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Big banks finally cut fixed-interest mortgage rates

<p>NAB has become the first big bank to announce it has cut its fixed rate mortgages across all loan terms.</p> <p>The bank is the first of the big four banks to cut its fixed rates in 2025, two weeks out from the Reserve Bank of Australia’s first meeting when it is tipped to cut the cash rate.</p> <p>NAB announced on Monday that their lowest fixed rate is now 5.84 per cent, with a deposit of at least 20 per cent on a three-year term.</p> <p>“NAB is the first of the big four banks to cut fixed rates in 2025, with other banks likely to follow,” Canstar data insights director Sally Tindall said.</p> <p>“The cost of wholesale fixed rate funding has started to ease slightly. This, combined with a prospective cash rate cut, should push other banks into moving on fixed rates.”</p> <p>The cuts from NAB come almost two weeks after Macquarie Bank lowered its fixed rates, however, ANZ still has the lowest fixed rate out of the big four banks at 5.74 per cent for a two-year or three-year term.</p> <p>“While a few banks are now starting to sharpen their offerings, fixed rates still have a way to fall before they become fashionable again with borrowers,” Tindall said.</p> <p>“We expect the big four banks in particular to pass on cash rate cuts in full, at least for the first couple of cash rate cuts,” she said.</p> <p>“But we might even see some banks choose to pass on even more to new customers in order to take advantage of that re-engagement for borrowers in what a competitive rate looks like.”</p> <p>“Many homeowners have been waiting for well over a year for a cash rate cut. It’s hard to see them throwing in the towel and switching to a fixed rate now when the RBA is poised to move."</p> <p>“That said, there’s no guarantee we’ll see a barrage of cash rate cuts and borrowers should factor this into their thinking.”</p> <p><em>Image credits: Shutterstock </em></p> <p class="mb-4 font-serif text-article-body" style="font-family: var(--font-google-newsreader),serif; box-sizing: border-box; border: 0px solid; margin: 0px 0px 24px; font-size: 1.2275rem; line-height: 26.514px; caret-color: #2a2a2a; color: #2a2a2a;"> </p>

Money & Banking

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You can train your nose – and 4 other surprising facts about your sense of smell

