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AFL fans demand apology over "heartless" joke at Brownlow awards

<p>AFL fans are demanding an apology over a "heartless" joke at the Brownlow medal awards on Monday night. </p> <p>During the three-hour ceremony, host Rebecca Madden struck up a conversation with Collingwood forward Jamie Elliott after he had missed out on winning AFL Mark of the Year to teammate Bobby Hill, and the $50,000 that comes with it.</p> <p>While receiving the award on stage Hill joked that he would use the winnings to fly him and Elliott to Vegas the next morning to celebrate. </p> <p>Maddern spoke with Elliott in some lighthearted banter before ending their short chat by saying, “Jamie, thank you. It was a lovely chat. Have a lovely time in Vegas. I wish you all the best. And come home alive.”</p> <p>Elliot didn't react to the comment, while social media lit up with angry commentary about Maddern's "joke". </p> <p>Former Magpies and Power player John McCarthy died aged 22 on an end-of-season trip to Vegas in 2012, falling from a rooftop at the Flamingo Hotel on the Strip.</p> <p>It was a death that rocked the AFL to its core and is still remembered by both clubs each season.</p> <p>While many people were quick to point out that Maddern was just making a fleeting comment about the debaucherous city, others demanded an apology from Channel Seven.</p> <p>“Rebecca Maddern needs to apologise to John McCarthy’s family and Jamie Elliott for her insensitive comments about coming back from Vegas alive,” one wrote. “The most disgusting and heartless thing I’ve heard a ‘presenter’ say.”</p> <p>“Did Rebecca Maddern just make a joke about an AFL player to “come back alive” from Vegas on a post season trip? How f**king poor taste. Expecting a full apology before the coverage is over,” added another. </p> <p>Others jumped to Maddern's defence, with one person writing, “Rebecca Maddern’s come back alive from Vegas joke is just standard banter from where I sit. People are wanting to see things that clearly weren’t intended, and trying to instigate controversy.”</p> <p>“She’s obviously not aware of JMac and the circumstances surrounding his death. It was still not a funny thing to say. I think she’ll be feeling awful.”</p> <p>Later in the evening, Carlton captain Patrick Cripps made history by taking home his second Brownlow medal with a record-breaking 45 votes. </p> <p><em>Image credits: Channel Seven </em></p>


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"He's a good kid": Teen fisherman's boss defends young millionaire

<p>The former boss of teenager fisherman Keegan Payne has spoken out in support of the new millionaire, just days after Peter Stefanovic and <em>Sky News</em> were slammed for a "harsh" interview. </p> <p>On Wednesday, Stefanovic made headlines after he used his <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">interview</a> with 19-year-old Payne, who had just won a million dollars in a fishing competition in the Northern Territory, to quiz the young man about a petty crime he committed when he was 16. </p> <p>"There is a claim online that you stole a Polaris Ranger and Polaris quad that you and your friends stole and damaged from a business a few years back, first of all, is that true?" Stefanovic asked from his Sydney studio during the live interview.</p> <p>Payne, who was speaking from the Darwin, simply answered, "Yes".</p> <p>Payne explained he and his friends "were young", and "weren't thinking at the time" but having come up with the idea they "went for it".</p> <p>Stefanovic asked Payne if he regretted the act and he said he did "big time".</p> <p>The interview was widely condemned online, with many saying Stefanovic "ripped the carpet from underneath" Payne and chose to focus on a past mistake rather than celebrate his life-changing win. </p> <p>The backlash to the interview prompted both Stefanovic and Sky News to issue an apology to Keegan, saying he "regrets" his line of questioning. </p> <p>“An apology from me, last Wednesday we invited Keegan Payne onto our show to discuss his win in the Million Dollar Fish competition in the Northern Territory,” Stefanovic said during First Edition on Monday. </p> <p>“During that interview I asked him about a theft that had occurred several years earlier. I should not have asked him about those claims and I regret doing so. </p> <p>“I apologise sincerely to Keegan and his family.”</p> <p>Now, the teenage fisherman's former boss, Bob Cavanagh, has spoken out in defence of Keegan, saying "he is a good kid" who had a lapse of better judgement.  </p> <p>Cavanagh ran the business that Payne stole the vehicles from a few years ago, but said he does not hold a grudge and holds no ill will to the teenager. </p> <p>“He’s a good kid who made a mistake,” Cavanagh told the <em><a href="">Daily Mail</a>.</em></p> <p>“What was meant to be a celebratory moment was stolen from him. I’m glad he [Stefanovic] apologised to Keegan, he deserved that apology.”</p> <p>Cavanagh said he believes Stefanovic has learnt a lesson.</p> <p>“We all make mistakes and I bet he regrets it,’ he said. ‘The fact that he’s come out and apologised to Keegan and his family, I think he’s realised he’s overstepped the mark.”</p> <p>After his big win, Keegan offered to pay back the stolen vehicles.</p> <p>“Out of the blue this morning, his father rang me and said, ‘Keegan wants to repay you’, and you could have knocked me down with a feather,” Cavanagh said.</p> <p>“He said Keegan has always felt so terrible for what he did.”</p> <p><em>Image credits: Facebook</em></p> <p style="box-sizing: inherit; margin: 0px 0px 24px; padding: 0px; border: 0px; font-stretch: inherit; line-height: inherit; font-size-adjust: inherit; font-kerning: inherit; font-variant-alternates: inherit; font-variant-ligatures: inherit; font-variant-numeric: inherit; font-variant-east-asian: inherit; font-variant-position: inherit; font-feature-settings: inherit; font-optical-sizing: inherit; font-variation-settings: inherit; vertical-align: baseline;"> </p>


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Thief returns stolen truck with note of apology – and gifts!

<p>In the bustling world of Auckland cafés, where flat whites and smashed avocados reign supreme, one café owner recently found himself entangled in a plot that could rival a sitcom script.</p> <p>Varun Chada, the proud owner of Kati Street, had his beloved 4WD truck snatched right out from under his nose, leaving him in a state of disbelief that could only be rivalled by a magician's audience.</p> <p>Picture this: a sunny afternoon, the aroma of freshly brewed coffee wafting through the air, and Chada minding his own business when, suddenly, his trusty truck disappeared faster than a piece of cake at a weight loss support group meeting. The audacity! The cheek! Someone had the gall to pull off a vehicular heist right outside his beloved eatery.</p> <p>But it gets better.</p> <p>Four days later, as if the universe had decided to play a cosmic prank on poor Varun, the stolen truck made a triumphant return. Parked in the exact same spot, as if it had never embarked on a wild joyride. It was like the vehicular version of Houdini's vanishing act, only with less smoke and mirrors and more caffeinated confusion.</p> <p>To add a sprinkle of absurdity to the mix, the returned truck came with a heartfelt, handwritten letter of apology. Now, we applaud any criminal with the decency to apologise, but it seems this particular ne'er-do-well could use a grammar lesson or two. The apology note featured the word "sorry", albeit with a creative twist on spelling that would make any English teacher cringe.</p> <p>“I couldn’t believe it,” Chada <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">told The NZ Herald</a>. "The first time I thought I was losing my mind because I’d just walked inside, and the second time I rocked up, and it was parked there."</p> <p>As it turns out, the thief, in an attempt to excuse their vehicular misdeed, claimed to be a bit 'drunk' and in desperate need of a ride home. Because, you know, grand theft auto is a completely acceptable solution to a night out with one too many beers.</p> <p>"It was exactly where I’d parked it," Chada explained, "and I walked up to the window and there was a note inside it saying ‘hey mate sorry but I borrowed your car, was a bit drunk’ and none of us could believe it." </p> <p>But here's the twist that turns this tale into a comedy goldmine – the thief not only returned the truck unscathed but also left some new toys in the back for Chada's young son! It's like they momentarily transformed from a rogue car bandit to the world's most peculiar Santa Claus.</p> <p>Despite the surreal nature of the ordeal, Chada seems to be taking it all in stride. “I’m not condoning what they did is fine, but I mean, they gave it back and they said sorry, so, I don’t know, I’m just stoked to get it back, put it that way.”</p> <p>The saga has become the talk of the town, with Chada's Facebook and community pages buzzing with activity. Social media, the modern-day town square, has played a pivotal role in the unfolding drama, with hundreds of likes, shares and comments turning the café owner into an unintentional social media influencer.</p> <p>As for the truck, it's currently parked at Chada's house, awaiting the forensic scrutiny of the police. The investigation continues, but in the meantime, Aucklanders are left scratching their heads, wondering if their next caffeine fix might come with a side of unexpected vehicular shenanigans.</p> <p><em>Images: Facebook</em></p>


