Some people have none of these other conditions and can safely start medications for migraine prophylaxis alone.</p> <p>For all migraine preventives, a key principle is starting at a low dose and increasing gradually. This approach makes them more tolerable and it’s often several weeks or months until an effective dose (usually 2- to 3-times the starting dose) is reached.</p> <p>It is rare for noticeable benefits to be seen immediately, but with time these drugs <a href="">typically reduce</a> migraine frequency by 50% or more.</p> <hr /> <p><iframe id="jxajY" class="tc-infographic-datawrapper" style="border: 0;" src="" width="100%" height="400px" frameborder="0" scrolling="no"></iframe></p> <hr /> <h2>‘Nothing works for me!’</h2> <p>In people who didn’t see any effect of (or couldn’t tolerate) first-line preventives, new medications have been available on the PBS since 2020. These medications <a href="">block</a> the action of CGRP.</p> <p>The most common PBS-listed <a href="">anti-CGRP medications</a> are injectable proteins called monoclonal antibodies (for example, galcanezumab and fremanezumab), and are self-administered by monthly injections.</p> <p>These drugs have quickly become a game-changer for those with intractable migraines. The convenience of these injectables contrast with botulinum toxin injections (also <a href="">effective</a> and PBS-listed for chronic migraine) which must be administered by a trained specialist.</p> <p>Up to half of adolescents and one-third of young adults are <a href="">needle-phobic</a>. If this includes you, tablet-form CGRP antagonists for migraine prevention are hopefully not far away.</p> <p>Data over the past five years <a href="">suggest</a> anti-CGRP medications are safe, effective and at least as well tolerated as traditional preventives.</p> <p>Nonetheless, these are used only after a number of cheaper and more readily available <a href="">first-line treatments</a> (all which have decades of safety data) have failed, and this also a criterion for their use under the PBS.<!-- Below is The Conversation's page counter tag. Please DO NOT REMOVE. --><img style="border: none !important; box-shadow: none !important; margin: 0 !important; max-height: 1px !important; max-width: 1px !important; min-height: 1px !important; min-width: 1px !important; opacity: 0 !important; outline: none !important; padding: 0 !important;" src="" alt="The Conversation" width="1" height="1" /><!-- End of code. If you don't see any code above, please get new code from the Advanced tab after you click the republish button. The page counter does not collect any personal data. More info: --></p> <p><em><a href="">Mark Slee</a>, Associate Professor, Clinical Academic Neurologist, <a href="">Flinders University</a> and <a href="">Anthony Khoo</a>, Lecturer, <a href="">Flinders University</a></em></p> <p><em>Image credits: Shutterstock</em></p> <p><em>This article is republished from <a href="">The Conversation</a> under a Creative Commons license. Read the <a href="">original article</a>.</em></p> </div>


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Mysterious leg pain that’s quietly killing older Australians

<p>Peripheral Artery Disease (PAD) has long been overshadowed by its more widely recognised counterparts, such as heart attacks and strokes. Often referred to as the “poor cousin” or “Cinderella” of cardiovascular diseases, PAD affects one in five older Australians, yet it remains largely under-diagnosed and misunderstood. However, a wave of optimism is sweeping through the medical community with the launch of <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">The Centre for Peripheral Artery Disease</a>, an Australian-first facility dedicated to pioneering research and improving patient outcomes.</p> <p>Spearheaded by the Heart Research Institute, the Centre for Peripheral Artery Disease, marks a significant step forward in addressing the challenges posed by PAD. The centre aims to fill critical gaps in our understanding of the disease, which is responsible for a limb amputation in Australia every two hours. This initiative promises to enhance diagnosis, transform patient care, and raise awareness about PAD.</p> <p>Associate Professor Mary Kavurma, the Centre Lead, is at the forefront of this ground-breaking effort. “We’re supercharging research into PAD because there are still many unknowns about the disease’s biology that could unlock new methods for early detection and better management,” she explains. This research is particularly urgent given the prevalence of PAD among women and First Nations Australians, groups that remain disproportionately affected by this condition.</p> <p>The centre’s mission is to develop a simple blood test for early diagnosis and explore novel therapies that could reduce the need for limb amputations and significantly improve patients’ quality of life. Unlike current treatments that primarily focus on symptom management, this new approach seeks to prevent the disease from progressing.</p> <p>One of the most inspiring aspects of the centre is its commitment to involving patients and their families in the research process. At the inaugural consumer meeting, nearly 20 patients and their carers shared their personal experiences with PAD. </p> <p>Take the story of Simon Josephson, a renowned advertising guru – who famously designed the Solo logo. PAD almost cost him his life after taking more than five years to diagnose.</p> <p>He woke up one morning with a sore leg, thinking he’d overdone it exercising but the 73-year-old – who was otherwise healthy and active – unknowingly had Peripheral Artery Disease, caused by a build-up of plaque in his arteries causing them to narrow and stiffen.</p> <p>It wasn’t until a trip to the hospital emergency department years later that doctors would discover his aorta had expanded to more than twice the usual size and was at risk of rupturing. He immediately underwent open heart surgery and has faced a lengthy recovery.</p> <p>The launch of <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">The Centre for Peripheral Artery Disease</a> heralds a new era of hope and progress in the fight against PAD. Through world-leading research, community engagement, and a commitment to patient-centred care, the CPAD is poised to make a profound impact on the lives of many Australians. As Assoc Prof Kavurma aptly put it, “By understanding more about this debilitating condition, we are paving the way for better health outcomes and a brighter future for all those affected by PAD.”</p> <p><em>Images: CPAD</em></p>


