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Why do I still write shorthand?

<p>I am frequently asked this question. Often it is prefixed by the statements “I thought shorthand was dead” or “It’s no longer used in business”, and it is usually said with some surprise that I may be unaware of this opinion! I am then quizzed as to my interest in shorthand – a question which I could answer in a number of ways.</p> <p>I <em>could</em> answer by explaining a brief history and the uses of shorthand. Although shorthand dates back to Roman times, it was Sir Isaac Pitman who revolutionized shorthand with the innovation of the phonographic method. Shorthand was developed for the purpose of recording words more quickly than using longhand, whether it was a person’s own thoughts or what others were saying. Pitman shorthand was originally taught to and used by men with positions of status – judges, barristers and businessmen so they could record the proceedings for their own benefit, even if not in complete verbatim form. Others, like Charles Dickens and US President Woodrow Wilson used Pitman shorthand to record their thoughts or works and prepare speeches.</p> <p>Later on, particularly in the early 1900s when many women learned shorthand, they gained employment in offices. Men still studied the skill, especially for court reporting and journalism. As the 20<sup>th</sup> century wore on stenography became known more as a female occupation, being taught in girls’ schools and with girls making up the majority of business college students. (as a stenographer I always wondered how shorthand could in any way be gender-specific!)</p> <p>Once the skill is learned thoroughly, it tends to be retained. I have read countless comments from shorthand writers who say they use it to jot down a thought, a Christmas list, or parts of an interview on TV. My use resembles that of Dickens and Wilson – in meetings I write accurate notes of important aspects and perhaps the discussions leading to decisions. I have a sense of privacy when others cannot read what I’m writing. I’m sure President Wilson felt the same.</p> <p>I <em>could</em> answer by explaining the brain benefits as to why I find shorthand so important. Writing shorthand stimulates the brain in several ways to assist neuroplasticity of the brain, which assists prevention of memory loss. Both the short-term and long-term memories are exercised as we make decisions as to the theory to apply, we store words heard, then we precisely write the outline. As well as memory we are using concentration, decision-making, motor skills and dexterity. This brain health concept lead to a German study conducted over several years on shorthand writers who regularly wrote shorthand. Results showed their memories either improved or suffered no deterioration with the regular writing of shorthand.</p> <p>Needless to say, these achieved benefits to the brain are not only applied to the writing of shorthand – the benefits of sharper thinking spreads across all their other activities. One woman in the study said she felt as if her brain ‘had been freed up’ by participating in the shorthand activities.</p> <p> I <em>could</em> answer the question by asking a range of other questions to justify other popular pastimes – Why do people ride bikes when they have a car? Why do people learn to paint when they could take a photo on their phone? Why do people learn a language when they could use Google translate or are not intending to spend a lengthy period of time in that country? Why learn music when they could just download that piece? – these questions could be applied to so many worthwhile, beneficial leisure activities in which we partake.</p> <p>The answer is that these activities are enjoyable and we do them because we love doing them. We need to stop thinking that shorthand was devised purely for the office situation and to be written by women. In Japan university students form shorthand clubs, whilst in Europe a number of stenography clubs have youth sections where they train for competitions. It is challenging and satisfying.</p> <p>I frequently read opinions online that shorthand is now useless and I generally find these opinions are from people who have not studied it, had difficulty learning it or who didn’t have a choice about learning it. I learned it because I wanted to. Parents, often unaware of the complexity of shorthand, pushed their daughters into the subject as a ‘back up’ skill for employment.</p> <p>For each of these comments, the number of positive comments is multiplied by the people who love it and gain great satisfaction from writing it. Of course, shorthand is not for everyone – no one hobby is. The people who come together at U3A in Melbourne to revise their skill are the ones who love this hobby. So do the members our Facebook group of “Pitman Shorthand Writers of Australasia” where we share history, readings, horoscopes in shorthand and a range of activities to exercise our skill. We are not seeking employment; we are seeking enjoyment. </p> <p>Yes, shorthand is very handy. Yes, shorthand has a unique brain benefit. There are other reasons I could give in my answer to the question, but my main answer is this: I write shorthand because I have a love for it, I find it challenging, and it gives me satisfaction – it is my hobby!</p> <p>Simple as that!</p> <p><em>Carmel Taylor has worked as a stenographer and personal assistant prior to teaching business. Her passion is shorthand and her hobbies are art deco, fashion and sewing. She is a member of the Commercial Education Society of Australia.</em></p>


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Prevent dementia by writing shorthand?