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Qantas chief executive issues second apology

<p>Qantas chief executive Vanessa Hudson has issued a second apology, as the airline continues to try and fix its reputation and win back customers' trust amid recent controversy over its <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">unlawful mass firing</a>.</p> <p>In a video message released on Friday, Hudson, who replaced chief executive Alan Joyce earlier this month, said she understood customer’s frustration and apologised for the airline’s recent track record. </p> <p>“I know that we have let you down in many ways and for that, I am sorry,” she said.</p> <p>“We haven't delivered the way we should have. And we’ve often been hard to deal with.”</p> <p>This apology comes just weeks after the new chief executive apologised to their staff and said that the new management will be more focused on their customers. </p> <p>Hudson has also promised to rectify the airline's problems. </p> <p>“We understand we need to earn back your trust not with what we say, but with what we do and how we behave,” she said. </p> <p>She added that customers can expect more frequent flyer seats, improved resources for call centres, and a review of customer policies, assuring customers that their frontline teams will be granted more flexibility “to better help you when things don't go to plan”.</p> <p>“This has been a humbling period,” she said.</p> <p><em>Images: Qantas/</em></p>

Travel Trouble

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"We strongly object": Cruise line passengers witness mass whale hunt

<p dir="ltr">A cruise line has apologised to over 1,000 passengers who witnessed a gruesome whale killing while their ship was docking at a port.</p> <p dir="ltr">Ambassador Cruise Lines confirmed on Thursday that the arrival of their ship Ambition in Torshavn in the Faroe Islands - located between Scotland, Iceland and Norway in the North Atlantic - had coincided “with the culmination of a hunt of 40+ pilot whales in the port area.”</p> <p dir="ltr">“We were incredibly disappointed that this hunt occurred at the time that our ship was in port. We strongly object to this outdated practice, and have been working with our partner, ORCA, a charity dedicated to studying and protecting whales, dolphins and porpoises in UK and European waters, to encourage change since 2021,” Ambassador said following the arrival of their ship in the Torshavn port area on the southern part of the main island.</p> <p dir="ltr">Communities in the Faroe Islands have been hunting pilot whales in the area for centuries, as many partake in the cultural tradition, known as grindadráp, to harvest the whale's meat which is an integral part of the local diet.</p> <p dir="ltr">As such, the government of the Faroe Islands issued a statement in rebuttal, reiterating their clear stance on the historical practice of whale hunting.</p> <p dir="ltr">“As has been the case for centuries, whaling still occurs in the Faroe Islands today,” a statement from the government said, on behalf of the estimated 53,000 people on the island, explaining the values of the whaling hunt.</p> <p dir="ltr">“The Faroese have eaten pilot whale meat and blubber since they first settled the islands over a millenia ago. Today, as in times past, the whale drive is a community activity open to all, while also well organised on a community level and regulated by national laws.”</p> <p dir="ltr">The Faroe Island’s government said that the hunt is part of the island’s sustainability efforts and that “the meat and blubber from the hunt is distributed equally among those who have participated … Hunting and killing methods have been improved to ensure as little harm to the whales as possible. All hunters must now obtain a hunting license in order to kill a whale.”</p> <p dir="ltr">In their apology, Ambassador said that sustainability is one of the cruise line’s “core values”, and that the company fully appreciates that “witnessing this local event would have been distressing for the majority of guests onboard. Accordingly, we would like to sincerely apologise to them for any undue upset.”</p> <p dir="ltr"><em>Image credits: Getty Images</em></p>

Travel Trouble

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Insane excuse for tourist's Colosseum vandalism revealed

<p>The tourist who was caught carving his girlfriend's name into Rome's Colosseum has apologised for his action, while giving a mind-boggling reason as why why he defaced the relic. </p> <div id="story-primary"> <p>Ivan Dimitrov, a 27-year-old Bulgarian-born fitness trainer living in England, penned an apology to the mayor of Rome begging for forgiveness after allegedly using a key to etch “Ivan + Hayley 23” into the wall of the UNESCO heritage site. </p> <p>Dimitrov is facing a steep fine and possible time behind bars for his actions, and told the government official that he did not understand the gravity of his actions until it was too late. </p> <p>His apology, which was published in the Italian newspaper Il Messaggero, reads, “It is with deep embarrassment that only after what regrettably happened did I learn of the antiquity of the monument.”</p> <p>He said he was unaware how old the Colosseum was, and it was only after he was identified by police after a five day search that he understand “the seriousness of the deed committed”.</p> <p>“Through these lines I would like to address my heartfelt and honest apologies to the Italians and to the whole world for the damage caused to an asset which, in fact, is the heritage of all humanity,” Mr Dimitrov said.</p> <p>Alexandro Maria Tirelli, Mr Dimitrov's lawyer, painted his client as a run-of-the-mill ignorant tourist.</p></div> <div> <p>“The boy is the prototype of the foreigner who frivolously believes that anything is allowed in Italy, even the type of act which in their own countries would be severely punished,” Mr Tirelli told Il Messaggero.</p> <p>Mr Dimitrov was <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">blasted onlin</a>e after the video of him carving his and his girlfriend's name into the monument went viral under the title, “A**hole tourist carves name in Colosseum in Rome”.</div> <div> <p>Ryan Lutz, who filmed the act of vandalism, said he had just finished a guided tour of the Colosseum, which was completed in the year 80AD by Emperor Titus, when he spotted the fellow tourist “blatantly carving his name” into the wall.</p> <p>“And as you see in the video, I kind of approach him and ask him, dumbfounded at this point, ‘Are you serious? Are you really serious?’” Mr Lutz said. “And all he could do is like smile at me.”</p> <p><em>Image credits: TikTok</em></p> </div>

Travel Trouble

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No apologies: Ben Roberts-Smith breaks silence

<p>Former SAS soldier Ben Roberts-Smith has returned to Australia for the first time since losing his defamation case against Nine newspapers.</p> <p>Roberts-Smith touched down in Perth on June 14 and said he was shattered by the outcome of his defamation case against The Age, The Sydney Morning Herald and The Canberra Times.</p> <p>This is the first time he has spoken out publicly since the landmark ruling.</p> <p>"It was a terrible result and obviously the incorrect result. We will look at it and consider whether or not we need to file an appeal," Roberts-Smith said after landing in Perth.</p> <p>"There is not much more I can say about it ... we just have to work through it and I'll take the advice as it comes.”</p> <p>He was spotted checking into business class with his girlfriend in Queenstown, New Zealand prior to touching down in Perth.</p> <p>Roberts-Smith rules out apologising to families of the victims impacted by his actions in Afghanistan.</p> <p>"We haven't done anything wrong, so we won't be making any apologies," he said.</p> <p>As he was collecting his luggage at Perth airport, he was approached by a man who voiced his support for the former soldier.</p> <p>Roberts-Smith's return comes on the same day as reports that an Australian Federal Police investigation into his alleged war crimes had collapsed.</p> <p>The decision by the Commonwealth Director of Public Prosecutions not to prosecute Roberts-Smith based on evidence collected by the AFP has led to a new joint task force being assembled to investigate alleged executions.</p> <p>The task force is comprised of detectives from the specialist war crimes agency, the Office of the Special Investigator and a new team of federal police investigators not related to the abandoned AFP probe.</p> <p>Roberts-Smith did not appear in the Federal Court when a judge found allegations he murdered or was complicit in the killing of four unarmed Afghans while deployed overseas were "substantially true” in a bombshell defamation ruling.</p> <p>The former soldier insists there was never any foul play.</p> <p><em>Image credit: A Current Affair</em></p>