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It may be macabre, but dark tourism helps us learn from the worst of human history

<div class="theconversation-article-body"><em><a href="">Dr Neil Robinson</a>, <a href="">University of Salford</a></em></p> <p>Dark tourism has become a much more well-covered pasttime in recent years, in which a macabre fascination lead tourists to travel to various places not served by Thomas Cook: the sites of battles and genocides, war cemeteries, prisons, and even <a href="">current warzones such as Syria</a>.</p> <p>The 20th century alone has provided such a <a href="">long list of places</a> at which catastrophes or great loss of life and suffering has occurred. Sites visited range from the spot from which JFK was assassinated, to prisons such as Alcatraz in San Francisco, through to battlefields of the World Wars, or the vestiges of genocides such at Auschwitz in Poland or Tuol Sleng in Phnom Penh, Cambodia. It’s not everybody’s cup of tea, but we shouldn’t condemn those for whom this is an interest.</p> <p>Dark tourism appears to be a manifestation of our media-rich society through which information found online may persuade us to see historical sites in person. But its origins can be traced back much further than the fascination with death and disasters of the 19th and 20th century. In the 11th century, people and pilgrims often visited places with religious significance such as Jerusalem, where the location of Christ’s crucifixion is a popular attraction; tourists visited Gettysburg, the site of the bloodiest battle of the American Civil War in 1863; and in more recent centuries, the Grand Tour offered an opportunity for the wealthy to experience Europe, with sites such as the classical ruins of the Colosseum in Rome – which in the name of entertainment saw execution, torture and death – one of the must-see attractions.</p> <p>Today, in parallel with the growth in popularity of dark tourism is the enormous growth of social media and the 24-hour news economy. The ease of access to such blanket coverage through the web, Facebook and Twitter has increased people’s awareness of, and fascination for, these historical sites of war, conflict and catastrophe. For example, the last decade has brought a surge in visitor numbers to <a href="">Chernobyl</a>, where guides take visitors around the abandoned city of Pripyat (radiation levels permitting) which has been deserted since the nuclear power plant explosion on April 26, 1986. The 30th anniversary this year has in itself <a href="">added to interest in visiting</a> the overgrown and crumbling city.</p> <p>As with tourism of any kind, this greater footfall brings benefits. In this case, not just the economic boost but also as a tool of education and even conflict resolution. For example, the <a href="">taxi tours of Belfast’s murals</a>, which document Northern Ireland’s Troubles, offer visitors a way to understand the history and provide the communities involved a means to reflect and move on from the conflict. This model is <a href="">viewed with interest</a> and hope by moderates on both sides of the Arab-Israeli divide searching for a peaceful solution for the long term.</p> <p>The tours of <a href="">Robin Island prison</a> in South Africa, where Nelson Mandela spent 18 years incarcerated among many others, starkly present how those imprisoned by a corrupt and discriminatory political regime can later engage in peace and reconciliation. The <a href="">Soweto township tours</a> in Johannesburg have acted in part as a means through which generations of South Africans can better understand their country’s dark past and help to establish truth and reconciliation for the future.</p> <p>Dark tourism should not in my opinion by viewed as unethical, repugnant or even a self-indulgent activity. Certainly some dark tourists may engage in their pursuits for all the wrong reasons, seeing death and destruction as a commodity to be consumed with little thought for those who caught up in its wake. But others visit such sites to pay their respects, to better understand the magnitude of death and destruction, and to inform the outside world of the details of terrible events – even in some case offering to help. These are positive effects that may come from so much pain and suffering.</p> <p>We should strive to better understand the origins of the terrible events of human history to be more able to prevent us repeating them. In this regard, that more people visit sites associated with dark tourism and learn about them should be seen as a positive.<!-- Below is The Conversation's page counter tag. Please DO NOT REMOVE. --><img style="border: none !important; box-shadow: none !important; margin: 0 !important; max-height: 1px !important; max-width: 1px !important; min-height: 1px !important; min-width: 1px !important; opacity: 0 !important; outline: none !important; padding: 0 !important;" src="" alt="The Conversation" width="1" height="1" /><!-- End of code. 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Travel Trouble

