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JFK's agent speaks out on 55th anniversary of assassination: "I should have been faster"

<p>The secret service agent, who leapt to shield President John F Kennedy after he was shot, has spoken out about the unforgettable turn of events on the 55th anniversary of the assassination.</p> <p>Agent Clint Hill was the first to react, jumping out of a following car and jumping on the back of the presidential limousine, after former marine Lee Harvey Oswald pulled the trigger at President JFK three times.</p> <p>However, before Mr Hill could position himself as a human shield, a bullet pierced the President’s head.</p> <p>In an interview with <em><a href=""><strong><u>The Sun</u></strong></a> </em>on the anniversary of the assassination, now 86-year-old Mr Hill said he will never be able to forget the day that changed history.</p> <p>“One thing that I’ve never been able to erase from my mind is being on the back of the car looking down at the president, who was lying with his face in Mrs Kennedy’s lap,” Mr Hill said. </p> <p>“The right side of his face is up and I can see that his eyes are fixed. There’s blood everywhere.</p> <p>“I can see the gunshot wound. In the room that’s in the skull I can see that there is no more brain matter left,” he said. </p> <p>“That is something I could never, and have never been able to, erase from my mind.”</p> <p style="text-align: center;"><img style="width: 405.6666666666667px; height: 500px;" src="" alt="" data-udi="umb://media/2cdb89303572412e8d02e6d3b4fd492c" /></p> <p style="text-align: center;"><em>Clint Hill</em></p> <p>“At the time I never thought ‘I might be killed’ or ‘I won’t see my kids again’,” Mr Hill said.</p> <p>“I didn’t think of that at all. That was the farthest thing from my mind. My goal was to get there to form a cover for them so no more damage could be done.”</p> <p>The former secret service agent also discussed the guilt he still feels today for not being fast enough.</p> <p> “I think I should have been faster,” he said. </p> <p>“My job was to protect them and I was unable to do that.</p> <p>“If I had been slightly faster I may have been able to prevent the president’s fatal wound and that has bothered me ever since. It always will - I’m sure.”</p> <p>Mr Hill also discussed the impact the assassination had on his personal life after suffering from post traumatic stress disorder.</p> <p>From 1976-1982, Mr Hill cut himself off from everyone in his life except for his wife and two children.</p> <p>"I self medicated with alcohol during that period of time,” Clint confessed. </p> <p>“I just didn’t care about anything and I didn’t want to have any contact with anybody.</p> <p>“Friends would come by and I wouldn’t even acknowledge that they were there. I just ignored everything.”</p> <p>In 1982, he was slowly able to reclaim his life back.</p> <p>“I quit drinking, quit tobacco, started to work out a little bit. And I began to gradually get better and better,” he said. </p> <p>“And finally by 1990 I was able to go back to Dallas and walk the streets of Dealey Plaza up into the Texas School Book Depository and look up at the sixth floor window where Oswald shot from and then come away knowing that I had really done everything I could do that day.”</p> <p>Mr Hill said the secret service have a much harder job to protect the President today.</p> <p>“The challenges are much greater to protect the president, whoever it might be,” he said. </p> <p>“And the fact that President Trump does generate a great deal of animosity from various sections of society, it is something that is very concerning."</p>


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JFK's agent speaks out on 55th anniversary of assassination: "I should have been faster"

<p>The secret service agent, who leapt to shield President John F Kennedy after he was shot, has spoken out about the unforgettable turn of events on the 55th anniversary of the assassination.</p> <p>Agent Clint Hill was the first to react, jumping out of a following car and jumping on the back of the presidential limousine, after former marine Lee Harvey Oswald pulled the trigger at President JFK three times.</p> <p>However, before Mr Hill could position himself as a human shield, a bullet pierced the President’s head.</p> <p>In an interview with <em><a href=""><strong><u>The Sun</u></strong></a> </em>on the anniversary of the assassination, now 86-year-old Mr Hill said he will never be able to forget the day that changed history.</p> <p>“One thing that I’ve never been able to erase from my mind is being on the back of the car looking down at the president, who was lying with his face in Mrs Kennedy’s lap,” Mr Hill said. </p> <p>“The right side of his face is up and I can see that his eyes are fixed. There’s blood everywhere.</p> <p>“I can see the gunshot wound. In the room that’s in the skull I can see that there is no more brain matter left,” he said. </p> <p>“That is something I could never, and have never been able to, erase from my mind.”</p> <p style="text-align: center;"><img style="width: 405.6666666666667px; height: 500px;" src="" alt="" data-udi="umb://media/2cdb89303572412e8d02e6d3b4fd492c" /></p> <p style="text-align: center;"><em>Clint Hill</em></p> <p>“At the time I never thought ‘I might be killed’ or ‘I won’t see my kids again’,” Mr Hill said.</p> <p>“I didn’t think of that at all. That was the farthest thing from my mind. My goal was to get there to form a cover for them so no more damage could be done.”</p> <p>The former secret service agent also discussed the guilt he still feels today for not being fast enough.</p> <p> “I think I should have been faster,” he said. </p> <p>“My job was to protect them and I was unable to do that.</p> <p>“If I had been slightly faster I may have been able to prevent the president’s fatal wound and that has bothered me ever since. It always will - I’m sure.”</p> <p>Mr Hill also discussed the impact the assassination had on his personal life after suffering from post traumatic stress disorder.</p> <p>From 1976-1982, Mr Hill cut himself off from everyone in his life except for his wife and two children.</p> <p>"I self medicated with alcohol during that period of time,” Clint confessed. </p> <p>“I just didn’t care about anything and I didn’t want to have any contact with anybody.</p> <p>“Friends would come by and I wouldn’t even acknowledge that they were there. I just ignored everything.”</p> <p>In 1982, he was slowly able to reclaim his life back.</p> <p>“I quit drinking, quit tobacco, started to work out a little bit. And I began to gradually get better and better,” he said. </p> <p>“And finally by 1990 I was able to go back to Dallas and walk the streets of Dealey Plaza up into the Texas School Book Depository and look up at the sixth floor window where Oswald shot from and then come away knowing that I had really done everything I could do that day.”</p> <p>Mr Hill said the secret service have a much harder job to protect the President today.</p> <p>“The challenges are much greater to protect the president, whoever it might be,” he said. </p> <p>“And the fact that President Trump does generate a great deal of animosity from various sections of society, it is something that is very concerning."</p>