<p><em><strong>Carmel Taylor is a 63 year old business teacher. She has worked as a stenographer and personal assistant prior to teaching. Her passion is shorthand and her hobbies are art deco, fashion and sewing. Carmel is a member of the Commercial Education Society of Australia.</strong></em></p> <p>Prevent dementia by writing shorthand? Who’d have thought? Certainly, when I learnt shorthand nearly 50 years ago my aim was to master the skill, to use it professionally and then one day teach shorthand. I had no idea that what I was doing was learning a skill which is excellent brain training and has now been identified as a method to assist dementia prevention.</p> <p>Stenography has long been a highly-regarded skill in Europe, with stenography clubs in major towns, many dating back over 100 years - long before shorthand’s common purpose was for business purposes mainly used by women. Members of the German Minden club believed that they were not just participating in a challenging past time – they also perceived that there were significant cognitive advantages associated with shorthand.  The club teamed with the Gerontology Department of the Coppenbrugge Hospital to research “shorthand against dementia”.  Members, aged between 62 and 73 participated in exercises revising or learning shorthand on a weekly basis over several years. On- going memory test results showed participants experienced either no memory deterioration or even improved memory, in spite of aging during the process. The Minden stenography club received community accolades for this work. Stenography clubs throughout Germany and Switzerland offer courses in teaching and revising shorthand, with titles such as “Shorthand Against Forgetting”, and “Shorthand for the Memory”. Many groups include social activities as well as the mental stimulation of shorthand.</p> <p>As a teenager eagerly waiting to learn shorthand at school, I had many conversations with my aunt, also a stenographer.  She inspired me with her memory of the theory of this fascinating skill and certainly increased my enthusiasm for my up-coming studies. Whilst learning, I continued to discuss my progress with her. My teacher also influenced my desire to eventually teach the skill. One day I flattered her, saying that I “wanted to do what you do”. She asked me what I meant – “to teach shorthand like you do”.  After a business career, I took the opportunity to become a teacher – this included shorthand.  I was in my element! I was teaching shorthand to teenagers; then to adults at night school.</p> <p>So, what is so magical about writing shorthand that has such an impact on the brain?  Shorthand uses several complex, cognitive processes. When learning shorthand, as with a foreign language, we memorise the theory and words to enable us to reproduce the outlines. We store the words we hear in the short term (or working) memory whilst the brain processes the decision of how to produce  them precisely on paper, drawing on the long-term memory.  When I learnt shorthand as a teenager I had no idea that this cognitive process, known as brain training, was happening – or more importantly, that I was learning a skill which could potentially assist prevention of dementia.</p> <p>As my fascination for the benefits of shorthand has grown over recent years, so has my knowledge of what groups of shorthand writers overseas are doing.  The Shorthand Writers of Maine in USA – a group of highly enthusiastic shorthand writers who meet monthly to revise theory, write shorthand from quizzes and puzzles, and, so importantly, socialise. The group has a wide range of ages, with several members in their 90’s.  Everything is all good fun – no tests or exams – just personal goals they set themselves to achieve in a convivial environment. My aunt would have been just the candidate for membership of such a group, given the opportunity.   </p> <p>Dementia is the second leading cause of death in Australia. The number of dementia sufferers is spiralling, as are associated financial and emotional costs. The projection is that one in six women will experience the effects of dementia, whilst with men this will be one in eleven.   Dementia  Australia’s website of “Your Brain Matters” advises that people who regularly stimulate their brain with complex mental activities are less likely to develop dementia. This is further enhanced when social activities are combined with challenging activities.</p> <p>Shorthand exercises many aspects of challenging the brain. Challenging of the brain leads to neural plasticity, the ability of the brain to form and reorganise synaptic connections, and we  now know that this can take place at any age, given the right conditions, so that older people who continue to involve themselves with new and challenging activities can have a healthy ageing experience. It was once thought that neural plasticity ceased to occur with ageing, and that all the connections had to be in place prior to this. Thankfully, we older people can now have some degree of control over this, based on our lifestyle. I find this so empowering.</p> <p>What these stenographers in Europe and Maine are achieving is exactly what Dementia Australia has prescribed as the essentials for dementia prevention activities – mentally challenging activities which are not overwhelming, which are enjoyable and which are conducted in a social atmosphere.  These shorthand groups tick all the boxes!</p> <p>For me, I now make time on a regular basis to revise my theory and to regain dexterity with my shorthand writing. I am also reading short stories in shorthand, before shortly moving onto classic novels like Sherlock Holmes, and Treasure Island.  Who knows, one day I may challenge myself to work my way through the many works of Charles Dickens (himself a shorthand writer) which have been transcribed into shorthand. And why am I doing this?  Well, firstly for the satisfaction I feel when I can read a difficult outline – we need to feel accomplished in small feats at any age, but particularly as we get older and may not be in the workforce.  Secondly, I now know that I am taking positive steps to not only maintain “the little grey cells” but to increase them. I am taking some control of the situation to avoid potentially becoming one of the one in six women who will be affected by dementia.  </p> <p>Who’d have thought that these ‘squiggles on paper’, as shorthand is often referred to, go hand in hand with the grey matter!</p>


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