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Cancer survivor dies after contracting Covid from dishonest friend

<p><em>Image: Facebook</em></p> <p>A US woman who survived cancer has died of Covid-19 after contracting the illness from an infected friend who hid the diagnosis to play cards at a social gathering.</p> <p>The woman’s grieving family has reported that Barb Bartolovich, 82, of Ohio, who had previously overcome blood cancer, was vaccinated and took all necessary precautions against Covid.</p> <p>Barb made sure to only socialise with like-minded people amid the pandemic, WXYZ reports.</p> <p>As reported by the<span> </span><em>New York Post</em>, she decided to get together with friends to play cards and asked everyone beforehand if they were vaccinated, with everyone saying they were – but the family claims one of them had lied.</p> <p>“Somebody decided that testing positive for Covid is something they can hide,” Ms Bartolovich’s granddaughter, Lauren Nash, told<span> </span><em>WXYZ</em>. “The only way we found out is that the person owned up after Nana got sick.”</p> <p>Ms Bartolovich was hospitalised, placed on a ventilator and died on December 21, according to the report.</p> <p>“She was just everything to everyone. As everyone says, if you knew Barb, you were loved. She was taken too soon,” said Ms Nash, who wants to spread the message about the importance of safety measures.</p> <p>“It is not worth it. It is not worth knowing you hurt someone, potentially hurt someone, or killed someone because you want to go out and have fun.</p> <p>“I am just horrified at where we are and what is going on, that we are not taking into account people’s lives.”</p> <p>Ms Bartolovich, who lost her husband, Frank “Moose” Bartolovich in 2014, “cherished her role as a wife, mother and grandmother”, according to her obituary on<span> </span>WKBN.</p> <p>“A little firecracker, Barbara was always raring to go for family gatherings, vacations and impromptu outings. She was their support system throughout life and she taught them many lessons,” it said.</p> <p>“Barbara’s motto was, ‘There is nothing so bad in life that can’t be fixed,’” it continued.</p> <p>“She was considered cool and fun to her grandchildren and they described her as, ‘To know her was to love her and to be loved by her was the most special feeling in the world. She made every one of us feel special in her own Nana way.’”</p> <p>Ms Bartolovich leaves behind her four children and 10 grandchildren.</p>


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“It’s so dishonest”: Bill Shorten snaps back at Leigh Sales' questions on ABC

<p>Bill Shorten and the Labor party's policies have been put up to the test following intense scrutiny from ABC’s<span> </span><em>7:30</em><span> </span>host Leigh Sales.</p> <p>The interrogation went for almost 20 minutes, with Sales grilling Shorten on a range of Labor’s more controversial policies, such as its plan to combat the issue of climate change.</p> <p>Shorten has been bombarded by questions about the cost his emissions reduction target will have on the economy since the beginning of the campaign. It is now his opponent's, Scott Morrison, favourite talking point.</p> <p>Sales asked Shorten whether it was true that the low emissions economy would impose a short-term cost to the economy.</p> <blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"> <p dir="ltr">This election is about the future – which means this election is all about climate change. <a href=""></a></p> — Bill Shorten (@billshortenmp) <a href="">May 1, 2019</a></blockquote> <p>Shorten was ready and drew on his meeting with steelworkers in Whyalla on Wednesday.</p> <p>“There is a cost to investing in new technology, but they’re absolutely convinced that the only way we will keep making steel in Australia is by investing in renewable energy,” he said.</p> <p>“Let’s just talk to the two million Australian householders who’ve invested in solar power. There is an initial cost, depending on the deals they can get, but most people who go into solar, they don’t go back do they?”</p> <p>Sales took that answer as an admission that the plan imposes an upfront cost, even if there’s a profit in the long-term.</p> <p>“So if there is a short term economic cost, you have a 45 per cent target for the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions. What will be the cost of that to the economy over the next decade, not in dollar terms but as a percentage of economic growth?” she asked.</p> <p>“It won’t have a negative effect on economic growth. In fact, most of the mainstream modelling shows that our economy will continue to grow,” Mr Shorten said.</p> <p>“But if you have firms that have to be shifting and making the transition to having lower carbon emissions, that may mean that they have less money to spend on other forms of investment,” Sales snapped back.</p> <p>She added, “It may mean they have lower profits, so therefore they have less money to deliver in the form of company tax into the government’s coffers. Those sorts of things could have a spin-off impact onto the GDP numbers.”</p> <p>“The problem with what you’re saying is that you assume that there’s no cost to doing nothing, and there is,” Mr Shorten replied.</p> <p>“I don’t assume that there’s no cost to doing nothing. I accept your position that there’s a long-term benefit. What I’m asking you to do is square with voters about exactly what the short-term cost is of getting to that position,” Sales pushed.</p> <p>“Well my absolute conviction and belief is that if we don’t change, the cost will be far greater than any initial investments,” he said.</p> <p>“If you’re asking me to specify what a particular company and a particular factory will have to do, I can’t do that. Nor could you, nor could the government," the Labour leader continued.</p> <p>Shorten was on a roll and kept talking, despite Sales' attempts to jump in again.</p> <p>“No, no, let’s be fair here, Leigh. Let’s be fair. I’m not going to get caught up in this government game of gotcha, where you’ve got to invent a number, which you can’t possibly,” he said.</p> <p>“The reason why the government’s trying to focus on how much it might cost to put in a new renewable energy system is that they’re trying to distract from the fact they have no climate change policy.”</p> <p>“But if we could stick with Labor...” Sales interjected.</p> <p>“It’s so dishonest, this debate. It’s so dishonest,” exclaimed Mr Shorten.</p> <p>“You say you can’t just pluck a number out of nowhere. You’ve come up with a 45 per cent target. You must have done...” said Sales.</p> <p>“Well sorry, I didn’t pluck that out of nowhere, that was the Paris Agreement, that’s what the scientists tell us,” he said.</p> <p>The pair continued to talk over each other until Sales got her next question out.</p> <p>“As a government, you are adopting that as your policy, you must have done some projections, short term, to what that will mean to GDP. Will it take say, 0.1 per cent off GDP, 0.5 per cent off GDP over 10 years?” she asked.</p> <p>“Both in the short term and the long term, the cost of not acting on climate change is far worse than acting on climate change,” he said.</p> <p>Shorten continued his rebuttal, stating, “The Australian people and business are so far ahead of the political debate, you must be bored by the government’s rhetoric, which wants to simply say we can’t do this, can’t do that. The rest of the world is so far ahead of us it’s embarrassing.”</p> <p>Sales then asked about the internal conflict within Labor over the Adani coal mine in Queensland.</p> <p>“If there’s a miner sitting in Rockhampton tonight and she wants to know – ‘Mr Shorten, do you reckon this mine will be a good thing for my industry and for Queensland?’ – what would you say to her?” Sales asked.</p> <p>“I’d say my view on this mine is going to be based on the best science, whether or not it stacks up. And if it stacks up and passes all the scientific tests, I won’t engage in sovereign risk. We won’t arbitrarily upend things,” Mr Shorten said.</p> <p>“Adani didn’t get the finance, but now they appear to have it. They were talking about a 60 million tonne mine with 10,000 jobs. Now the promises have shrunk,” he said.</p> <p>The next topic was Labor’s franking credits policy, with a focus on 83-year-old Chris Phillips, who is set to lose $9,000 each year under the policy.</p> <p>“Is your policy driving someone like Chris heavily onto the public purse?” she asked.</p> <p>“He already is. And this is the real heart of the issue. When you get an income tax credit when you haven’t paid income tax, it is a gift from the government. You’re already on the public purse,” Mr Shorten said.</p> <p>The pair touched briefly on superannuation and tax, with Shorten rejecting the accusation that he’s making super “less enticing” for Australians.</p> <p>Sales ended the interview with a general question.</p> <p>“Is it fair for a viewer to conclude that a Shorten Labor government will be at its core about the redistribution of wealth? That you want to take more from the wealthy and give more to people on lower incomes?” she asked.</p> <p>“No, that wouldn’t be right. What we want to do is have real change, because frankly, more of the same under this government isn’t good enough,” Mr Shorten responded.</p> <p>“Let’s not dumb politics down to six-second sound bites. I’ll give you, as quickly as I possibly can. We’re going to have real change because more of the same isn’t good enough. </p> <p>"We’re going to get wages moving again. We’re going to take real action on climate change. We’re going to look after three million pensioners and senior health card holders with dental care. We’re going to provide a million Australian families with better child care support. And end the chaos.”</p>


