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5 foods that fight allergies

<p>While the majority of people rejoice at the arrival of spring, many Kiwis will stock up on tissues, antihistamine medications and close their windows tight, bracing themselves for allergy season.</p> <p>For hay fever sufferers, pollen triggers symptoms in the lower airways as well as the nose, making it difficult to breathe and causing itchy and watery eyes, sneezing, nasal congestion, and a scratchy or sore throat.</p> <p>Between the years 2000 and 2010, the wholesale turnover of medications to treat hay fever doubled. Averaging at a price of about 50 cents per tablet. Relief, it seems, doesn’t come cheap.</p> <p>Alternatively, here a five foods with natural antihistamines that can provide treatment for spring allergies without the nasty price tag.</p> <p><strong>1. Onions</strong></p> <p>Onions are rich in bioflavonoids, which are classed as anti-oxidants. They contain quercetin – an effective, natural antihistamine that can reduce swelling in the lungs and nasal passages.</p> <p><strong>2. Water</strong></p> <p>Generally, the better hydrated you are, the more allergens will be diluted in your cells, minimising their histamine effect. Allergy expert Susanne Bennett, founder of the Wellness for Life Centre in Santa Monica, has a <a href="" target="_blank"><strong><span style="text-decoration: underline;">simple trick</span></strong></a> for sufferers: Take your weight, divide it in half and drink that number of ounces of water each day during hay fever season.</p> <p><strong>3. Kiwi fruit</strong></p> <p>Kiwis contain exceptional quantities of vitamin C, which is a natural anti-inflammatory and antihistamine. It also protects against secondary respiratory conditions such as asthma, that may arise from the excess pollen in the air.</p> <p><strong>4. Pineapple</strong></p> <p>Pineapples contain bromelain, which is an enzyme that decreases nasal congestion and inflammation of mucous linings.</p> <p><strong>5. Ginger tea</strong></p> <p>Apart from being a delightfully relaxing brew that aids digestion, ginger tea works to break up chest congestion and loosen phlegm. It also strengthens the immune system.</p> <p>What do you usually do to treat hay fever? Let us know in the comments below.</p> <p><strong>Related links:</strong></p> <p><a href="/lifestyle/home-garden/2016/08/your-bed-sheets-could-be-making-you-sick/"><strong><em><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Your bed sheets could be making you sick</span></em></strong></a></p> <p><a href="/health/body/2016/05/clear-blocked-nose-instantly/"><strong><em><span style="text-decoration: underline;">How to clear a blocked nose instantly</span></em></strong></a></p> <p><a href="/health/body/2016/02/tips-to-beat-hay-fever/"><em><strong><span style="text-decoration: underline;">3 tips to beat hay fever</span></strong></em></a></p>


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