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20 things even polite people don’t apologise for

<p><strong>How many times a day do you say "sorry"?</strong></p> <p>If you say sorry so often that you can’t remember just how often, it might be time to rethink this habit. “Oftentimes we find ourselves reflexively apologising without really knowing why,” says Lisa Mirza Grotts, etiquette expert and founder of the Golden Rules Gal. However, this apologetic reflex may be doing you more harm than good. “Research shows that when we keep saying ‘I’m sorry’ it makes us sound weak and less respected by our peers,” she explains, adding that in some situations it may even make you take responsibility for things you shouldn’t. “Instead, try flipping the script to saying ‘thank you’ instead. It’s more positive and makes you appear stronger and in control.”</p> <p>Still, some people may worry that not apologising may be impolite and that it’s better to be safe than sorry when it comes to polite manners. Not so, Grotts says, and to help you figure out the etiquette of apologising we asked experts to share common things people apologise for that they shouldn’t.</p> <p><strong>Taking a sick day</strong></p> <p>Everyone gets sick sometimes. That’s not a failure, it’s a fact of life. Yet too many people fear using their sick days and apologise to their boss and coworkers when they finally do. Apologising for using your sick leave is totally unnecessary and can hurt you in the long run, says Dr Kim Chronister, a clinical psychologist.</p> <p>“You are allowed to have personal downtime as long as it’s not excessive,” she says, adding that this includes mental health days. “Just be matter of fact. No need to spill emotional details at work or make excuses. Simply take a sick day and don’t apologise for it.”</p> <p><strong>Not buying a birthday gift for a friend</strong></p> <p>Buying someone a gift for their special day is a lovely gesture but it shouldn’t be an expectation, especially if you are in a difficult financial situation, Chronister says. “If you can’t afford to buy a gift, there’s no reason to apologise,” she explains.</p> <p>“If they truly love and care about you they will see your presence as the gift.” But just because you aren’t buying them a gift doesn’t mean you can’t give them anything, some of the best gifts are those that don’t cost a cent.</p> <p><strong>Interrupting someone occasionally</strong></p> <p>Interrupting others when they are speaking is a common etiquette mistake and one you should try to curb if it’s a frequent problem. However, we all do it sometimes and you don’t need to derail the conversation with an apology if it’s an accidental faux pas, Chronister says.</p> <p>“It’s okay to interrupt as long as it’s not mal-intended. It’s just about getting your point across and it happens sometimes,” she explains. Another issue is that some people, particularly men, see apologising too often as a weakness so learning to apologise less may help you be seen as more confident and competent, she adds.</p> <p><strong>Saying "no" to being the classroom parent</strong></p> <p>“You should never apologise for saying ‘no’,” Grotts says. You’re allowed to protect your time and other resources, to stand up for yourself, and to have your own opinions—unapologetically.</p> <p><strong>Not knowing the right answer</strong></p> <p>With Google at our fingertips, it may seem like there is no excuse for you to not know something but technology doesn’t have all the answers (and often has the wrong ones) and all of us are in the process of learning, Grotts says.</p> <p>“If you don’t know the answer to something, just say so,” she says. “Instead of apologising, see it as a good opportunity to learn something new.”</p> <p><strong>A partner's table manners</strong></p> <p>“Never apologise for someone else’s behaviour—that’s their job,” Grotts says. While it may be tempting to make apologies for your spouse, it’s important to remember that you are not responsible for another adult’s behaviour and it is not reflective of your own, she says.</p> <p>Even worse, apologising for their bad behaviour may inadvertently get you roped into the situation which will reflect negatively on you, she adds.</p> <p><strong>Stating an opinion on politics</strong></p> <p>Politics, religion and other hot button issues can feel too risky to even broach these days unless you know the other person already shares similar views but staying silent does a great disservice to society by discouraging open discourse and sharing of ideas.</p> <p>“Don’t apologise for having an opinion and for sharing it,” Grotts says. “Even though it may only be your judgement, it’s okay to voice it even if it’s not based on fact. That’s why it’s your opinion!”</p> <p><strong>Not responding immediately to a text</strong></p> <p>Having constant access to phones means that people now expect instant replies to their texts, emails or calls. However, just because they expect it doesn’t mean you need to—and you don’t need to apologise for it, says Robin H-C, behaviourist, life coach, and author of Life’s In Session.</p> <p>This assumes that any text or call should be your top priority but if you respond to every non-urgent issue you’d never get anything else done, she explains. Instead, she recommends replying when you are able, skipping any apology and moving straight to the matter at hand.</p> <p><strong>RSVPing "no" to a party invitation</strong></p> <p>Apologising when saying no to an invitation may feel polite but it is likely not honest, and in the long run, honesty will serve you better, H-C says. “Are you really sorry you can’t go? If you were then you would find a way to make it work,” she says.</p> <p>“Usually people aren’t sorry, they just don’t want to go and apologising is a passive way to avoid telling them that.” It’s fine to say no to invitations without offering an apology or explanation; if it is someone you’d like to see at a different time, then tell them that and make plans to meet up in the future.</p> <p><strong>A spouse's anger</strong></p> <p>Have you ever felt the need to apologise for other people’s feelings? If so, it’s time to take a careful look at your boundaries, especially in relationships, H-C says. “People who were traumatised or bullied as kids often make themselves responsible for the emotional climate of those around them,” she explains.</p> <p>“The truth is, you are not responsible for another adult’s emotions and you should not apologise for them.” If your partner is trying to use their emotions to guilt you into an apology, that’s one of the signs of an unhealthy relationship.</p> <p><strong>A messy house</strong></p> <p>Do you live in fear of a neighbour or friend just “popping in” to say hello because of the state of your home and then find yourself apologising over and over again for the mess when they do? Cut yourself some slack in this area, H-C says. “You’re the one who is living there in the mess, not them,” she says.</p> <p>“Really you’re apologising to them for witnessing how you live, and you shouldn’t need to do that.” Instead, she says the best way to deal with this situation is a little humour—”So I’m thinking about becoming a professional organiser…”</p> <p><strong>When someone goes out of their way to help you</strong></p> <p>Many people say “I’m sorry” when what they really mean is “thank you,” says Amy Rollo, a psychotherapist. For instance, if you go to a full restaurant and the staff works hard to find a space for you, instead of apologising for inconveniencing them, express appreciation for their hard work, she explains.</p> <p>Both you and the other person will feel happier by focusing on the positive aspects of helping others.</p> <p><strong>Going to the store in sweats</strong></p> <p>In an ideal world, we’d all only leave the house once we were perfectly coiffed and put together. Real-life, however, means that people get sick, wake up late, run out of hot water, have a broken washing machine, or have any number of situations that cause them to go out in public looking less than their best.</p> <p>And that’s totally fine, Rollo says. “Don’t apologise for your appearance. If you are tired or stressed, just own that you are not perfect and this is part of you,” she says.</p> <p><strong>Crying during an argument </strong></p> <p>“Emotions should never be apologised for, you are allowed to feel what you feel,” Rollo says. This doesn’t mean you have free reign to meltdown on anyone in your path—how you express your emotions matters—but you don’t need to apologise for simply feeling a certain way.</p> <p>Many people have been trained to think they “shouldn’t” feel sad or upset but negative emotions are a part of human life and you’re allowed to be human.</p> <p><strong>Toddler temper tantrums</strong></p> <p>There isn’t a parent on the planet who hasn’t had a little one cry, scream, or explosively vomit at the most inconvenient time. It’s a necessary, albeit frustrating, part of their development from infants to functioning adults—a fact that more people would do well to remember.</p> <p>So, while you should help manage your child as best as you can, you don’t need to apologise for their outbursts, Rollo says. “Instead of saying you’re sorry, let others know that you understand this is a difficult situation, and you thank them for being patient,” she says.</p> <p><strong>Turning down sex</strong></p> <p>Many people feel they need to apologise for not wanting to have sex and it can cause tension in a relationship says Melanie Gonzalez, a marriage and family therapist. But your sex drive is like any other appetite. Would you apologise for not being hungry?</p> <p>“It’s very normal to not be in the mood sometimes and apologising for that implies that you should always want sex,” she explains. “Man or woman, sometimes you are not in the mood and that should be okay and accepted by your partner without them taking it personally.”</p> <p><strong>A delayed flight</strong></p> <p>“Don’t apologise for things that are out of your control like a delayed flight, bad weather, or illness,” says Dr Amy Ricke, a psychiatrist with Your Doctors Online, adding that these things just happen and most people will be understanding, even if it messes up their plans.</p> <p>“Say something to acknowledge the other person’s disappointment or inconvenience, but do not take responsibility for events or circumstances you have no role in.”</p> <p><strong>Asking a question</strong></p> <p>Apologising before asking a question is very common, especially in women, Dr Ricke says. But not only is this unnecessary it could hurt your career and relationships. “You have the right to get more information or gain clarification, whether it be at home, work, or elsewhere,” she says.</p> <p>“If you feel that you are interrupting or inconveniencing the other person, you can say ‘I have a few questions for you, please let me know when it is a good time to ask’.”</p> <p><em>Image credits: Getty Images</em></p> <p><em>This article originally appeared on <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Reader's Digest</a>. </em></p>