<div class="theconversation-article-body"> <p><em><a href="">Lynn Nazareth</a>, <a href="">CSIRO</a></em></p> <p>Would you give up your sense of smell to keep your hair? What about your phone?</p> <p>A <a href="">2022 US study</a> compared smell to other senses (sight and hearing) and personally prized commodities (including money, a pet or hair) to see what people valued more.</p> <p>The researchers found smell was viewed as much less important than sight and hearing, and valued less than many commodities. For example, half the women surveyed said they’d choose to keep their hair over sense of smell.</p> <p>Smell often goes under the radar as one of the least valued senses. But it is one of the <a href="">first sensory systems vertebrates developed</a> and is linked to your mental health, memory and more.</p> <p>Here are five fascinating facts about your olfactory system.</p> <h2>1. Smell is linked to memory and emotion</h2> <p>Why can the waft of fresh baking trigger joyful childhood memories? And why might a certain perfume jolt you back to a painful breakup?</p> <p>Smell is directly linked to both your memory and emotions. This connection was first established by American psychologist <a href="">Donald Laird in 1935</a> (although French novelist <a href="">Marcel Proust had already made it famous</a> in his reverie about the scent of madeleines baking.)</p> <p>Odours are first captured by special olfactory nerve cells inside your nose. These cells extend upwards from the roof of your nose towards the smell-processing centre of your brain, called the <a href="">olfactory bulb</a>.</p> <figure class="align-center zoomable"><a href=";q=45&amp;auto=format&amp;w=1000&amp;fit=clip"><img src=";q=45&amp;auto=format&amp;w=754&amp;fit=clip" sizes="(min-width: 1466px) 754px, (max-width: 599px) 100vw, (min-width: 600px) 600px, 237px" srcset=";q=45&amp;auto=format&amp;w=600&amp;h=592&amp;fit=crop&amp;dpr=1 600w,;q=30&amp;auto=format&amp;w=600&amp;h=592&amp;fit=crop&amp;dpr=2 1200w,;q=15&amp;auto=format&amp;w=600&amp;h=592&amp;fit=crop&amp;dpr=3 1800w,;q=45&amp;auto=format&amp;w=754&amp;h=744&amp;fit=crop&amp;dpr=1 754w,;q=30&amp;auto=format&amp;w=754&amp;h=744&amp;fit=crop&amp;dpr=2 1508w,;q=15&amp;auto=format&amp;w=754&amp;h=744&amp;fit=crop&amp;dpr=3 2262w" alt="Diagram showing odour particles travelling through the nose into the brain." /></a><figcaption><span class="caption">Smells are first detected by nerve cells in the nose.</span> <span class="attribution"><a class="source" href="">Axel_Kock/Shutterstock</a></span></figcaption></figure> <p>From the olfactory bulb they form direct connection with the brain’s <a href="">limbic system</a>. This includes the <a href="">amygdala</a>, where emotions are generated, and the <a href="">hippocampus</a>, where memories are created.</p> <p>Other senses – such as sight and hearing – aren’t directly connected to the lymbic system.</p> <p>One <a href="">2004 study</a> used functional magnetic resonance imaging to demonstrate odours trigger a much stronger emotional and memory response in the brain than a visual cue.</p> <h2>2. Your sense of smell constantly regenerates</h2> <p>You can lose your ability to smell due to injury or infection – for example during and after a COVID infection. This is known as <a href="">olfactory dysfunction</a>. In most cases it’s temporary, returning to normal within a few weeks.</p> <p>This is because every few months <a href="">your olfactory nerve cells die and are replaced</a> by new cells.</p> <p>We’re not entirely sure how this occurs, but it likely involves your nose’s <a href="">stem cells</a>, <a href=",reestablish%20connections%20with%20the%20bulb">the olfactory bulb</a> and <a href="">other cells</a> in the olfactory nerves.</p> <p>Other areas of your nervous system – including your brain and spinal cord – cannot regenerate and repair after an injury.</p> <p>Constant regeneration may be a protective mechanism, as the olfactory nerves are vulnerable to damage caused by the external environment, including toxins (such as cigarette smoke), chemicals and pathogens (<a href="">such as the flu virus</a>).</p> <p>But following a COVID infection some people might continue to experience a loss of smell. Studies suggest <a href="">the virus</a> and a <a href="">long-term immune response</a> damages the cells that allow the olfactory system to regenerate.</p> <h2>3. Smell is linked to mental health</h2> <p>Around <a href="">5% of the global population</a> suffer from anosmia – total loss of smell. An estimated 15-20% suffer partial loss, known as hyposmia.</p> <p>Given smell loss is often a primary and long-term symptom of COVID, these <a href="">numbers are likely to be higher</a> since the pandemic.</p> <p>Yet in Australia, the prevalence of olfactory dysfunction <a href="">remains surprisingly understudied</a>.</p> <p>Losing your sense of smell <a href="">is shown to impact your personal and social relationships</a>. For example, it can mean you miss out on shared eating experiences, or cause changes in sexual desire and behaviour.</p> <p>In older people, declining ability to smell is associated with a <a href="">higher risk of depression</a> and <a href="">even death</a>, although we still don’t know why.</p> <h2>4. Loss of smell can help identify neurodegenerative diseases</h2> <p>Partial or full loss of smell is <a href="">often an early indicator for a range of neurodegenerative diseases</a>, including Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s diseases.</p> <p>Patients <a href="">frequently report losing their sense of smell</a> years before any symptoms show in body or brain function. However many people are not <a href="">aware they are losing their sense of smell</a>.</p> <p>There are ways you can determine if you have smell loss and to what extent. You may be able to visit a formal <a href=",and%20associated%20changes%20in%20taste.">smell testing centre</a> or do a <a href="">self-test</a> at home, which assesses your ability to identify household items like coffee, wine or soap.</p> <h2>5. You can train your nose back into smelling</h2> <p>“Smell training” is emerging as a <a href="">promising experimental treatment option</a> for olfactory dysfunction. For people experiencing smell loss after COVID, it’s been show to <a href="">improve the ability to detect and differentiate odours</a>.</p> <p>Smell training (or “olfactory training”) was first tested in 2009 in a <a href="">German psychology study</a>. It involves sniffing robust odours — such as floral, citrus, aromatic or fruity scents — at least twice a day for 10—20 seconds at a time, usually over a 3—6 month period.</p> <p>Participants are asked to focus on the memory of the smell while sniffing and recall information about the odour and its intensity. This is <a href="">believed to help reorganise the nerve connections</a> in the brain, although the exact mechanism behind it is unclear.</p> <p>Some studies recommend using a <a href="">single set of scents</a>, while others recommend <a href="">switching to a new set of odours</a> after a certain amount of time. However <a href="">both methods show significant improvement</a> in smelling.</p> <p>This training has also been shown to alleviate depressive symptoms and improve cognitive decline both in <a href="">older adults</a> and those suffering from <a href="">dementia</a>.</p> <p>Just like physiotherapy after a physical injury, olfactory training is thought to act like <a href="">rehabilitation for your sense of smell</a>. It retrains the nerves in your nose and the connections it forms within the brain, allowing you to correctly detect, process and interpret odours.<!-- Below is The Conversation's page counter tag. Please DO NOT REMOVE. --><img style="border: none !important; box-shadow: none !important; margin: 0 !important; max-height: 1px !important; max-width: 1px !important; min-height: 1px !important; min-width: 1px !important; opacity: 0 !important; outline: none !important; padding: 0 !important;" src="" alt="The Conversation" width="1" height="1" /><!-- End of code. If you don't see any code above, please get new code from the Advanced tab after you click the republish button. The page counter does not collect any personal data. More info: --></p> <p><em><a href="">Lynn Nazareth</a>, Research Scientist in Olfactory Biology, <a href="">CSIRO</a></em></p> <p><em>Image credits: Shutterstock</em></p> <p><em>This article is republished from <a href="">The Conversation</a> under a Creative Commons license. Read the <a href="">original article</a>.</em></p> </div>


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Readers response: What’s the most interesting cultural experience you've had while travelling?

<p>When travelling abroad, we are often exposed to new and fascinating cultures that can open our eyes to different ways of life.</p> <p>We asked our readers to share the most interesting cultural experience they've had while travelling, and the response was overwhelming. Here's what they said.</p> <p><strong>Sandra Beckett</strong> - Staying overnight in a Ger in Mongolia miles from anywhere, listening to Throat singing accompanied by two traditionally dressed musicians playing Horsehead fiddles. Also, travelling across Russia by train, visiting the Galapagos islands, Skara Brae in the Orkneys, the Hagia Sophia in Istanbul.</p> <p><strong>Denise Ryan</strong> - Listening to glorious classical music played in Havana’s Plaza de la Catedral and attending a stunning performance of Swan Lake in the Grand Theatre of Havana.</p> <p><strong>Deedee Cullum</strong> - Visiting Ypres in Belgium and staying the night so we could see the evening ceremony at the Menin gate.</p> <p><strong>Alison Davenport</strong> - 50 years ago visiting a Fijian village made me realise everyone didn't live like I did. Have been amazed at all travel experiences since.</p> <p><strong>Glenn Turton</strong> - Staying in a farmhouse in Normandy for a week. Visiting D-Day beaches and Mont St Michel from there and local villages and markets on the days between. Back to the farmhouse each night to cook local produce and sit by an open fire.</p> <p><strong>Karen Psaila</strong> - Sitting in a small ally sipping black sweet tea in Egypt looking at the pyramids and sphinx whilst camels are strolling by. Amazing.</p> <p><strong>Patricia Watson</strong> - Darwin. Spending a day with First Nation Women and Children in the bush and learning about food that grows and is edible in that area.</p> <p><strong>James Langabeer</strong> - This are my three top three most interesting cultural experiences.</p> <p>1. Japan's Tea Ceremony: Attending a traditional tea ceremony in Kyoto, Japan, where I learned about the intricate rituals and Zen Buddhism's influence.</p> <p>2. Indian Holi Festival: Celebrating Holi, the Festival of Colors, in Mumbai, India, surrounded by vibrant colors, music, and joyful locals.</p> <p>3. Moroccan Hammam: Experiencing a traditional Moroccan bathhouse (hammam) in Marrakech, where I discovered local customs and relaxation techniques.</p> <p><strong>Margaret Mason</strong> - Staying for a couple of days in a small, traditional village in China.</p> <p><em>Image credits: Shutterstock </em></p>

