Andre Smith
Retirement Life

How to overcome 3 common barriers to mature age employment

Retirement isn’t for everyone. Growing numbers of Australians have consciously decided to continue working, although they are old enough to retire Some realise they are too poor to retire. Some have retired, but have become bored with the retired lifestyle. They’ve decided to come out of retirement and return to work.

Some seniors are facing obstacles to continued employment after retirement age, despite the fact that experts have documented how older workers could significantly boost Australia’s economy. Common barriers to mature age employment include the following:

Let’s discuss solutions for these common problems senior Australians face as they seek to remain in the workforce.

How to prevent a disability that could keep you from working

Lower back pain is one of the most prominent causes of disability in Australia. According to J. Miller and Z. Russell at Physioworks, lower back pain is one of the most frequent reasons Australians miss work or seek a doctor’s care.  So educating yourself about how to prevent lower back injuries is one step you can take to empower yourself to remain in the workforce longer.

We’ve posted a helpful list of things you can do to prevent lower back pain. Familiarizing yourself with the items on this list, and implementing these suggestions, could help you to prevent serious lower back injury.

Researchers have determined that people who stick to a regular exercise programme endure less back pain. In general, regular exercise is an important key to preventing and treating a broad variety of injuries and disabilities. If your goal is to continue working past retirement age, it is essential for you to implement and adhere to an exercise programme that includes aerobic activity, strength training, and balance building exercises.

If you’ve previously been sedentary, it’s wise to speak with your GP about this. Your GP is well equipped to advise you on how to incorporate a selection of proper exercises into your daily routine.

How to overcome outdated skills

“Lifelong learning” has become one of the most vital buzzword phrases of the fourth industrial revolution.

In the past, it was standard for people to gain education in childhood and young adulthood. Then, later in adulthood, people applied what they’d studied as they pursued careers where that education could be put to good use.

Experts at the World Economic Forum are warning us that this clear-cut transition from academic life to work life is fading. This is because shifting technologies are now creating constant demand for workers to acquire new skills. This, in turn, is making old skills obsolete at a rapid pace.

Nowadays, what you know is becoming less relevant to remaining employable than ever before – because in the current technologically driven environment, much of what you know will inevitably become outdated soon. Today, your capacity to learn new skills is a critical key to remaining employable.

Formal training is the most straightforward way to acquire the skills you may need for continuing to be employable. College and university courses are available for every type of instruction you could possibly desire. This could be an especially beneficial option for you if you never earned a university degree in the first place.

Some other possible ideas for upskilling include participating in webinars, listening to podcasts, attending live events, starting a blog, reading and participating in social media.

How to combat age discrimination

Age discrimination is a sad reality that some older Australians are dealing with – despite the fact that ageism is illegal in Australia. The relevant law is the Age Discrimination Act 2004. According to this legislation, it is unlawful to discriminate against individuals on the basis of their age.

Knowing your rights is one of the most important steps you can take to protect yourself from age discrimination. Australian law specifies that employers must give fair consideration to all applicants for all jobs, apprenticeships and traineeships, regardless of age. Employers may not refuse to hire you or consider you for a job on the basis of your age.

Additionally, you can mitigate age discrimination by choosing stylish, up-to-date clothing to wear to work; emphasizing all your relevant work experience; leveraging your professional network; and looking for a senior-friendly company that would be an excellent cultural fit for your skills and expertise.

Of course, these are not the only barriers you may face as you seek to remain employed past retirement age – but these are 3 of the most common obstacles senior citizens must typically overcome as they pursue ongoing employment. If you can successfully overcome these hurdles, there are many benefits to your continued employment – both for you, and for your employer, who will benefit from your lifetime’s worth of accumulated expertise.

mature age, employment, retirement, working life, Andre Smith, overcoming barriers