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"Trash show": The Project blasted over "hypocritical" apology

<p>Former Project panellist Em Rusciano has taken aim at the show amid backlash over its airing of a controversial joke, accusing them of "throwing" a star "under the bus". </p> <p>Reuben Kaye, who identifies as queer, was speaking about the hate he receives for his sexuality and for dressing up in drag, specifically from the Christian community.</p> <p>“I love Jesus, I love any man who can get nailed for three days straight and come back for more,” Kaye said on the show, prompting a stunned reaction from host Waleed Aly and a chuckle from co-host Sarah Harris.</p> <p>Harris and other members of the panel had a laugh, but it appeared that Waleed Aly was a bit taken aback.</p> <p>Harris and Aly both <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">apologised to viewers</a>, but that didn’t stop the backlash, with some members of Australia’s Christian and Muslim communities planning to protest at Channel 10’s office over the joke.</p> <p>The Project’s social media posts have also been swamped by hashtags such as #CancelTheProject and #BoycottTheProject, and channel 9 star Omar Slaimankhel, the 2022 winner of The Block, alongside his friend Oz’ Abu Malik, has emerged as one of the highest-profile critics.</p> <p>Slaimankhel slammed the show on social media, particularly putting Harris on blast, accusing her of hypocrisy after laughing at the joke and then apologising afterwards.</p> <p>He shared a screenshot of Harris and Aly’s apology on Instagram, with the caption, “She was p*ssing herself laughing and now wants to apologise”, and a second screenshot of Kaye on the program with the words “Trash TV. Trash show”.</p> <p>Entertainment commentator Peter Ford, who is heard on radio nationwide, told <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"></a> he was of two minds” about whether the joke was actually that offensive, but said the backlash came at a critical time when The Project was already receiving a great deal of hate.</p> <p>“I’m of two minds to be honest – I don’t think the joke was incredibly offensive in my own personal view, but it seems that other people do think it was, and now it has become a big thing on social media, mainly on Twitter,” he said.</p> <p>“At the moment the show really has a target on its back – people really want to go for it and jump on anything they can to somehow try and bring the show down.</p> <p>“I suspect they’re spooked by all the sharks circling wanting to come after them and bring them down.”</p> <p>Mr Ford pointed out that while panellists were seen laughing at the joke on air at the time, it was a natural reaction given the pressurised environment of TV life.</p> <p>“It’s particularly a problem because they were seen to be laughing at the joke at the time, so you can’t then say the next night, ‘it was terrible, we’re so shocked’. But I understand that sometimes on air you hear a joke and think you have to laugh, otherwise you’re not doing your job, without having fully processed what was said,” he said.</p> <p>Mr Ford went on to say there were far greater problems the programme is facing than the latest backlash, which comes just months after the exodus of Lisa Wilkinson, Carrie Bickmore, Peter Heliar, and comedian Tommy Little.</p> <p>“Honestly, I don’t know how many people who were watching it on air at that time were shocked and offended … I think it’s unfortunate to have the hosts apologise on air, particularly if it’s not necessary to have done it – it seems there was no suggestion of advertisers pulling out, and no serious repercussions,” he added.</p> <p>“If they have these kneejerk reactions whenever people get angry on Twitter, it’s going to be taking up a lot of time every night, because people will always find something – people love to get angry.</p> <p>“I’m inclined to think if they’d not apologised, it may have worked in their favour to have something controversial, unplanned and potentially even offensive. Maybe that’s what people need to start thinking - maybe I’d better start watching The Project again.”</p> <p>“They create a rod for their own back when they start to do apologies, unless it’s really vital, or they are truly sincere.”</p> <p><em>Image credit: Instagram</em></p>


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The Project apologise after controversial religious joke

<p>Hosts of <em>The Project</em> have issued a grovelling apology after a comedian shared a crude joke about religion live on air. </p> <p>On Tuesday night's episode, queer comedian Reuben Kaye was relaying details of the online hate he receives, particularly from the Christian community, when he made the <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">X-rated remark</a>.</p> <p>"I think it's hilarious when someone messages me and says 'You have to accept Jesus' love or you will burn in hell', because I love Jesus."</p> <p>"I love any man who can get nailed for three days straight and come back for more,” Kaye quipped.</p> <p>Waleed Aly looked stunned by the joke, while co-host Sarah Harris burst into laughter.</p> <p>The joke prompted a wave of backlash online, with the Christian community demanding an apology from the panel show, while others called for the show to be cancelled all together. </p> <p>On Wednesday night's show, Waleed and Sarah spoke directly to viewers as they apologised for Kaye's joke making it to air. </p> <p>“During a live interview last night, our guest told a joke which we know was deeply and needlessly offensive to many of you," Waleed began.</p> <p>“We want to acknowledge the particular offence and hurt that it caused our Muslim and especially our Christian viewers. Obviously, I understand how profound that offence was.”</p> <p>Harris added, “Live TV is unpredictable. And when this happened in the last few moments of the show, it took us all by surprise, there wasn’t a lot of time to react in a considered way.”</p> <p>Aly then said, “We weren’t expecting a comment like that to be made and we acknowledge the offence it caused. We are sorry.”</p> <p>Some viewers were unhappy about the joke at the time, with one person writing on Twitter, “Absolutely disgusting comment about Jesus. He just insulted millions of people of faith.”</p> <p>According to the <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">2021 Australian census</a>, Christianity is the nation's most common religion (declared by 43.9 per cent of the population), although the results also showed that Australians are increasingly unlikely to worship a god with the number of Australians who said they had no religion rising to 38.9 per cent (from 30.1 per cent in 2016).</p> <p><em>Image credits: The Project</em></p>


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Crude religious joke on The Project sparks wave of backlash