International Travel

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Cruise director shares little known ship facts

<p dir="ltr">A cruise director has revealed little known facts about cruise ships and their dedicated staff, while sharing tips for eager travellers.  </p> <p dir="ltr">Luigi Incarnato, cruise director for MSC, is often seen hosting events, introducing acts and getting involved with passengers onboard his cruises. </p> <p dir="ltr">He shared his top tips for passengers with <em><a href="">9Travel</a></em>, while also revealing some industry secrets. </p> <p dir="ltr">When asked what people may not have considered about the crew and vessel of a cruise ship, Luigi shared that even more work goes into pulling off a trip than one might think. </p> <p dir="ltr">He said, “Our crew onboard comes from more than 60-70 countries of the world, spread on all continents, leading to an exceptionally culturally diverse team, which we are very proud of.”</p> <p dir="ltr">“Each one of our crew members is remarkably hard working and skilled in their trade. Our crew comes onboard for an average of six to seven months then goes home to rest for an average of two months and reembarks, possibly on a new ship.”</p> <p dir="ltr">“We also work on national holidays, on Christmas Day and New Year's Eve.”</p> <p dir="ltr">Luigi added that there is one thing many people may not think to bring onboard, that is of vital importance. </p> <p dir="ltr">When asked what essential to pack, he said, “Their complete health issues history and a medicine list with any prescriptions that may be needed during the cruise.”</p> <p dir="ltr">“A suitable wardrobe for the theme nights, especially for the elegant and white dress code evenings, and sunscreen.”</p> <p dir="ltr"><em>Image credits: Shutterstock </em></p>


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Readers response: Who’s the most interesting person you’ve met while travelling?

<p>One of the best parts of travelling is the people you met along the way. </p> <p>Whether it's as part of a tour group or an interesting character you meet by chance, interacting with interesting people in interesting places can bring a lot to your travel experience. </p> <p>We asked our readers to tell us about the most interesting person they've encountered on their travels and the response was overwhelming. Here's what they said. </p> <p><strong>Diana Jason</strong> - Cargo Holly Harrison. He walked 15000 miles from the bottom of South America to the top of Alaska. A truly fascinating man.</p> <p><strong>Margie Buckingham</strong> - While caravanning around Oz, every night we would meet interesting ppl enjoying pre-dinner drinks &amp; nibbles around the campfire. We all had personal stories to tell or the best places to camp.</p> <p><strong>Ann Smith</strong> - Myself. Travelled to the UK and found my independence and confidence, two and a bit years after I lost love of my life to cancer.</p> <p><strong>Pamela Cari</strong> - We met the lady who played the mother of Apollonia Vitelli in The Godfather when we were in Savoca.</p> <p><strong>Rosalie Busch</strong> - A couple who grew up behind the wall in East Berlin. </p> <p><strong>Sue Velvin</strong> - Shaquille O'Neal when my daughter and I had a holiday in the states a few years ago! Awesome man.</p> <p><strong>Wendy Farnham</strong> - A Buddhist Nun in Cambodia who lost her husband and 6 of her 7 children to starvation under Pol Pot’s regime.</p> <p><strong>Lyn Schuemaker</strong> - Everybody. They all have stories to tell.</p> <p><em>Image credits: Shutterstock </em></p>

International Travel

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6 little known facts about The Sound of Music

<p>The Sound of Music, released in 1965, continues to be one of the most beloved family films of all time. In honour of the iconic film, we look behind the scenes to reveal some little known facts about one of our favourite movies.</p> <p><strong>1. Julie Andrews kept falling over during the famous opening mountain scene</strong></p> <p>While Julie Andrews may look graceful twirling atop the mountain in the opening scenes, in reality she kept being knocked over by the draft of the helicopter trying to capture the iconic aerial scene. Andrews said: “the down draft from those jets was so strong that every time… the helicopter circled around me and the down draft just flattened me into the grass. And I mean flattened. It was fine for a couple of takes, but after that you begin to get just a little bit angry… And I really tried. I mean, I braced myself, I thought, ‘It’s not going to get me this time.’ And every single time, I bit the dust.”</p> <p><strong>2. Christopher Plummer hates the movies</strong></p> <p>Fans of Christopher Plummer’s Captain von Trapp will be disappointed to learn that he hated the film so much he called it “The Sound of Mucus”. “Because it was so awful and sentimental and gooey,” he said. “You had to work terribly hard to try and infuse some minuscule bit of humour into it.” To ease his pain, Plummer drank, even on set. He admitted on the DVD commentary that he was drunk when filming the Austrian music festival scene.</p> <p><strong>3. Charmian Carr injured herself during “Sixteen going on seventeen”</strong></p> <p>Charmian Carr, who played Liesl Von Trapp, slipped while leaping from a bench in the gazebo scene. She fell through the glass and injured her ankle. In the scene, she is wearing a bandage on her leg, which is covered by make up.</p> <p><strong>4. Friedrich grew 15 centimetres during the six months of filming  </strong> </p> <p>Nicholas Hammond, who played Friedrich Von Trapp, grew from 1.60 metres to 1.75 metres in the six months of filming. It caused many continuity problems in the movie as Friedrich had to be shorter than Liesl but taller than Louisa. As the beginning of the film, Hammond had lifts in his films but by the end, Carr who played Liesl had to stand on a box.</p> <p><strong>5. Mia Farrow auditioned for the role of Liesl.</strong> </p> <p><span style="text-decoration: underline;"><strong><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Watch her audition tape here.</a></strong></span></p> <p><strong>6. The film is historically inaccurate</strong></p> <p>The movie is loosely based on the autobiography of Maria von Trapp, The Story of the Trapp Family Singers, but the film took many liberties. For instance, there were 10 von Trapp children, not seven. Maria left the convent to tutor one of the children, not to governess all them. Georg was a kind man, not the stern disciplinarian as depicted the film. Maria and him were married 11 years before the Nazis invaded Austria. And the Von Trapp family didn’t escape from the mountains by crossing over the mountains – that would have led straight to Hitler’s Germany.</p> <p><em>Image credits: Getty Images </em></p>


