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The countries banned from attending Queen Elizabeth's funeral

<p>Three controversial countries have been banned from attending Queen Elizabeth's funeral.</p> <p>A senior British government source confirmed to CNN that dignitaries from Russia, Belarus and Myanmar would be excluded from Her Majesty's funeral, although a final guest list has not been released.</p> <p>In the case of Russia and Belarus, the source said they have been banned due to Putin's invasion of Ukraine, which Belarus has supported.</p> <p>The source also claimed that Myanmar's exclusion is because of the treatment of the Rohingya people.</p> <p>The Palace tradition is to send invitations to state funerals on the advice of the government, after members of the civil and diplomatic services have considered the political implications of inviting certain leaders.</p> <p>Palace protocol also stipulates that the guest list of family events is not released until the day, and has not yet commented on the invitees.</p> <p>Typically, every country that the United Kingdom has normal diplomatic relations with would be invited to a state funeral, such as the one which will be held for the late monarch in London on September 19th.</p> <p>Such nations are usually represented by their political leader, head of state, a senior member of the government or their ambassador to the United Kingdom.</p> <p>A second UK government source also told CNN that up to 500 foreign dignitaries are expected to attend the funeral.</p> <p>The UK has been one of the strongest opponents to Russia's invasion of Ukraine, by enforcing sanctions on Russia and sending aid to Ukraine.</p> <p>As for Myanmar, the UK placed sanctions on military officials and businesses over what it has described as the ethnic cleansing of the Rohingya, a predominantly Muslim group in the country's majority Buddhist state which has suffered decades of persecution.</p> <p><em>Image credits: Getty Images</em></p>

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