<p>A crude religious joke on <em>The Project</em> has prompted a wave of backlash, with many calling for a formal apology from the panel show. </p> <p>On Tuesday night's episode, the panel were joined by special guest Reuben Kaye: a queer comedian known for pushing social boundaries in his comedy. </p> <p>Reuben, who dresses in drag for his performances, was relaying details of the online hate he receives, particularly from the Christian community, when he made the X-rated remark.</p> <p>"I think it's hilarious when someone messages me and says 'You have to accept Jesus' love or you will burn in hell', because I love Jesus."</p> <p>"I love any man who can get nailed for three days straight and come back for more,” Kaye quipped.</p> <p>Waleed Aly looked stunned by the joke, while co-host Sarah Harris burst into laughter.</p> <p>Some viewers, however, were not amused by the joke, with outraged religious believers taking their criticism online. </p> <p>“Absolutely disgusting comment about Jesus. He just insulted millions of people of faith,” one wrote on Twitter.</p> <p>An upset parent wrote, “Having to explain the offensive joke to my eight-year-old before <em>Survivor</em> kicked in, thanks legends. Shame on you guys. Have some respect and offer a public apology.”</p> <p>Another said, “Having to watch this FILTH during dinner time with a young family. You owe the public an apology &amp; furthermore, this horrible program cancelled.”</p> <p>One outraged viewer wrote, “The three nails sick derogatory joke allowed to air on tour show tonight is you giving permission to mock and ridicule Christianity and my Lord and saviour Jesus.”</p> <p>Despite the backlash from the Christian community, others thought Kaye's joke was "hilarious", and praised the comedian for his blunt delivery. </p> <p>“More of this on <em>The Project</em> please. I p***ed myself,” said one.</p> <p>Another wrote, “I can’t believe Reuben Kaye just said that on national, prime-time television. What an icon!”</p> <p>Kaye is known for his edgy jokes, saying elsewhere during his interview on <em>The Project</em>, when asked about his busy tour schedule, “I’m so thickly spread around this country that I might as well be systemic racism.”</p> <p><em>Image credits: The Project</em></p>


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Kamahl demands apology over racial tweet

<p>Singer Kamahl has demanded that radio host Philip Adams issue him a public apology over the racial tweet he made in December where Adams dubbed Kamahl an “honorary white” over his relationship with the late cricketer Donald Bradman. </p> <p>Adams claims to have contacted Kamahl, who says he has been “humiliated” by the incident, but the Malaysian-born singer claims the apology never made it to him. </p> <p>“My understanding is that Mr Adams has written to Kamahl apologising for that,” ABC boss David Anderson said of the situation. “Privately written to him, apologising for that.” </p> <p>As reported by <em>The Australian</em>, Kamahl had plenty to say in response to Anderson. </p> <p>“I resent the fact that you have used the incident on public record as a defence of how you and your management have effectively dealt with this issue,” he wrote. “You stated on the public record that Adams had in fact reached out to me to apologise personally for his highly inappropriate comment.</p> <p>“Mr Anderson, let me clarify, the only action that Adams has taken to date in dealing with this issue is to block me on Twitter and double down on his initial slur in which he referred to me as an ‘honorary white’.” </p> <p>“Bradman refused to meet Mandela?” Adams posted in a now deleted tweet. </p> <p>“Why do you think Sir Donald Bradman refused to meet Mandela?” Kamahl responded. “Why do you think the greatest ever 'spotsman' welcomed me at his home from August 1988 every year, till he left us in 2001?”</p> <blockquote class="twitter-tweet"> <p dir="ltr" lang="en">Why do you think Sir Donald Bradman refused to meet Mandela ? Why do you think the greatest ever 'spotsman' welcomed me at his home from August 1988 every year, till he left us in 2001? <br />He also left me letters he wrote every year. <br />Why Phillip ?<a href="">@OfficialKamahl</a> <a href="">@PhillipAdams_1</a></p> <p>— Kamahl AM (@OfficialKamahl) <a href="">December 26, 2022</a></p></blockquote> <p>“Clearly, Kamahl, he made you an Honorary White. Whereas one of the most towering political figures of the 20th century was deemed unworthy of Bradman's approval," Adams fired back. </p> <p>Kamahl went on to tell Adams that  responded he “may be white, but oh your soul is black!”</p> <p>The term ‘honorary white’ is said to have originated during South Africa’s Apartheid regime in the 1960s to grant the rights and the privileges of white people to those who would otherwise be considered ‘non-white’ at the time. </p> <p>Many share Kamahl’s belief that Adams’ apology should be as public as his initial words. </p> <p>As reporter Peter Ford said on <em>6PR Breakfast</em>, “you get the feeling that they told him to write this apology and send it to get him off our backs and it’d all go away, and I don’t think that’s good enough.” </p> <p>Kamahl and his followers have been vocal on Twitter about his desire for an appropriate apology, and the impact of Adams’ words, but only time will tell if Adams is to step up and offer one. </p> <p><em>Images: Twitter </em></p>


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Harry and Meghan reject Jeremy Clarkson’s apology

