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Conversation starters for solo travellers

<p>We all know of stranger danger but when you’re a solo traveller the ability to talk to strangers (safely, though) is one of the most important skills to have under your belt. Chatting with strangers will not only add to your travel experience but it might even lead to life-long friendships. Here are a few conversation starters to keep up your sleeve.</p> <p><em>A note on safety</em>: Don’t be afraid to tell people you are a solo traveller. People are often more keen to chat and talk to those travelling alone, however it’s important to exercise caution. Look for clues to see if the person can be trusted and stay in public places.</p> <p><strong>When eating out, sit at a communal table or at the bar.</strong> Chat to people sitting next to you. If they are a local, you can ask them about the restaurant and any local recommendations. If they are a fellow traveller, ask them where they’re from and how their trip is going.</p> <p><strong>Ask someone to take your photo.</strong> Be mindful of the fact there are some scammers targeting tourist destinations to steal cameras so use your judgement but this is an easy and natural way to strike up a conversation. A family or a group of tourist can usually be trusted and counted on to take your Start with the sight you’re getting photographed.</p> <p><strong>Comment on a tourist destination.</strong> If you’re wandering around a museum/gallery/popular site, keep a look out for other solo travellers. Keep it simple and introduce yourself, following up questions about how their enjoying where you both are. Be aware that not everyone wants to chat but most solo travellers have an open mind and want to meet new people.</p> <p><em>Image credits: Getty Images</em></p>

Travel Tips

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10 conversation starters that make you instantly interesting

<p><strong>1.Perfect conversation starters</strong></p> <p>Whether you’re working up the courage to talk to an attractive stranger of feeling awkward at a social or business event, the conversation topics will get you off to a winning start</p> <p><strong>2.Conversation Topic: Ask for a helping hand</strong></p> <p> “Helping questions are great conversation starters because when a person helps you it forms natural bonds. When you help another person to figure what an item is on the buffet or locate the bathroom, it lowers your defences. For example, if you’re at the supermarket, ask ‘Do you know how to tell if this fruit is ripe?’ It makes you look open to learning more and will help the conversation flow naturally.” – Dawn Maslar, MS, author of <em>Men Chase, Women Choose: The Neuroscience of Meeting, Dating, Losing Your Mind, and Finding True Love</em>.</p> <p><strong>3.Conversation Topic: Compliment something other than someone’s looks</strong></p> <p> “Instead of complimenting something generic like their eyes, highlight something that shows their personality, like their purse or a book. This is simple, elegant and great if you are interested in someone or anytime you want to boost their likeability toward you for business or social reasons.” – Paul DePompo, PsyD, ABPP, psychologist</p> <p><strong>4.Conversation Topic: Bring up a shared interest</strong></p> <p> “Many people think they have nothing in common with a stranger but if someone is at a supermarket, restaurant or bar they are there for a reason – one which is likely similar to yours. You’re both there so you both share a common interest. Ask questions to find out what that interest is. For instance, ask about what their experience at that venue has been like or why they chose it.” – Shannon Battle, licensed professional counsellor</p> <p><strong>5.Conversation Topic: Go simple… yet bold</strong></p> <p> “Give a genuine smile and say, ‘Hi.’ It sounds too simple but people are so used to other people staring at their phones that a simple smile and hello can be a very bold move. It shows the other person that you’ve noticed them and you’re interested in getting to know them better. And you’ll almost always get a hello back. (If you don’t, let it go. You don’t want to date a rude person anyway.)” – Suzanne Casamento, dating expert and the creator of Fantasy Dating</p> <p><strong>6.Conversation Topic: Ask for their honest opinion</strong></p> <p> “Asking ‘I’ve been really thinking deeply about something and wondering if I can share it, and get your feedback?’ shows your interest in the other person and solicits new and interesting information that is fun to discuss. Pretty much anyone will want to share their opinions with an interested party and they will think you are nice and fun to be with, as well.” – Melissa Orlov, therapist and author of <em>The Couple’s Guide to Thriving With ADHD</em>.</p> <p><strong>7.Conversation Topic: Tell a bonding joke</strong></p> <p> “Jokes work well because they are disarming and work on a biological level. If a woman laughs at a man’s joke, he feels assured that she has a level of comfort with him. For her, laughing releases oxytocin, the ‘bonding hormone.’ These two things together create an opening for more conversation.” – Dawn Maslar</p> <p><strong>8.Conversation Topic: Give an out-of-the-blue compliment</strong></p> <p> “I always tell my clients to try out a compliment. It breaks the ice and these days it’s completely unexpected! You can test out doing this by just giving people walking down the street a compliment and see their reaction, most times people will give you a smile and possibly engage in more conversation. After all, who doesn’t like to be complimented?” – Stef Safran, a matchmaking and dating expert in Chicago and owner of Stef and the City.</p> <p><strong>9.Conversation Topic: Get (pop) cultured</strong></p> <p> “Make a comment or joke about something big in pop culture that most people would be familiar with – something light, NOT political. If you need ideas look at what’s trending or are hot topics on Twitter or Facebook.” – Stef Safran.</p> <p><strong>10.Conversation Topic: Ask a fake favour</strong></p> <p> “People love to help so asking for a small favour is a great conversation starter. If you don’t have a favour to ask for, just make one up. Ask the person you find attractive to help you reach something on a high shelf or hold something while you look through your wallet. At the very least you’ll end up with a fun story to tell your friends.” – Suzanne Casamento</p> <p><em>Written </em>by <em>Charlotte Hilton Andersen.</em> This<em> article first appeared in </em><a href=""><em>Reader’s Digest</em></a><em>. For more of what you love from the world’s best-loved magazine, </em><a href=";utm_medium=articles&amp;utm_campaign=RDSUB&amp;keycode=WRA87V"><em>here’s our best subscription offer.</em></a><em><u> </u></em></p> <p><img style="width: 100px !important; height: 100px !important;" src="" alt="" data-udi="umb://media/f30947086c8e47b89cb076eb5bb9b3e2" /></p>