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7 things you never knew about M*A*S*H

<p>Did you know <em>M*A*S*H</em> ran more than three times longer than the actual Korean War? It may have graced our screens for 11 years, but you might not know all there is to know about the classic TV series, <em>M*A*S*H</em>.</p> <ol> <li><strong>No one wanted a laugh track</strong> – Despite pleas from the show’s producers, the network (CBS) went ahead and added in canned laughter. You might have noticed the laugh track growing quieter and quieter as the years progressed, and in the UK, the laugh track was removed entirely.</li> <li><strong>CBS banned an “unpatriotic” episode</strong> – An idea for an episode was shot down by the network for being “unpatriotic”. It involved soldiers standing outside in the freezing cold to make themselves sick enough to be sent home – a tactic actually used during the war.</li> <li><strong>The writers got back at complaining cast members</strong> – If ever an actor complained about their script (or asked for changes), the writing team would change the script to make it “parka weather”, making the cast swelter in jackets through days in excess of 32°C on their Florida film set.</li> <li><strong>Patients were named after sports teams</strong> – After running out of names for patients visiting the hospital, the writers turned to baseball teams. In season six, four Marines are named after California Angels infielders, while in season seven, they named patients after the 1978 Los Angeles Dodgers.</li> <li><strong><em>M*A*S*H</em> hosted some big-name stars</strong> – Guest appearances on the show include Ron Howard, Leslie Nielsen, Patrick Swayze, Laurence Fishburne and Rita Wilson.</li> <li><strong>The series finale broke records</strong> – The two-and-a-half-hour 1983 series finale, “Goodbye, Farewell and Amen,” was watched by a staggering 121.6 million people in the US alone – back then, that was 77 per cent of households with TV sets. It remains the most-watched episode of a TV show in US history.</li> <li><strong>The time capsule didn’t stay buried long</strong> – In the series’ second-last episode, the <em>M*A*S*H</em> gang bury a time capsule. When the show wrapped up, the land used as the show’s set was sold, and a construction worker found the capsule just months later. After getting in contact with Alan Alda to return it, Alda told the worker he could keep it.</li> </ol> <p><em>Image credits: Getty Images </em></p>


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Five ways to take advantage of rising interest rates to boost your savings

<p><em><a href="">Fredrick Kibon Changwony</a>, <a href="">University of Stirling</a></em></p> <p>With the Bank of England base rate <a href="">currently the highest</a> it has been since early 2008, you may have a valuable opportunity to increase your earnings on pensions, investments and savings accounts. After all, when the central bank raises its main rate – the base rate, which is typically used as a benchmark for loans as well as savings accounts – it is trying to encourage people to spend less and save more.</p> <p>But UK banks and building societies have <a href="">recently been accused</a> of letting their savings rates lag the recent rapid rise in the base rate. UK regulator the Financial Conduct Authority has urged these financial firms to offer “<a href="">fair and competitive</a>” savings rates in response to the increasing interest rates.</p> <p>Many financial institutions do offer accounts with <a href="">rates of 6% or more</a>. This is good news for avid savers – but only if you keep an eye on the market so you can switch from less competitive products. This is why it’s important to establish a regular savings habit, but many people are unsure about what that should involve.</p> <p>My colleagues and I have studied the <a href="">correlation between people’s savings goals</a> (if they have any) and how they invest their money. We also looked at how seeking financial information advice, and being “good with numbers”, both influence this correlation.</p> <p>We analysed data from more than 40,000 individuals in 21,000 UK households from five waves of the Office for National Statistics Wealth and Assets Survey (WAS), conducted between 2006 and 2016. This data captures comprehensive economic wellbeing information and attitudes to financial planning.</p> <p>Our research shows the importance to your finances of setting multiple savings goals, keeping up with financial news, and seeking professional advice. Based on this, here are five research-based ways to make the most of your money.</p> <h2>1. Set specific savings goals</h2> <p>Establishing personal savings goals is one of the first steps most financial institutions and advisers will recommend to their customers, because it’s a good idea to <a href="">save regularly</a>. Plus, our study shows that total financial assets increase in line with the number of savings goals you have, and that setting specific, rather than vague, goals leads to higher performance.</p> <p>Specific savings goals should have an end date, target figure, and even a meaningful name – for example, “£1,000 for 2024 trip to Asia” or “£250 for 2023 Christmas present fund”. This will create tangible reference points that encourage self-control and increase the pain you feel if you fail to meet your goal.</p> <h2>2. Seek professional financial advice</h2> <p>Rather than relying on friends, family and social media for financial advice, speak to an expert.</p> <p>Our research shows households that access professional financial advice were more likely to allocate a higher share of their wealth to stock portfolios than those that rely on friends, family and social media for financial advice. This result was consistent even across different wealth and income levels, with lower earners possibly using products like ISAs to make investments in stocks and shares. Other <a href="">research shows</a> stock portfolios outperform most other types of investment in the long term.</p> <p>We also found that access to professional financial advice can substitute for setting goals, because your adviser should help you to determine the kinds of products to invest in (which is called asset allocation) for specific timelines and aims.</p> <h2>3. Brush up on your maths</h2> <p><a href="">Several studies</a> show numerical skills affect how households gather and process information, <a href="">set goals</a>, perceive risks, and <a href=";i=791">decide to invest</a> in various financial assets. So, by brushing up on your basic numeracy and financial literacy skills – even with free online videos – you could boost your savings for the long term.</p> <p>Our study shows that individuals with high confidence in their numerical skills tend to have better financial planning habits – such as investing more in stocks and bonds than cash, which carries more risk but also the potential for greater returns. This trend is particularly evident among households with no savings goals, suggesting that numerical ability could compensate for failing to set such goals.</p> <h2>4. Adopt appropriate savings strategies</h2> <p>Diversified stock market portfolios generally outperform bonds and cash savings <a href="">over longer periods</a>. However, stock markets can be volatile, so putting savings into less risky assets like bonds and cash is wise for savings goals of less than five years.</p> <p>In the longer term, investing across different global stock markets for more than five years can help counteract inflation. And you can access low-cost, diversified investment portfolios via financial products based on indices of stocks or other assets, such as exchange traded funds.</p> <h2>5. Set, monitor and adjust your plan</h2> <p>Free financial planning and budgeting apps can help you save money by tracking your spending and savings goals, and encouraging you to adhere to a budget.</p> <p>Most importantly, once you set savings goals and create a budget, don’t forget about them. Check regularly to see how your savings are building up and to monitor for any spending changes. A growing array of fintech tools can prompt and encourage this kind of long-term planning.</p> <p>Keeping an eye on savings rates is also important. As banks change rates or create new accounts, consider switching to get a better deal if you can do so without falling foul of account closure fees.</p> <p>It’s important to make sure your savings are working for you at any time, but its crucial in the current economy, when finances are tight but interest rates are rising.<!-- Below is The Conversation's page counter tag. Please DO NOT REMOVE. --><img style="border: none !important; box-shadow: none !important; margin: 0 !important; max-height: 1px !important; max-width: 1px !important; min-height: 1px !important; min-width: 1px !important; opacity: 0 !important; outline: none !important; padding: 0 !important;" src="" alt="The Conversation" width="1" height="1" /><!-- End of code. If you don't see any code above, please get new code from the Advanced tab after you click the republish button. The page counter does not collect any personal data. More info: --></p> <p><em><a href="">Fredrick Kibon Changwony</a>, Lecturer in Accounting &amp; Finance, <a href="">University of Stirling</a></em></p> <p><em>Image credits: Shutterstock</em></p> <p><em>This article is republished from <a href="">The Conversation</a> under a Creative Commons license. Read the <a href="">original article</a>.</em></p>