<p>Prince Harry and Meghan Markle have shot down Jeremy Clarkson’s apology following his scathing piece about them in <em>The Sun</em> at the close of 2022. </p> <p>The <em>Top Gear</em> star wrote the piece in the wake of the release of the couple’s Netflix documentary series, in which he explained how much he “hates” the Duchess of Sussex.</p> <p>The article, which was the most complained about and was removed from the website, saw Clarkson apologise for his words. </p> <p>It has now been revealed that the Sussexes have rejected Clarkson’s grovelling apology after it came out that Clarkson’s <em>Farm and The Grand Tour</em> series may be dropped by Amazon Prime.</p> <p>“On December 25, 2022, Mr Clarkson wrote solely to Prince Harry, the Duke of Sussex,” read a response from the Sussexes’ representatives.</p> <p>“The contents of his correspondence were marked Private and Confidential.</p> <p>“While a new public apology has been issued today by Mr Clarkson, what remains to be addressed is his long standing pattern of writing articles that spread hate rhetoric, dangerous conspiracy theories, and misogyny.</p> <p>“Unless each of his other pieces were also written ‘in a hurry’, as he states, it is clear that this is not an isolated incident shared in haste, but rather a series of articles shared in hate.”</p> <p>Clarkson has now taken to Instagram to publicly apologise to Prince Harry and Meghan Markle and to explain why he wrote such a piece.</p> <p>“I really am sorry. All the way from the balls of my feet to the follicles on my head. This is me putting my hands up. It’s a mea culpa with bells on,” his apology read.</p> <p>“Usually, I read what I’ve written to someone else before filing, but I was home alone on that fateful day, and in a hurry. So when I’d finished, I just pressed send. And then, when the column appeared the next day, the land mine exploded.  </p> <p>“It was a slow rumble to start with and I ignored it. But then the rumble got louder. So I picked up a copy of The Sun to see what all the fuss was about.</p> <p>“We’ve all been there, I guess. In that precise moment when we suddenly realise we’ve completely messed up.</p> <p>“You’re sweaty and cold at the same time. And your head pounds. And you feel sick.</p> <p>“I couldn’t believe what I was reading. Had I really said that? It was horrible.”</p> <p>Clarkson then went on to attempt to justify his reasoning for the article in which he claims he was thinking of an episode of <em>Game of Thrones</em> while writing the piece.</p> <p>“I was very angry with myself because in all those controversial days on Top Gear, when I was accused of all sorts of things, it was very rarely sexism.”</p> <p>He mentioned a few instances during <em>Top Gear</em> in which women drove faster laps than men, or the fact that there was never a segment about women not being able to park.</p> <p>Clarkson insisted that he wasn’t sexist, but went on to say: “I’m just not sexist and I abhor violence against women. And yet I seemed to be advocating just that. I was mortified and so was everyone else. My phone went mad. Very close friends were furious. Even my own daughter took to Instagram to denounce me. </p> <p>“The Sun quickly apologised, and I tried to explain myself. But still, there were calls for me to be sacked and charged with a hate crime.”</p> <blockquote class="instagram-media" style="background: #FFF; border: 0; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: 0 0 1px 0 rgba(0,0,0,0.5),0 1px 10px 0 rgba(0,0,0,0.15); margin: 1px; max-width: 540px; min-width: 326px; padding: 0; width: calc(100% - 2px);" data-instgrm-captioned="" data-instgrm-permalink=";utm_campaign=loading" data-instgrm-version="14"> <div style="padding: 16px;"> <div style="display: flex; flex-direction: row; align-items: center;"> <div style="background-color: #f4f4f4; border-radius: 50%; flex-grow: 0; height: 40px; margin-right: 14px; width: 40px;"> </div> <div style="display: flex; flex-direction: column; flex-grow: 1; justify-content: center;"> <div style="background-color: #f4f4f4; border-radius: 4px; flex-grow: 0; height: 14px; margin-bottom: 6px; width: 100px;"> </div> <div style="background-color: #f4f4f4; border-radius: 4px; flex-grow: 0; height: 14px; width: 60px;"> </div> </div> </div> <div style="padding: 19% 0;"> </div> <div style="display: block; height: 50px; margin: 0 auto 12px; width: 50px;"> </div> <div style="padding-top: 8px;"> <div style="color: #3897f0; font-family: Arial,sans-serif; font-size: 14px; font-style: normal; font-weight: 550; line-height: 18px;">View this post on Instagram</div> </div> <div style="padding: 12.5% 0;"> </div> <div style="display: flex; flex-direction: row; margin-bottom: 14px; align-items: center;"> <div> <div style="background-color: #f4f4f4; border-radius: 50%; height: 12.5px; width: 12.5px; transform: translateX(0px) translateY(7px);"> </div> <div style="background-color: #f4f4f4; height: 12.5px; transform: rotate(-45deg) translateX(3px) translateY(1px); width: 12.5px; flex-grow: 0; margin-right: 14px; margin-left: 2px;"> </div> <div style="background-color: #f4f4f4; border-radius: 50%; height: 12.5px; width: 12.5px; transform: translateX(9px) translateY(-18px);"> </div> </div> <div style="margin-left: 8px;"> <div style="background-color: #f4f4f4; border-radius: 50%; flex-grow: 0; height: 20px; width: 20px;"> </div> <div style="width: 0; height: 0; border-top: 2px solid transparent; border-left: 6px solid #f4f4f4; border-bottom: 2px solid transparent; transform: translateX(16px) translateY(-4px) rotate(30deg);"> </div> </div> <div style="margin-left: auto;"> <div style="width: 0px; border-top: 8px solid #F4F4F4; border-right: 8px solid transparent; transform: translateY(16px);"> </div> <div style="background-color: #f4f4f4; flex-grow: 0; height: 12px; width: 16px; transform: translateY(-4px);"> </div> <div style="width: 0; height: 0; border-top: 8px solid #F4F4F4; border-left: 8px solid transparent; transform: translateY(-4px) translateX(8px);"> </div> </div> </div> <div style="display: flex; flex-direction: column; flex-grow: 1; justify-content: center; margin-bottom: 24px;"> <div style="background-color: #f4f4f4; border-radius: 4px; flex-grow: 0; height: 14px; margin-bottom: 6px; width: 224px;"> </div> <div style="background-color: #f4f4f4; border-radius: 4px; flex-grow: 0; height: 14px; width: 144px;"> </div> </div> <p style="color: #c9c8cd; font-family: Arial,sans-serif; font-size: 14px; line-height: 17px; margin-bottom: 0; margin-top: 8px; overflow: hidden; padding: 8px 0 7px; text-align: center; text-overflow: ellipsis; white-space: nowrap;"><a style="color: #c9c8cd; font-family: Arial,sans-serif; font-size: 14px; font-style: normal; font-weight: normal; line-height: 17px; text-decoration: none;" href=";utm_campaign=loading" target="_blank" rel="noopener">A post shared by Jeremy Clarkson (@jeremyclarkson1)</a></p> </div> </blockquote> <p><span style="font-family: -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, 'Segoe UI', Roboto, Oxygen, Ubuntu, Cantarell, 'Open Sans', 'Helvetica Neue', sans-serif;">“More than <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">60 MPs demanded action to be taken</a>. </span></p> <p>“ITV, who make Who Wants to be a Millionaire, and Amazon, who make the Farm Show and the Grand Tour, were incandescent. </p> <p>“I therefore wrote to everyone who works with me saying how sorry I was and then on Christmas morning, I emailed Harry and Meghan in California to apologise to them too.</p> <p>“I said I was baffled by what they had been saying on TV but that the language I’d used in my column was disgraceful and that I was profoundly sorry. </p> <p>“Over the last thirty years, I have written very nearly five thousand newspaper and magazine columns, so it was inevitable that one day, I’d do a Harry Kane and sky one of the damn things. Which is what happened with the piece about Meghan.</p> <p>“So can I move on now?  Not sure. It’s hard to be interesting and vigilant at the same time. You never hear pearls of laughter coming from a health and safety seminar. But I promise you this, I will try.</p> <p>“Who knows? Very soon now I shall be a grandfather so in future, maybe I’ll just write about that.”</p> <p><em>Images: Netflix / Wikipedia</em></p>


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“It was a terrible mistake”: NSW premier admits to wearing Nazi costume

<p>NSW Premier Dominic Perrottet has admitted in a televised press conference that he dressed up in a Nazi uniform at his 21st “fancy dress” themed birthday party.</p> <p>During the press conference, Mr Perrottet said he chose to make the public admission after being called by a colleague two days ago who said they knew about the costume.</p> <p>“When it was raised to me two days ago, I realised I needed to tell the truth and not someone else,” he told reporters.</p> <p>Mr Perrottet also revealed that no-one else at the party wore Nazi garb, and that his mother and father – who also attended the party – told him the next day that his choice of costume was “in poor taste”.</p> <p>In an interview with 2GB’s Chris O’Keefe on Wednesday afternoon, Mr Perrottet clarified he did not dress up as Adolf Hitler and did not wear a fake moustache.</p> <p>Mr Perrottet said that he was unaware whether any images existed of him wearing the costume, but that he wanted to address the “massive mistake”.</p> <p>He said he was “deeply ashamed” of the decision and apologised for the hurt it would cause the wider community: “I wish I could go back in time and do that day again.”</p> <p>The premier admitted he studied World War II history in school and had Jewish friends at 21 but says he was “naive” and did not realise the gravity of his actions.</p> <p>“It was a terrible mistake at that age in my life, I just did not understand the gravity and the hurt of what that uniform means to people not just in our state but around the country and around the world,” he continued.</p> <p>Mr Perrottet said he had considered addressing the incident several times in the past and was aware that it was important the revelation came from him to apologise for “the hurt and the pain this is going to cause”.</p> <p>“When it was raised with me I didn’t want this difficult truth of a grave and terrible mistake that I made at my 21st birthday party to be told by someone else,” he said.</p> <p>“I have grappled with this. It has been something that’s personally anguished me.”</p> <p>In response, the NSW Jewish Board of Deputies posted a statement on their Facebook page and said they hoped the incident would “serve as a lesson” and reminder of the “abhorrent nature of the Nazi regime”. They also said Nazi symbolism should “not to be taken lightly and dressing as a Nazi is not a joke”.</p> <p>“We appreciate that the Premier personally reached out to the Jewish community this afternoon to express his deep and sincere regret about his poor choice of costume as a young man,” the post reads.</p> <p>“The Premier has been a staunch supporter and friend of the NSW Jewish community throughout his time in public life. In particular, as Treasurer, he ensured the Sydney Jewish Museum received funding to ensure that it could continue educating the community about the Holocaust and the horrors of the Nazi era.</p> <p>“The Premier has acknowledged this, recognising that wearing the costume was offensive and will distress many in our community.”</p> <p>The premier has also said he has spoken with Jewish leaders and would continue to apologise to the community.</p> <p>“I’ve become a very passionate supporter of the Jewish community,” he said.</p> <p>The revelation comes just months after Mr Perrottet spoke out strongly against a group of soccer fans who were spotted throwing Nazi salutes at the Australia Cup final, saying there should be lifetime bans for the act.</p> <p>“What we saw the other day was terrible. It was absolutely horrendous,” he said in October.</p> <p>“It has no place, not just at sporting games, but anywhere in our state.”</p> <p><em>Image: Twitter</em></p> <p> </p>