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Does screen use really impact our thinking skills? Our analysis suggests it could

<div class="theconversation-article-body"><em><a href="">Michoel Moshel</a>, <a href="">Macquarie University</a>; <a href="">Jennifer Batchelor</a>, <a href="">Macquarie University</a>; <a href="">Joanne Bennett</a>, <a href="">Australian Catholic University</a>, and <a href="">Wayne Warburton</a>, <a href="">Macquarie University</a></em></p> <p>Screens have become seamlessly integrated into our daily lives, serving as indispensable tools for work, education and leisure. But while they enrich our lives in countless ways, we often fail to consider the potential impact of screen time on our cognitive abilities.</p> <p>In a <a href="">new meta-analysis</a> of dozens of earlier studies, we’ve found a clear link between disordered screen use and lower cognitive functioning.</p> <p>The findings suggest we should exercise caution before advocating for more screen time, and before introducing screens into even more aspects of daily life.</p> <h2>Young people’s screen time is increasing</h2> <p>In 2020, a UNSW Gonski Institute for Education report <a href="">noted a concerning statistic</a>: about 84% of Australian educators believe digital technologies are distracting in a learning environment.</p> <p>And according to the ABC, a recent Beyond Blue <a href="">survey</a> of Australian teachers identified excessive screen time as the second-most significant challenge for young people, just behind mental health issues.</p> <p>Despite mounting concerns, more than half of Australian schools have embraced a “<a href="">bring your own device</a>” policy. Students are spending more time online than <a href="">ever before</a> and starting at increasingly younger ages. A 2021 report by <a href="">Common Sense Media</a> estimated tweens spend an average of 5 hours and 33 minutes using screen-based entertainment each day, while teenagers devote a whopping 8 hours and 39 minutes.</p> <p>A surge in screen use has led to some individuals, including children, adolescents and adults, developing screen-related addictions. One example is gaming disorder, for which <a href="">2–3% of people</a> meet the criteria.</p> <h2>What is ‘disordered screen use’?</h2> <p>The impact of screens on our cognitive abilities – that is, our thinking skills such as attention, memory, language and problem-solving – has sparked much debate.</p> <p>On one hand, some researchers and reporters claim screen use can have negative effects, such as <a href="">health problems</a>, shortened attention <a href="">spans</a> and hindered <a href="'s_cognition_and_behaviour_A_systematic_review">development</a>.</p> <p>On the other, schools are <a href="">increasingly adopting</a> technology to boost student engagement. Tech companies are also marketing their products as tools to help you enhance your problem-solving and memory skills.</p> <p>Our <a href="">recent study</a> sought to understand the potential cognitive consequences of “disordered screen-related behaviours”. This is a broad category of problematic behaviours that may include screen dependency, and persisting with screen use even when it’s harmful.</p> <p>We conducted a meta-analysis of 34 studies that explored various forms of screen use (including gaming, internet browsing, smartphone use and social media use) and compared the cognitive performance of individuals with disordered screen use to those without it.</p> <p>Our findings paint a concerning picture.</p> <h2>Differences in cognitive function</h2> <p>Across these rigorously peer-reviewed studies, individuals with disordered screen use consistently demonstrated significantly poorer cognitive performance compared to others.</p> <p>The most affected cognitive domain was attention, and specifically sustained attention, which is the ability to maintain focus on an unchanging stimulus for an extended period.</p> <p>The second-most notable difference was in their “executive functioning” – particularly in impulse control, which is the ability to control one’s automatic responses.