Money & Banking

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Why you’re probably paying more interest on your mortgage than you think

<p><em><a href="">Sander De Groote</a>, <a href="">UNSW Sydney</a> and <a href="">Kevin Li</a>, <a href="">UNSW Sydney</a></em></p> <p>For most things we buy, the price we are quoted is the price we pay.</p> <p>That’s supposed to be the case even where taxes and fees are involved. Australian law requires anyone selling anything to display a <a href="">total price</a> that includes all “taxes, duties and all unavoidable or pre-selected extra fees”.</p> <p>But our investigations, which compare the interest rate quoted on our mortgages with the fine print in our own mortgage documents, shows this is hardly ever the case for home loans.</p> <p>Even though we are both trained as accountants, until recently we hadn’t bothered to check – even as interest rates climbed. We assumed the rates we were being told we were being charged (say 5% per year) were the rates we were actually paying.</p> <p>This would be easy enough, and in our view the right thing, for banks to do.</p> <h2>The price quoted usually isn’t the price paid</h2> <p>Mortgage interest is usually charged monthly, but the rates are yearly. This means that each time interest is charged, the outstanding amount <a href="">compounds</a> as interest is applied to interest.</p> <p>That sounds bad enough. But this isn’t our main complaint.</p> <p>It’s that there are two possible ways to calculate the amount of interest. Banks calcualte interest on a daily basis.</p> <p>The most reasonable would be to calculate the daily amount in a way that adds up to an annual amount that matches what was quoted. That way, a 5% rate would really be 5%.</p> <p>Although there’s a bit of <a href="">calculation</a> involved, it’s easy enough for banks to do.</p> <h2>How banks calculate mortgage interest</h2> <p>The other, arguably less reasonable, way is what’s called the “<a href="">simple</a>” method. Our investigations show that this technique is used by all the big four banks, and probably many others too.</p> <p>It’s called the simple method because it involves simply dividing the annual rate (say 5%) by 365 to determine the daily rate.</p> <p>This seems to not be important, but because of compounding it means the amount charged over a year is more than the rate quoted.</p> <p>Say you borrow $100,000 for one year at an annual rate of 5%, repaying the whole amount at the end of the year.</p> <p>You might expect to pay back $105,000. Instead, the banks’ method of calculating interest results in a total repayment of $105,116.</p> <p>This is because the daily interest rate (5% divided by 365) is applied to the outstanding balance <em>each day</em> and added to your balance once a month. These regular increases mean your interest compounds costing you more.</p> <h2>Over decades, the difference matters</h2> <p>In July 2023, the average size of a new mortgage in New South Wales was about A$750,000, with an average interest rate of about 5.95%.</p> <p>The method of calculation used by the banks and in the fine print of their mortgage contracts requires a monthly payment of $4,473 including the repayment of the amount originally borrowed over the life of a 30-year loan.</p> <p>But if 5.95% were actually charged each year, the monthly payment would be $4,398 – a difference of $900 per year.</p> <p>In this typical example, the difference over the life of the loan amounts to about $27,000. It means these borrowers will end up paying an effective interest rate of 6.11%.</p> <h2>We had to read the fine print</h2> <p>We checked the terms and conditions of each of the big four banks – Westpac, the Commonwealth, the National Australia Bank and the ANZ – as well as their biggest subsidiaries which include St George, The Bank of Melbourne, Bank SA and Bankwest.</p> <p>They all charge interest using the “simple” method.</p> <p>Mutual banks – the old credit unions and building societies owned by their members – have different reporting requirements, and we were unable to check the terms and conditions used by each one. But where we could, we found they used the same method as the big four.</p> <p>You can find this small print yourself, usually in the middle of your mortgage document. It’s a formula, accompanied by a paragraph of explanation.</p> <p>But you have to look carefully. Or you could call customer service, as we did, and ask the bank to explain the calculation.</p> <p>You shouldn’t have to.</p> <h2>The price quoted ought to be the price paid</h2> <p>We think the price quoted for a product should be the price that’s actually charged, as the law <a href="">generally requires</a> for products other than mortgages.</p> <p>This means if you are told you’ll be charged 5.95% interest per year, you should pay 5.95% per year – not 6.11% because of a quirk in the formula.</p> <p>Mortgages are a larger financial commitment than most purchases. This means that honesty and clear communication are even more important.</p> <p>It’s worth knowing what you are letting yourself in for when signing up for a mortgage. That way, when the bank or broker explains it to you and it’s not what was advertised, you can ask for a discount.<!-- Below is The Conversation's page counter tag. 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Read the <a href="">original article</a>.</em></p>