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British lawmakers demand Jeremy Clarkson apologise to Meghan Markle

<p dir="ltr">British lawmakers have come out swinging against Jeremy Clarkson following his “violent misogynist” opinion piece about Meghan Markle.</p> <p dir="ltr">The Top Gear host wrote a scathing piece in The Sun saying how much he "hates" the Duchess of Sussex, in the wake of the release of the Prince Harry and Meghan's Netflix documentary series.</p> <p dir="ltr">The piece, which received 17,500 complaints, was retracted with 65 British lawmakers from various political parties condemning the article and demanding an apology to Ms Markle.</p> <p dir="ltr">"We welcome The Sun's retraction of the article, we now demand action is taken against Mr Clarkson and an unreserved apology is issued to Ms Markle immediately," the letter read, which was led by Caroline Nokes, a Member of Parliament from the ruling Conservative party, and chair of Parliament's Women and Equalities Committee.</p> <p dir="ltr">"We further demand definitive action is taken to ensure no article like this is ever published again.</p> <p dir="ltr">"This sort of language has no place in our country, and it is unacceptable that it was allowed to be published in a mainstream newspaper.</p> <p dir="ltr">"Ms Markle has faced multiple credible threats to her life, requiring the intervention of the Metropolitan Police.</p> <p dir="ltr">“Hateful articles like the one written by Mr Clarkson do not exist in a vacuum and directly contribute to this unacceptable climate of hatred and violence."</p> <p dir="ltr">It follows 17,500 complaints sent to the UK's press regulator the Independent Press Standards Organisation (IPSO) for the article published in Rupert Murdoch’s rag.</p> <p dir="ltr">Clarkson was met with significant backlash and tweeted his “regret” over the column, which also saw his <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">daughter Emily call him out</a>.</p> <p dir="ltr">"Oh dear. I've rather put my foot in it. In a column I wrote about Meghan, I made a clumsy reference to a scene in Game of Thrones and this has gone down badly with a great many people," he wrote.</p> <p dir="ltr">"I'm horrified to have caused so much hurt and I shall be more careful in future."</p> <p dir="ltr">The Sun also just mentioned they have removed the article but refused to make any further comment.</p> <p dir="ltr">"In light of Jeremy Clarkson's tweet he has asked us to take last week's column down,” their statement read.</p> <p dir="ltr"><em>Images: Getty</em></p>


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Australia Post apologises for “racist” sign

<p dir="ltr">Australia Post has apologised profusely for the "inexcusable" wording of a sign in one of its Adelaide stores after coming under fire online and among the Indian community.</p> <p dir="ltr">A photo from the City Cross store showed a sign informing customers that the store couldn’t take “Indian photos”, leading to accusations of racism and feelings of shock and disbelief in the community.</p> <p><span id="docs-internal-guid-3741b4c1-7fff-2960-db5f-08bed212f220"></span></p> <p dir="ltr">“Due to our lighting and quality of photo background, we unfortunately CAN NOT take INDIAN photos!” the sign read, followed by the direction to head to another store and an apology for the inconvenience.</p> <p dir="ltr"><img src="" alt="" width="1280" height="720" /></p> <p dir="ltr"><em>A sign at the City Cross Australia Post store in Adelaide has sparked outrage online and in the community and prompted accusations of racism and an apology. Image: @justadelaidethings</em></p> <p dir="ltr">Community leader Rajendra Pandey said the wording of the sign was “quite offensive”.</p> <p dir="ltr">"I thought this was actually talking about my colour," Pandey told <em><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">9News</a></em>.</p> <p dir="ltr">"I took it personally and so have other people who have contacted me so far."</p> <p dir="ltr">"It is unfortunate it was poorly worded.”</p> <p dir="ltr">The sign was later shared online and quickly spread, with hundreds commenting and sharing their outrage.</p> <p dir="ltr">“That’s insane, they can’t do that,” one person said.</p> <p dir="ltr">“For the pricing of that sign, they could have fixed the lighting surely?!” said another.</p> <p dir="ltr">“So it’s only Indians? Other races with dark complexions OK?”</p> <p dir="ltr">“How hard is it to change the settings?”</p> <p dir="ltr">Others came to the defence of the postal service, explaining that it may be to do with the particular requirements of Indian passports in comparison to Australian and other passports.</p> <p dir="ltr">“Indian passports require a 51x51mm size which is different to cut/print to Aussie passport shots,” one person who had previously worked at “a place that did passport photos” said.</p> <p dir="ltr">“They also prefer off white background colour too instead of pure white like Aus. It’s quite picky and can be annoying for an employee not set up to do it properly and regularly.”</p> <p dir="ltr">Another user commented: “It’s just a very poorly worded sign, please chill out.”</p> <p dir="ltr">Australia Post has since issued an apology to the community for any offence caused, noting that passport photos taken at the store in question had been rejected by the Indian Consulate in the past.</p> <p dir="ltr">"As soon as we were made aware, we immediately removed the sign and have spoken with the team member concerned," a spokesperson said.</p> <p dir="ltr">“While the wording of this sign is inexcusable, we understand the Indian Consulate had rejected a number of customers’ passport photos provided by this Post Office. We have reached out the High Commission of India to understand the issue with the photographs, so we can rectify this urgently. Although no offence was intended, this lapse in judgement falls well below the standard we expect from Australia Post team members.</p> <p dir="ltr">“It’s especially disappointing given Australia Post prides itself on its commitment to inclusion and diversity both across our workforce and within our communities. We are fully investigating the issue and will take appropriate action.”</p> <p dir="ltr"><em>Image: Getty Images</em></p>


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Karl Stefanovic forced to apologise for defending Dr Charlie Teo

<p dir="ltr">Karl Stefanovic has apologised to his colleagues at Nine after their onslaught on Dr Charlie Teo despite him claiming he is a dear friend of his. </p> <p dir="ltr">Dr Teo has been the subject of media attacks from the Nine Network over his practices and ethics as a neurosurgeon. </p> <p dir="ltr"><em>The Today Show</em> co-host came out swinging and refuted the attacks at Dr Teo who he considers one of his close friends.</p> <p dir="ltr">“I adore him and I love him and I'm just sorry this whole thing's gone on for so long and continues to go on,” Karl told Daily Mail Australia last week.</p> <p dir="ltr">“The pile-on with Charlie is very difficult to watch given how much I know he is committed to the profession and how much great work he does and how many lives he's saved.  </p> <p dir="ltr">“I would hate to see this guy and all of his talent exterminated from a profession that he's so gifted at. It would be a travesty.”</p> <p dir="ltr">After his comments, it was confirmed by ABC's <em>Media Watch</em> that Karl wrote an apology to his colleagues at Nine for “undermining” their work.</p> <p dir="ltr"><em>Media Watch</em> host Paul Barry said there was “significant upset” in the Sydney Morning Herald workplace. </p> <p dir="ltr">Karl is an ambassador for the Charlie Teo Foundation and has previously spoken out about how he helped save several of his friend’s lives.</p> <p dir="ltr">“I would ring him because I had friends or family members that needed urgent medical care and within minutes he would find me doctors for them,” Karl previously said. </p> <p dir="ltr">“And I'm talking dozens of friends. No matter where he was around the world Charlie Teo would pick up the phone.</p> <p dir="ltr">“Sometimes he would be just out of surgery and say ‘I'll call you back in an hour and half because I'm in the US’ or Papua New Guinea or wherever.”</p> <p dir="ltr">He said that Dr Teo would call back and that within “two hours” his friends would have appointments “with the best in the world”.</p> <p dir="ltr">“He has legitimately saved my friends' lives and it's not even him performing the surgery. </p> <p dir="ltr">“It's him going above and beyond to find doctors around the world to help people he doesn't even know because they're friends of mine and that's how deeply he cares.</p> <p dir="ltr">“The guy doesn't just talk the talk, he absolutely walks the walk as a friend.”</p> <p dir="ltr"><em>Images: Nine/Instagram</em></p>