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Great conversation starters for any situation

<p>Small talk can be difficult for some people, yet it can mean the difference between a great night out and an awkward night sitting in the corner. </p> <p>Being able to break the ice with people you don’t know at a party or work event is a great skill to have. It can lead to new friendships and great connections with people that you may have otherwise missed out on.</p> <p>Try these suggested questions to get the ball rolling. Often people like to be asked questions about themselves, and once they get talking they feel more comfortable with you as well.</p> <p><strong>Where are you from?</strong> This can be a great way to find some common ground, especially if you know someone from the same area or have visited the town yourself.</p> <p><strong>Are you a cat or dog person?</strong> Pet owners tend to be pet lovers, so get them talking about their furry friends to get the conversation flowing.</p> <p><strong>What would be your ideal job?</strong> You could even suggest that they answer with time or money being no issue – you might find out they want to be an astronaut.</p> <p><strong>Have you lived anywhere overseas?</strong> This can really open up a discussion, as many people have great stories about their travels.</p> <p><strong>Have you been to any good restaurants lately?</strong> This can be a great one as it can be fun to find out about new places to dine.</p> <p><strong>What's the best movie you’ve seen this year?</strong> This really gives you an insight into their personality. You might find yourself a sci-fi fan to go and see the next Star Wars with.</p> <p><strong>Have you got any recommendations for a new TV series to get into?</strong> A nice open ended question like this will help even a shy person to start talking.</p> <p><strong>Have you seen anyone in concert lately?</strong> This is a great one for a group conversation as it is open enough for anyone to answer.</p> <p><strong>Do you have anything fun planned this weekend?</strong> Talking about future plans makes people feel comfortable. Share your plans too.</p> <p><strong>What’s the best place for a good pizza around here do you think?</strong> People love sharing local tips and advice, and you might find out about a good place to eat too.</p> <p><strong>I like your dress, where’s that from?</strong> People love to be complimented and it can take the conversation in a new direction about fashion or shopping.</p> <p><strong>Who sings this song?</strong> Talking about music can be an easy way to open up discussions with someone next to you at a bar.</p> <p><strong>Where did you have your best holiday?</strong> Remembering something nice like this makes people feel happy and they will most likely want to share a few stories.</p> <p><strong>Did you hear about what’s happening with that celebrity (pick something funny from the news)?</strong> It’s good to avoid politics and religion, but having a laugh with someone about something you’ve seen on the news can get a dialogue happening.</p> <p><strong>This is a great bar, have you been here before?</strong> Sure it’s a bit generic, but sometimes starting the chat is the hardest part.</p> <p><strong>Have you ever met a celebrity?</strong> This is one that people love to boast about, so will get them talking right away. </p> <p><strong>Related links:</strong></p> <p><span style="text-decoration: underline;"><em><a href="/lifestyle/relationships/2016/01/1950s-tips-for-being-good-wife/"><strong>How to be a good wife according to a 1950s book</strong></a></em></span></p> <p><span style="text-decoration: underline;"><em><a href="/lifestyle/relationships/2016/01/words-about-love-that-dont-have-english-equivalent/"><strong>12 words about love that don’t have an English equivalent</strong></a></em></span></p> <p><span style="text-decoration: underline;"><em><a href="/lifestyle/relationships/2015/12/famous-quotes-about-marriage/"><strong>13 famous quotes about marriage</strong></a></em></span></p>


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Tomato bruschetta

<p>Begin your meal with a bang with this simple yet classic Italian bruschetta.</p><p><strong><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Serves</span>:</strong> 4</p><p><strong><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Ingredients</span>:</strong></p><ul><li>4 ripe tomatoes, deseeded and diced</li><li>½ red onion, finely sliced</li><li>¼ cup fresh basil leaves, roughly shredded</li><li>2 teaspoon balsamic vinegar&nbsp;</li><li>1 French bread stick, cut into diagonal 1cm thick pieces</li><li>Olive oil</li><li>Salt and pepper, to season</li></ul><p><strong><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Method</span>:</strong></p><p>1. Combine tomatoes, red onion, basil leaves, one tablespoon olive oil and balsamic vinegar. Season with salt and pepper. Cover and refrigerate for at least an hour.</p><p>2. When ready to serve, remove tomato mixture from fridge and bring to room temperature. Brush both sides of bread with olive oil. Place under hot grill and cook until golden on each side.</p><p>3. Scoop tomato mixture onto bread and serve immediately.</p><p><strong>Related links:</strong></p><p><span style="text-decoration: underline;"><em><strong><a href="/lifestyle/food-wine/2015/09/spinach-bacon-parmesan-quiche/">Spinach, bacon and parmesan quiche</a></strong></em></span></p><p><span style="text-decoration: underline;"><em><strong><a href="/lifestyle/food-wine/2015/07/dauphinoise-potatoes/">Dauphinoise potatoes</a></strong></em></span></p><p><span style="text-decoration: underline;"><em><strong><a href="/lifestyle/food-wine/2015/04/bolognese-pasta-bake/">Bolognese pasta bake</a></strong></em></span></p>

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