Money & Banking

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Surprising facts about Barbie (she’s kept quiet all this time)

<p><strong>1. Her fame is global, but she’s a small town girl.</strong> According to brand lore, Barbara “Barbie” Millicent Roberts was officially born on March 9, 1959, in the fictional town of Willows, Wisconsin.</p> <p><strong>2. She’s just one of seven kids.</strong> Over the years, her siblings for sale have included: Skipper, Stacie, Chelsea, Krissy, Tutti and Todd.</p> <p><strong>3. Barbie digs younger men.</strong> Her longtime BF Ken is two years younger than Barbie, debuting in toy stores in 1961.</p> <p><strong>4. She has had more than 150 careers</strong>, including paleontologist, Canadian Mountie, McDonald’s cashier, Desert Storm medic, business executive, secretary, Catwoman, and, regrettably, rapper.</p> <p><strong>5. She’s been to space three times.</strong> Astronaut Barbie debuted in space in 1965 (four years before the moon landing), then returned in 1986 and 1994.</p> <p><strong>6. Her house is a zoo. </strong>Barbie has owned more than 40 pets, including 21 dogs, 14 horses, three ponies, six cats, a parrot, a chimpanzee, a panda, a lion cub, a giraffe, and a zebra.</p> <p><strong>7. She’s got friends in the fashion industry.</strong> Gucci, Versace, Vera Wang, Dolce &amp; Gabbana, and Givenchy have all contributed designs to Barbie’s wardrobe.</p> <p><strong>8. Her wardrobe is house-sized.</strong> Barbie has had more than one billion outfits (with shoes to match) designed for her.</p> <p><em>Image credits: Shutterstock</em></p> <p><em>This article originally appeared on <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Reader's Digest</a>. </em></p>

Beauty & Style

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8 mind-boggling facts about your favourite flowers and plants

<p>We’ve found some fun, quirky and downright mind-boggling facts about our favourite flowers and plants.</p> <p>1. A sunflower is not just one flower. Each head is composed of hundreds of tiny flowers, called florets, held together on a single seed. This is the case for all plants in the sunflower family, including daises.</p> <p>2. Apples, pears, peaches, cherries, raspberries, strawberries and more are actually in the rose family, making them cousins to the long-stemmed flower of love.</p> <p>3. During the 1600s, tulips were so valuable in Holland that their bulbs were worth more than gold. No wonder the Netherlands is known for their tulips!</p> <p>4. Bamboo is the fasted-growing woody plant in the world. The current Guinness World Record title is held by a certain species of the 45 genera of bamboo, which have been found to grow at up to 91 cm per day or at a rate of 0.00003 km/h.</p> <p>5. Strawberries are the only fruit that bears its seeds on the outside. It has on average 200 seeds.</p> <p>6. The oldest known flower was discovered in 2002, in northeast China. The flower, named archaefructus sinensis, bloomed around 125 million years ago and resembles a water lily.</p> <p>7. The titan arum is the world’s largest flower. The circumference of the flower can be over three metres and a single leaf can grow to the size of a small tree. However, it smells horribly like rotten flesh, earning its nickname of corpse flower.</p> <p>8. You can change the colour of your hydrangeas by altering the pH level of the soil. Alkaline soil will create pinker blooms, while a more acidic soil will produce blue blooms.</p> <p><em>Image credit: Instagram</em></p> <p><strong>Related links:</strong></p> <p><span style="text-decoration: underline;"><em><strong><a href="../lifestyle/gardening/2015/05/gardening-and-soil-ph/">What you need to know about your soil’s pH levels</a></strong></em></span></p> <p><span style="text-decoration: underline;"><em><strong><a href="../lifestyle/gardening/2015/05/over60-community-gardens-part-4/">Take a look inside the beautiful gardens of the Over60 community</a></strong></em></span></p> <p><span style="text-decoration: underline;"><em><strong><a href="../lifestyle/gardening/2015/06/attracting-birds-to-the-garden/">Top tips for attracting birds to the garden</a></strong></em></span></p>

Home & Garden

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RBA announces major interest rate rise

<p>The Reserve Bank of Australia has lifted its official interest rate to 4.1 per cent, an increase not seen since early 2012.</p> <p>The bank’s board chose to lift the cash rate target by 0.25 of a percentage point for the second month in a row amid concerns that inflation is taking too long to decrease.</p> <p>The latest monthly consumer price index from the Australian Bureau of Statistics saw prices rise 6.8 per cent from 2022 to April 2023, up from the March reading due to statistical uncertainties caused by last year’s temporary fuel excise cut.</p> <p>Reserve Bank governor Phillip Lowe warned the public about rising costs of services including hospitality which are labour intensive and vulnerable to increased wages.</p> <p>"Recent data indicate that the upside risks to the inflation outlook have increased and the board has responded to this," he highlighted in his post-meeting statement.</p> <p>"While goods price inflation is slowing, services price inflation is still very high and is proving to be very persistent overseas. Unit labour costs are also rising briskly, with productivity growth remaining subdued.”</p> <p>Lowe noted the most recent and bigger than expected rise in minimum and award wages, which was the highest increase in decades.</p> <p>"Wages growth has picked up in response to the tight labour market and high inflation," he explained.</p> <p>"At the aggregate level, wages growth is still consistent with the inflation target, provided that productivity growth picks up.”</p> <p>The interest rate spike will add around $76 a month to the repayments on a $500,000 loan, and double that on a million-dollar 25-year mortgage.</p> <p>Someone with $500,000 owing on their home loan will see their monthly repayment increase by around $1,134 a month since the RBA started lifting rates from a record low of 0.1 per cent in May 2022.</p> <p>However, there is still the risk of another rate rise.</p> <p>"Some further tightening of monetary policy may be required to ensure that inflation returns to target in a reasonable time frame, but that will depend upon how the economy and inflation evolve," Lowe warned.</p> <p><em>Image credit: Twitter</em></p>