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Bono finally apologises for automatic album download

<p dir="ltr">Bono has finally apologised for the automatic download of the 2014 U2 album <em>Songs of Innocence</em>. </p> <p dir="ltr">When the album was released in September 2014, it was automatically downloaded onto the iTunes accounts of more than 500 million users. </p> <p dir="ltr">Now, the band’s frontman has said he “takes full responsibility” for the outrage it caused. </p> <p dir="ltr">The automatic download was met with much fury and anger from iTunes users: not due to them not authorising the download, but that the songs were nearly impossible to delete from accounts. </p> <p dir="ltr">Writing for <a href=";CMP=twt_gu&amp;utm_medium&amp;utm_source=Twitter#Echobox=1666438787">The Guardian</a>, Bono explained he pitched the free album as Apple giving its users a gift, which was not well thought out with CEO Tim Cook.</p> <p dir="ltr">“But we're not a subscription organisation,” Cook responded to Bono, who said “not yet”, then told the CEO that it will be “everyone's choice if they want to listen to the album.”</p> <p dir="ltr">It is said that Apple paid U2 $100 million for the album that hit iTunes accounts on September 9th 2014, around the same time when Apple launched its iPhone 6.</p> <p dir="ltr">The announcement was shared by Apple in a press release, but it seemed many users did not get the message and were perplexed when the list of songs magically appeared in their iTunes account.</p> <p dir="ltr">The majority of users complained the album was added without their permission, while others simply did not like U2.</p> <p dir="ltr">Following the nearly instant angry tweets, comments and complaints, Apple launched a dedicated page that helped users remove <em>Songs of Innocence</em> - just six days after the album was released.</p> <p dir="ltr">Users had to go through and delete each song manually, or hide the album from their iTunes accounts. </p> <p dir="ltr">“I take full responsibility. Not Guy O, not Edge, not Adam, not Larry, not Tim Cook, not Eddy Cue,” Bono told The Guardian.</p> <p dir="ltr">“I'd thought if we could just put our music within reach of people, they might choose to reach out toward it. Not quite."</p> <p dir="ltr"><em>Image credits: Getty Images</em></p>


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The Block’s Scott Cam issues public apology

<p dir="ltr">Two contestants on <em>The Block</em> have received a rare apology, delivered by host Scott Cam on behalf of the show amid claims of “unfair” treatment.</p> <p dir="ltr">Sunday night’s episode of the show saw contestants Omar and Oz fuming as they were the only team unable to present their work-from-home space. </p> <p dir="ltr">After the show’s builder ran out of time to finish the roof on the team’s shed due to bad weather, the duo questioned why their shed was left until last - something which they say has happened repeatedly during the season.</p> <p dir="ltr">“We’re the only contestants on The Block that doesn’t have a roof on their shed at the moment,” Omar said.</p> <p dir="ltr">“It does feel like we haven’t had the right end of the deal on this <em>Block </em>at all. We’re still trying to produce rooms, and it’s finally come to a stage where we’re being told ‘You’re not going to get the room [finished].</p> <p dir="ltr">“It’s not fair, that’s for sure.”</p> <p dir="ltr">While foremen Keith and Dan had apologised to the team and offered them the option to get help from their brothers - who were onsite for a family visit - to paint the space to make up for their lack of a roof, Omaz and Oz politely refused.</p> <p dir="ltr">The pair predicted that the first-of-its-kind <em>Block </em>offer would just lead to complaints from the other teams who didn’t receive the same allowance.</p> <p dir="ltr">As a result, the shed was left with tarps up and water damage by the time judging came around, ruining Omar and Oz’s chances of winning this week.</p> <p dir="ltr">Ahead of the judging, Cam addressed the pair’s complaints and apologised.</p> <p dir="ltr">:On a personal note, I want to apologise to Omar and Oz on behalf of <em>The Block</em>. What with the rain we’ve had over the last month, we were unable to finish your shed – and therefore, you were unable to finish your room. So for that, we say sorry,” he told them.</p> <p dir="ltr">The host said he had also instructed the judges to evaluate the room as if it was finished, before revealing that there had been some changes to the judging panel.</p> <p dir="ltr">Judges Neale Whittaker and Shaynna Blaze were absent from Sunday’s episode after they both contracted Covid.</p> <p dir="ltr">As the one remaining judge, Darren Palmer was joined by former Block winners Alisa and Lysandra.</p> <p dir="ltr">Despite setbacks beyond their control, Omar and Oz claimed third place for their shed, with Tom and Sarah-Jane earning their fifth win for theirs, which included a home office, wine tasting area and home entertainment room.</p> <p dir="ltr">The episode ended on a high note for all the contestants, who received the good news that they would be getting a new $90,000 budget to complete the landscaping on their sprawling blocks.</p> <p><span id="docs-internal-guid-89eb4308-7fff-d1bc-b7f5-da327837be91"></span></p> <p dir="ltr"><em>Images: Nine</em></p>

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James Corden's grovelling apology after being accused of "abusive" restaurant behaviour

<p>James Corden has made a grovelling apology after being blasted by a New York restauranteur for "abusive" behaviour towards his staff. </p> <p>Restaurant owner Keith McNally condemned Corden in a lengthy Instagram post in which he <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">shared allegations</a> of the talk show host behaving unacceptably in his renowned restaurants, resulting in McNally banning Corden from attending his restaurants.</p> <p>After the post garnered global attention, the restauranteur shared another post in which he claimed Corden called him to apologise for his behaviour. </p> <p>The post reads, "James Corden just called me and apologised profusely. Having f***ed up myself more than most people, I strongly believe in second chances."</p> <p>"So if James Corden lets me host his <em>Late Late Show</em> for 9 months, I’ll immediately rescind his ban from Balthazar. No, of course not. But....anyone magnanimous enough to apologize to a deadbeat layabout like me (and my staff) doesn’t deserve to be banned from anywhere. Especially Balthazar."</p> <p>"So Come Back to the 5 &amp; Dime, Jimmy Corden, Jimmy Corden. All is Forgiven. xx"</p> <p>Despite hearing of his apology, many fans were suspicious of Corden's motives. </p> <p>One person commented, "Of course he apologised. He’s being dragged everywhere online. The only form of an acceptable apology is changed behaviour."</p> <p>Another said, "Funny how he was apologetic after every news outlet picked up this story."</p> <p>Others suggested that it wasn't McNally's place to forgive the behaviour when it was it staff who allegedly copped the brunt of it. </p> <p>One person said, "Why apologise to you and not the staff?" while another added, "He should attend Balthazar again and order just a beer and leave a $2000 tip and a written apology to your wonderful staff."</p> <p><em>Image credits: Getty Images</em></p>

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