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Is it ever ok to lie as a caregiver?

<p>No matter how honest and truthful you may believe yourself to be, the fact is, everyone has told at least one lie in their life. Whether it’s something small like, “I don’t remember you asking me to take the bins out,” or a much more serious betrayal like cheating on a partner, we’re all guilty of being dishonest from time to time. When it comes to caregiving, however, is it ever ok to tell a lie?</p> <p>According to a survey of more than 700 carers by <a href="" target="_blank"><strong><span style="text-decoration: underline;"></span></strong></a>, 73 per cent of people taking care of ageing family members have lied to them – and 43 per cent admit they fib at least once a week.</p> <p>So, what are they lying about? For many, it’s all about concealing how they really feel. “65 percent of frequent fibbers say that they tell untruths in order to hide their real emotions from the ones they're taking care of,” the survey found. And, given the vast array of emotions (both <a href="" target="_blank"><strong><span style="text-decoration: underline;">negative</span></strong></a> and positive) that caregiving can evoke, it’s not exactly surprising.</p> <p>However, it turns out lying to the person being cared for isn’t necessarily always a bad thing. Researchers have found that “therapeutic lying,” <a href="" target="_blank"><strong><span style="text-decoration: underline;">defined</span></strong></a> as “the practice of deliberately deceiving patients for reasons considered in their best interest,” may be beneficial when communicating with sufferers of neurodegenerative conditions like dementia.</p> <p>“While therapeutic fibbing isn’t appropriate for every circumstance, when used correctly, it offers a much kinder, practical way to stop troubling behaviour and reduce emotional distress,” Dr Amy D’Aprix writes in a column for <a href="" target="_blank"><strong><span style="text-decoration: underline;">The Huffington Post</span></strong></a>.</p> <p>That being said, however, Dr D’Aprix admits there are some situations in which you should avoid lying – even it if it’ll make your loved one feel better. “It’s not appropriate to tell a therapeutic fib because “the truth will hurt.” In these instances, it denies someone their full human experience. So, when a woman with dementia loses her husband, she’s entitled to know. It may cause significant emotional pain, but grieving is part of the human experience. On the other hand, when therapeutic fibbing positively impacts health and well-being, it’s very useful.”</p> <p>Are you a caregiver? Have you ever used “therapeutic lying” as a method of calming your loved one down? Share you experiences with us in the comments below.</p>


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