Money & Banking

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Surprising facts about 5 classic TV shows

<p class="Default">As well as offering some real television nostalgia, these classic shows are also regarded as some of the most iconic TV shows ever made. Here are some lesser-known facts about five of the most popular shows in TV history.</p> <p class="Default"><strong>1. <em>I Love Lucy</em></strong></p> <p class="Default"><em>I Love Lucy</em> had a rather rocky start. Fraught with dilemmas and thought to maybe not move forward with the pilot, it came down to play it safe, or take a chance on the untried medium of television. Ball recounts that in a dream, Hollywood actress Carole Lombard appeared in a “very smart suit and she said, <span style="text-decoration: underline;"><strong><a href=";pg=PA26&amp;lpg=PA26&amp;dq=carole+lombard+Take+a+chance,+honey.+Give+it+a+whirl!&amp;source=bl&amp;ots=8jLdurHJI6&amp;sig=lSqvQ7Uk-bHYFlraRdDppCxrj74&amp;hl=en&amp;sa=X&amp;ved=0ahUKEwjt8byl9LXRAhVmi1QKHS3-DB70Q6AEIPjAH#v=onepage&amp;q=carole%20lombard%20Take%20a%20chance%2C%20honey.%20Give%20it%20a%20whirl!&amp;f=false" target="_blank" rel="noopener">‘Go on, honey. Give it a whirl</a></strong></span>!’” And they did exactly that and they show is one of the most loved of its kind to date.</p> <p class="Default"><strong>2. <em>The Flintstones</em></strong></p> <p class="Default">The popular 1960s cartoon <em>The Flintstones</em> may have become a hit around the world but it was not well received by everyone. One of television’s most iconic actors of all time, Jackie Gleason, was not happy about the show’s inspiration. According to Alan Reed Jr. (son of Alan Reed, who voiced Fred Flintstone), <em>The Flintstones</em> was <span style="text-decoration: underline;"><strong><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">inspired by <em>The Honeymooners</em></a></strong></span>, taking on the short-tempered and overbearing characteristics of Gleason’s vociferous Ralph Kramden.</p> <p class="Default"><strong>3. <em>The Odd Couple</em></strong></p> <p class="Default">After it first premiered in 1970, viewers had some questions about the sexuality of Felix and Oscar, as the two men living as roommates in New York City. Felix, played by Tony Randall, raised the most eyebrows for his flamboyant mannerisms and interest in the arts. Worried that viewers would be turned off due to the continuous speculation, ABC executives made it a point in the show’s intro to state that the roommates were “divorced men.”</p> <p class="Default"><strong>4. <em>The Ed Sullivan Show</em></strong></p> <p class="Default">In 1953 when Broadway director Joshua Logan asked to speak about his struggles with mental illness, what ensued was one of Ed Sullivan’s proudest TV moments. Worries about CBS’s reaction, Sullivan hesitantly allowed Logan to change the running order of the show to address his mental breakdown, recovery, and the stigma surrounding mental illness. It was met with momentary silence followed by a very big applause. In the weeks that followed, CBS was sent oodles of letters of appreciation.</p> <p class="Default"><strong>5. <em>Hogan’s Heroes</em></strong></p> <p class="Default">CBS’s <em>Hogan’s Heroes</em>, which ran from 1965 to 1971, was set in an actual German POW camp during World War II. Despite being successful, the sitcom was heavily criticised, given the actual atrocities that were committed during the war. Surprisingly, many of the actors portraying the dim-witted German Nazis were Jewish, too.</p> <p class="Default"><em>Image credit: Shutterstock</em></p>


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4 caravan facts you never knew

<p dir="ltr">Caravans have come a long way since their humble beginnings in the 13th century, with the 20th century seeing them finally used for holidays!</p> <p dir="ltr">They’re increasing in popularity as more people want the caravan experience. </p> <p dir="ltr" role="presentation"><strong>1. Internet connection</strong></p> <p dir="ltr">Some would simply turn away at the thought of no WI-FI, but with the rapid evolution of technology comes the evolution of caravan modernity.</p> <p dir="ltr">You won’t be cut off from the world on your caravanning holiday as plenty of parks offer 4G connection. </p> <p dir="ltr"><strong>2. Pet-friendly</strong></p> <p dir="ltr">A lot of people will refrain from holidaying if they can’t bring their beloved furry friend but a lot of them are now dog-friendly, so you don’t have to leave your best bud behind.</p> <p dir="ltr"><strong>3. Custom-built</strong></p> <p dir="ltr">Caravans can be tailored to suit your taste! If you own your own, of course, run rampant with the decorations! But a lot of caravan parks will allow you to personalise your home away from home.</p> <p dir="ltr"><strong>4. The future </strong></p> <p dir="ltr">With technology only further developing, it is certainly going to continue impacting the caravanning world. </p> <p dir="ltr">Some believe there might be fingerprint entry one day, and there are possibilities of an aquatic caravan, where it will be liveable on water and land!</p> <p dir="ltr">See the sites from the comfort of your very own caravan. It’s a unique experience, is often less costly, and very accommodating. </p> <p dir="ltr"><em>Image credit: Shutterstock</em></p>

Domestic Travel

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7 bizarre laws across the globe

<p dir="ltr">Laws differ from country to country, and many remain unheard of. Here are some of the most outdated and unbelievable laws that still exist across the world.</p> <p dir="ltr" role="presentation"><strong>1. Swiss bomb shelters</strong></p> <p dir="ltr">In Switzerland, every citizen is required by law to have a bomb shelter or at least access to one. </p> <p dir="ltr"><strong>2. Children under 12 banned from using phones</strong></p> <p dir="ltr">In Blue Earth Minnesota, USA, it is illegal for children under 12 years of age to speak on the phone unless they’re accompanied by a parent or guardian.</p> <p dir="ltr"><strong>3. Can’t ride an ugly horse</strong></p> <p dir="ltr">In Wilbur, Washington it is illegal to ride a horse that is deemed to be ugly! Although it is unclear what constitutes an ugly horse.</p> <p dir="ltr"><strong>4. First four firemen get paid</strong></p> <p dir="ltr">In Zeigler, Illinois, USA, only the first four men to make it to the scene will be paid. </p> <p dir="ltr"><strong>5. Failed surgery = no hands</strong></p> <p dir="ltr">In Ancient Egypt, if a surgeon lost a patient while performing an operation on them, the surgeon's hands were cut off. </p> <p dir="ltr"><strong>6. Too scruffy to drive</strong></p> <p dir="ltr">In Athens, a driver can have their licence taken away simply because they are deemed too scruffy or poorly dressed. </p> <p dir="ltr"><strong>7. Criminal birthday offence</strong></p> <p dir="ltr">In Samoa, it is a crime to forget your wife’s birthday. </p> <p dir="ltr"><em>Image credit: Shutterstock</em><span id="docs-internal-guid-52befc00-7fff-ea57-7410-d816363ccd0d"></span></p>