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Secret documents reveal teen tried to kill Queen in NZ

<p>Declassified secret documents have confirmed an assassination attempt on Queen Elizabeth II in Dunedin, and potentially implicate New Zealand police in a "cover-up".</p> <p>On October 14, 1981, teen criminal Christopher John Lewis hid in a deserted toilet cubicle on the fifth floor of a building overlooking the Royal parade. He wanted to assassinate the Queen but his gunshot missed. Incredibly, although the 17-year-old was arrested he was never charged with attempted murder and media, who heard the shot, were told it was a falling sign.</p> <p>Why?</p> <p>The Security Intelligence Service (SIS) has now released previously classified information to <em>Stuff</em> after <span style="text-decoration: underline;"><strong><a href="" target="_blank"><em>The Snowman and the Queen</em> series</a></strong></span> was published in January.</p> <p>The SIS documents include the file <em>Possible Attempt on the Life of Queen Elizabeth II by National Imperial Guerilla Army</em>, which is dated November 9, 1981 and marked 'SECRET'. </p> <p>The documents, released under an Official Information Act (OIA) request to the intelligence agency, reveal unnamed SIS officials were investigating the assassination attempt, after initial media reports questioning whether an attempt had been made.</p> <p>The documents confirm police officers and members of the public heard "what they took to be a shot".</p> <p>Police initially downplayed the incident, telling local and international media the sound of what appeared to be a gunshot was, in fact, a council sign falling over.</p> <p>It was later revealed the then 17-year-old Christopher Lewis <span style="text-decoration: underline;"><strong><a href="" title="">fired a shot</a></strong></span> as the Queen exited her motorcade at the Otago Museum on the afternoon of October 14, 1981.</p> <p>An SIS official was given access to police reports, including interview notes, after the arrest of Christopher Lewis and two of his teenage off-siders.</p> <p>The newly released SIS file references "two persons who may well be fictitious whom Lewis would only describe as Snowman and Polar Bear respectively".</p> <p>According to Lewis' police interviews he commanded the National Imperial Guerilla Army, alongside a higher ranker person known as the Polar Bear while The Snowman was the leader who ordered the fledgling army<a href=""> <span style="text-decoration: underline;"><strong>"to terrorise Dunedin".</strong></span></a></p> <p>While police expressed doubts over Lewis' claims over the existence of the shadowy pair, the SIS investigated the allegations.</p> <p>SIS had "no knowledge" of the <span style="text-decoration: underline;"><strong><a href="" title="">National Imperial Guerilla Army</a> </strong></span>organisation, and did not believe it was linked to the right-wing National Front movement, which was pro-monarchy.</p> <p>"They are a figment of my imagination," Lewis later conceded to police.</p> <p>The SIS documents appear to vindicate claims made by Tom Lewis, a former Dunedin detective who went public about the assassination attempt in 1997.</p> <p>After he <span style="text-decoration: underline;"><strong><a href="" target="_blank">went public</a></strong></span> it prompted another memo from SIS - also released under the OIA - to an undisclosed recipient. </p> <p>"(Christopher) Lewis did indeed originally intend to assassinate the Queen, however did not have a suitable vantage point from which to fire, nor a sufficiently high-powered rifle for the range from the target," the memo concluded.</p> <p>Tom Lewis, who is no relation to Christopher Lewis doubted the complete truth would ever come out.</p> <p>"It will be like ripping the scab off . . . so much pus would come out."</p> <p><img width="435" height="253" src="" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;"/></p> <p style="text-align: center;"><em>A memo confirming Christopher Lewis did intend to kill the Queen.</em></p> <p><strong>CLASSIFIED INFORMATION</strong></p> <p>The released information, which included a hand-drawn map, confirmed the shot was heard in the vicinity of Dunedin's Walsh St, metres from the royal motorcade.</p> <p>That supports statements by two witnesses - including a former soldier -  who told <em>Stuff</em> they heard a shot nearby.</p> <p><img width="446" height="259" src="" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;"/></p> <p style="text-align: center;"><em>A hand-drawn map confirms the shot was heard near Walsh St, metres from where the Queen travelled. </em></p> <p>The documents noted the same unnamed SIS official asked questions of the Police Terrorist Intelligence Unit (PTIU) following media reports of the shot.</p> <p>According to the SIS file, Lewis gave a "long meandering story" to police about his self-styled army, known as National Imperial Guerilla Army, which he used to keep his accomplices in line "to feed his own delusions".</p> <p>It took police some time to get the full story from Lewis, but when coupled with the multitude of charges, "the following points appeared certain", the SIS document said.