</p> <p>Interestingly, the type of screen activity didn’t make a difference in the results. The trend also wasn’t confined to children, but was observed across all age groups.</p> <h2>Two ways to interpret the results</h2> <p>Why do people with disordered screen-related behaviours have poorer cognitive functioning?</p> <p>The first explanation is that disordered screen use actually leads to poorer cognitive function, including poorer attention skills (but we’ll need more experimental and longitudinal studies to establish causality).</p> <p>If this is the case, it may be the result of being constantly bombarded by algorithms and features designed to capture our attention. By diverting our focus outward, screen use may weaken one’s intrinsic ability to concentrate over time.</p> <p>Crucially, impaired attention also <a href="">makes it harder to disengage</a> from addictive behaviours, and would therefore make it harder to recognise when screen use has become a problem.</p> <p>The second explanation is that people who already have poorer cognitive functioning (such as less inhibitory control) are more likely to engage in disordered screen use.</p> <p>This could be a result of the plethora of addictive cues designed to keep us glued to our screens. Being bombarded by these could make it harder to <a href="">pull the brakes</a> on screen use.</p> <p>Although the literature doesn’t seem to favour this explanation – and does seem to suggest that cognitive functioning is impaired as a result of disordered screen use – it’s still a possibility we can’t rule out.</p> <p>Attention is the bedrock of everyday tasks. People with weakened attention may struggle to keep up in less stimulating environments, such as a static workplace or classroom. They may find themselves turning to a screen as a result.</p> <p>Similarly, people with less inhibitory control would also find it more challenging to moderate their screen use. This could be what drives them towards problematic screen-related behaviours in the first place.</p> <h2>Who should shoulder the responsibility?</h2> <p>Research indicates people with impaired cognitive functioning usually aren’t as well equipped to moderate their own screen time.</p> <p>Many users with disordered screen use are <a href="">young</a>, with mainly males engaging in internet gaming and mainly females engaging in social media use. Neurodiverse people are <a href="">also at greater risk</a>.</p> <p>Tech companies are driven by the goal of <a href="">capturing our attention</a>. For instance, Netflix chief executive Reed Hastings acknowledged the company’s <a href="">most formidable competitor was sleep</a>.</p> <p>At the same time, researchers find themselves struggling to keep up with the pace of technological innovation. A potential path forward is to encourage open-access data policies from tech companies, so researchers can delve deeper into the study of screen use and its effect on individuals. <!-- Below is The Conversation's page counter tag. Please DO NOT REMOVE. --><img style="border: none !important; box-shadow: none !important; margin: 0 !important; max-height: 1px !important; max-width: 1px !important; min-height: 1px !important; min-width: 1px !important; opacity: 0 !important; outline: none !important; padding: 0 !important;" src="" alt="The Conversation" width="1" height="1" /><!-- End of code. If you don't see any code above, please get new code from the Advanced tab after you click the republish button. The page counter does not collect any personal data. More info: --></p> <p><em><a href="">Michoel Moshel</a>, PhD/Masters Clinical Neuropsychology Candidate, <a href="">Macquarie University</a>; <a href="">Jennifer Batchelor</a>, Associate Professor, School of Psychological Sciences, <a href="">Macquarie University</a>; <a href="">Joanne Bennett</a>, Lecturer, <a href="">Australian Catholic University</a>, and <a href="">Wayne Warburton</a>, Associate Professor, <a href="">Macquarie University</a></em></p> <p><em>Image credits: Shutterstock </em></p> <p><em>This article is republished from <a href="">The Conversation</a> under a Creative Commons license. Read the <a href="">original article</a>.</em></p> </div>