</p> <p>Those include: </p> <p>- The possibility a firearm was <span style="text-decoration: underline;"><strong><a href="" target="_blank">discharged in the vicinity of the Queen</a> </strong></span>was highly likely although it may not have been aimed directly at the Queen or the royal party.</p> <p>- The police received a .22 rifle with a discharged cartridge in the breech from the fifth floor of the Adams Building as a result of Lewis' admissions.</p> <p>- Lewis possibly fired a shot at a nearby road at the time in question, although he does say that he changed his mind about wanting to hurt anyone.</p> <p>- The angle of fire and range would have made it difficult for the Queen to have been a target. Buildings screened her from the firing point except on four occasions of about two seconds duration.</p> <p>- Police ballistic tests subsequently found the bullet's trajectory was more likely to have passed high above the crowd than to have been fired at a road. Lewis will not countenance this suggestion.</p> <p><strong>MEDIA MISLED?</strong></p> <p>The earliest SIS memo was written after Christopher Lewis appeared on initial armed robbery and burglary charges, and while his accomplices were bailed he was remanded in custody.</p> <p>"Current police investigations into the shots have been conducted discreetly and most media representatives probably have the impression that the noise was caused by a firework of some description," the report said.</p> <p>"There is a worry, however, that in court the press may make the connections between the date of the offence and the Queen's visit."</p> <p>Former news editor at Dunedin radio station 4XO, Allan Dick, recalled being called into a meeting with a high ranking detective who said reports of a shot being fired were not true.</p> <p>"We all left that meeting more mystified about what had happened," Dick said.</p> <p>"I have no doubt the matter was covered-up, the cops were embarrassed - they didn't want the media to know and we got embarrassed that we allowed ourselves to be snowballed to such a degree."</p> <p><img width="417" height="242" src="" class="NSImage_photoborder DT_NSImage_photoborder" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;"/></p> <p style="text-align: center;"><em>Christopher Lewis pictured in December 1996, less than a year before his death.</em></p> <p>Tom Lewis said despite the initial "push from journalists", the latest tranche of released documents confirmed police <a href="" target="_blank">wanted the matter to disappear</a> from the outset.</p> <p>"Once you start to cover-up, you then have to keep covering up the cover-up," Tom Lewis said.</p> <p>The documents revealed that while the police investigation was ongoing, police did not intend to charge Christopher Lewis with anything more than unlawful possession and/or discharge of a firearm.</p> <p>That revelation stunned Tom Lewis, who said the teen was facing a charge of treason, and then attempted treason.</p> <p>"We knew we would get home on attempted treason."</p> <p>Those close to the case alleged political interference came into play over fears the country would lose future royal tours due to the security lapse.</p> <p>After the incident police told media that Christopher Lewis, who was never charged with treason or attempted treason, shot at a road. </p> <p>He was sentenced to three years jail.</p> <p>Christopher Lewis went on to commit a string of armed robberies, sparked a mass police manhunt, was given a taxpayer-funded holiday and was then charged with murder.</p> <p>He <span style="text-decoration: underline;"><strong><a href="" target="_blank">electrocuted himself</a></strong></span> in his Mt Eden prison cell while on remand on September 23, 1997.</p> <p>After being approached by <em>Stuff</em> about claims of a cover-up, a police spokesman said: "Given the interest in this historic matter, the Police Commissioner Mike Bush has asked the Deputy Commissioner National Operations, Mike Clement, to oversee an examination by current investigation staff of the relevant case file.  </p> <p>"Given the passage of time, it is anticipated this examination of the old file and its associated material will take some time. NZ Police will share the outcome of this examination once it has been completed."</p> <div> <p><strong><em><span style="text-decoration: underline;"><a href="" target="_blank">The Snowman and the Queen is a Stuff series</a></span> looking at the life and crimes of Christopher John Lewis, a self-styled teen terrorist and trained "ninja" whose bizarre criminal antics kept police busy from his school days until his strange suicide in prison at age 33.</em></strong></p> </div> <div> <div class="NSImage"> <p><strong><em>The series was meant to be five parts but newly declassified information meant we produced a sixth chapter. </em></strong></p> </div> </div> <p><em>Written by Hamish McNeilly. Republished with permission of <strong><span style="text-decoration: underline;"><a href=""></a></span></strong></em></p>


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