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Wellness is not women’s friend. It’s a distraction from what really ails us

<div class="theconversation-article-body"><em><a href="">Kate Seers</a>, <a href="">Charles Sturt University</a> and <a href="">Rachel Hogg</a>, <a href="">Charles Sturt University</a></em></p> <p>Wellness is mainly marketed to women. We’re encouraged to eat clean, take <a href="">personal responsibility</a> for our well-being, happiness and life. These are the hallmarks of a strong, independent woman in 2022.</p> <p>But on the eve of International Women’s Day, let’s look closer at this <a href="">neoliberal feminist</a> notion of wellness and personal responsibility – the idea women’s health and well-being depends on our individual choices.</p> <p>We argue wellness is not concerned with actual well-being, whatever wellness “guru” and businesswoman Gwyneth Paltrow <a href="">suggests</a>, or influencers say on Instagram.</p> <p>Wellness is an industry. It’s also a seductive distraction from what’s really impacting women’s lives. It glosses over the structural issues undermining women’s well-being. These issues cannot be fixed by drinking a turmeric latte or #livingyourbestlife.</p> <h2>What is wellness?</h2> <p>Wellness <a href="">is an</a> unregulated US$4.4 trillion global industry due to reach almost $7 trillion by 2025. It promotes self-help, self-care, fitness, nutrition and spiritual practice. It <a href="">encourages</a> good choices, intentions and actions.</p> <p>Wellness is alluring because it feels empowering. Women are left with a sense of control over their lives. It is particularly alluring in times of great uncertainty and limited personal control. These might be during a relationship break up, when facing financial instability, workplace discrimination or a global pandemic.</p> <p>But wellness is not all it seems.</p> <h2>Wellness blames women</h2> <p>Wellness implies women are flawed and need to be fixed. It demands women resolve their psychological distress, improve their lives and <a href="">bounce back from adversity</a>, regardless of personal circumstances.</p> <p>Self-responsibility, self-empowerment and self-optimisation underpin how women are expected to think and behave.</p> <p>As such, wellness <a href="">patronises women</a> and <a href="">micro-manages their daily schedules</a> with journaling, skin care routines, 30-day challenges, meditations, burning candles, yoga and lemon water.</p> <p>Wellness encourages women to improve their appearance through diet and exercise, manage <a href="">their surroundings</a>, <a href="">performance at work</a> and their capacity to <a href="">juggle the elusive work-life balance</a> as well as <a href="">their emotional responses</a> <a href="">to these pressures</a>. They do this with support from costly life coaches, psychotherapists and self-help guides.</p> <p>Wellness demands women <a href="">focus on their body</a>, with one’s body a measure of their commitment to the task of wellness. Yet this ignores how much these choices and actions cost.</p> <p>Newsreader and journalist Tracey Spicer <a href="">says</a> she has spent more than A$100,000 over the past 35 years for her hair to “look acceptable” at work.</p> <p>Wellness keeps women <a href="">focused on their appearance</a> and keeps them spending.</p> <p>It’s also <a href="">ableist</a>, <a href="">racist</a>, <a href="">sexist</a>, <a href="">ageist</a> and <a href="">classist</a>. It’s aimed at an ideal of young women, thin, white, middle-class and able-bodied.</p> <h2>But we can’t live up to these ideals</h2> <p>Wellness assumes women have equal access to time, energy and money to meet these ideals. If you don’t, “<a href="">you’re just not trying hard enough</a>”.</p> <p>Wellness also <a href="">implores women</a> to be “adaptable and positive”.</p> <p>If an individual’s #positivevibes and wellness are seen as <a href="">morally good</a>, then it becomes morally necessary for women to engage in behaviours framed as “investments” or “self-care”.</p> <p>For those who do not achieve self-optimisation (hint: most of us) this is a personal, shameful failing.</p> <h2>Wellness distracts us</h2> <p>When women believe they are to blame for their circumstances, it hides structural and cultural inequities. Rather than questioning the culture that marginalises women and produces feelings of doubt and inadequacy, wellness provides solutions in the form of superficial empowerment, confidence and resilience.</p> <p>Women don’t need wellness. They are unsafe.</p> <p><a href="">Women are</a> <a href="">more likely</a> to be murdered by a current or former intimate partner, with reports of the <a href="">pandemic increasing</a> the risk and severity of <a href="">domestic violence</a>.</p> <p>Women are more likely to be employed in unstable <a href="">casualised labour, and experience economic hardship and poverty</a>. Women are also bearing the brunt <a href="">of the economic fallout from COVID</a>. Women are more likely to be juggling a career with <a href="">unpaid domestic duties</a> and more likely <a href="">to be homeless</a> as they near retirement age.</p> <p>In their book <a href=",responsible%20for%20their%20own%20conditions.">Confidence Culture</a> UK scholars Shani Orgad and Rosalind Gill argue hashtags such as #loveyourbody and #believeinyourself imply psychological blocks, rather than entrenched social injustices, are what hold women back.</p> <h2>What we should be doing instead</h2> <p>Wellness, with its self-help rhetoric, <a href="">absolves the government</a> of responsibility to provide transformative and effectual action that ensures women are safe, delivered justice, and treated with respect and dignity.</p> <p>Structural inequity was not created by an individual, and it will not be solved by an individual.</p> <p>So this International Women’s Day, try to resist the neoliberal requirement to take personal responsibility for your wellness. Lobby governments to address structural inequities instead.</p> <p><a href="">Follow your anger</a>, not your bliss, call out injustices when you can. And in the words of sexual assault survivor and advocate Grace Tame, “make some noise”.<!-- End of code. If you don't see any code above, please get new code from the Advanced tab after you click the republish button. The page counter does not collect any personal data. More info: --></p> <p><em><a href="">Kate Seers</a>, PhD Candidate, <a href="">Charles Sturt University</a> and <a href="">Rachel Hogg</a>, Lecturer in Psychology, <a href="">Charles Sturt University</a></em></p> <p><em>Image credits: Shutterstock </em></p> <p><em>This article is republished from <a href="">The Conversation</a> under a Creative Commons license. Read the <a href="">original article</a>.</em></p> </div>


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