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Put your Star Wars knowledge to the test

<p>While May 4 is not a public holiday, for passionate Star Wars fans around the world, it may as well be. </p> <p>Whether you prefer to dress-up with friends and celebrate with a mega movie marathon - after hours spent deciding which trilogy to begin with, of course - or scroll your favourite forums to find that next snippet of news about any upcoming projects, it’s fun to have the odd fun fact to drop into conversation, whether or not your present company particularly wants to hear it. </p> <p>And now’s the time to put your knowledge to the test, with some<em> Star Wars </em>trivia to challenge and to impress - especially if you get that perfect 15/15. </p> <p>So, “may the Force be with you”, and don’t forget to scroll to the bottom for the answers! </p> <p><strong>1. What was the false working title used to mask production for <em>Star Wars Episode VI: Return of the Jedi </em>in 1982? </strong></p> <p>A: Blue Moon</p> <p>B: Blue Harvest</p> <p>C: Force Squadron</p> <p>D: Galaxy’s Edge</p> <p> </p> <p><strong>2. The term ‘Ewok’ was never said aloud in the original trilogy. </strong></p> <p>A: True</p> <p>B: False</p> <p> </p> <p><strong>3. Who delivered the line “congratulations, you are being rescued” in <em>Rogue One: A Star Wars Story</em>? </strong></p> <p>A: Cassian Andor</p> <p>B: C-3PO</p> <p>C: K-2SO</p> <p>D: Orson Krennic</p> <p> </p> <p><strong>4. How many actresses have portrayed (in the live action films) the leader of the Rebel Alliance, Mon Mothma? </strong></p> <p>A: 4</p> <p>B: 3</p> <p>C: 2</p> <p>D: 1</p> <p> </p> <p><strong>5. Which movie features the most stop-motion animation? </strong></p> <p>A: <em>The Phantom Menace</em></p> <p>B: <em>Empire Strikes Back</em></p> <p>C: <em>Return of the Jedi</em></p> <p>D: <em>A New Hope</em></p> <p> </p> <p><strong>6. Why are porgs so prominent in <em>The Last Jedi</em>? </strong></p> <p>A: Director Rian Johnson was asked by a crew member’s child to include the feathered friends</p> <p>B: The marketing team had requested something small and fuzzy for the younger audience</p> <p>C: Porgs were inspired by early concept art for BB-8 that they didn’t want to toss aside completely</p> <p>D: The island on which they filmed was home to puffins and it was easier just to tie them in </p> <p> </p> <p><strong>7. Yoda shares a voice actor with which iconic Muppet? </strong></p> <p>A: Miss Piggy</p> <p>B: Kermit</p> <p>C: Gonzo </p> <p>D: Swedish Chef</p> <p> </p> <p><strong>8. How many films does the Rebel Alliance’s Blue Squadron appear in? </strong></p> <p>A: 1</p> <p>B: 2</p> <p>C: 3</p> <p>D: 4</p> <p> </p> <p><strong>9. Which phrase can be heard in every Star Wars movie?</strong></p> <p>A: “There’s no such thing as luck.” </p> <p>B: “Rebellions are built on hope.” </p> <p>C: “I have a bad feeling about this.” </p> <p>D: “Never underestimate a droid.” </p> <p> </p> <p><strong>10. In <em>The Phantom Menace</em>, Qui-Gon Jinn used which common household item as his communicator? </strong></p> <p>A: A lint brush</p> <p>B: A torch</p> <p>C: A tin of shoe polish </p> <p>D: A razor</p> <p> </p> <p><strong>11. How many Sith can there be at any one time? </strong></p> <p>A: 8</p> <p>B: 6</p> <p>C: 4</p> <p>D: 2</p> <p> </p> <p><strong>12. What was Luke Skywalker originally going to be called? </strong></p> <p>A: Luke Stardestroyer</p> <p>B: Luke Starkiller</p> <p>C: Luke Skykiller</p> <p>D: Luke Lars</p> <p> </p> <p><strong>13. The noise from passing which object served as the inspiration for lightsaber sounds? </strong></p> <p>A: A radio</p> <p>B: A microwave</p> <p>C: A television </p> <p>D: A racecar</p> <p> </p> <p><strong>14. Which quote is correct?</strong></p> <p>A: “No, I am your father.”</p> <p>B: “Luke, I am your father.” </p> <p> </p> <p><strong>15. Who built C-3PO? </strong></p> <p>A: Luke Skywalker</p> <p>B: Jar Jar Binks</p> <p>C: Shmi Skywalker</p> <p>D: Anakin Skywalker</p> <p> </p> <p><em>Images: Getty</em></p> <p><strong>ANSWERS: </strong></p> <blockquote> <p>1: A, 2: A, 3: C, 4: C, 5: B, 6: D, 7: A, 8: A, 9: C, 10: D, 11: D, 12: B, 13: C, 14: A, 15: D</p> </blockquote>


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19 common ‘facts’ about dogs that are actually false

<p><strong>Dog myths are everywhere</strong></p> <p>You may think your dog knowledge is outstanding, but the truth is that some dog facts you’ve heard through the grapevine simply aren’t that true. That’s right. There’s a lot of misinformation out there about our pups. And while much of it’s pretty harmless, some perpetuated dog myths are downright dangerous – for you and your dog.</p> <p>Some inaccurate beliefs can cause you to misinterpret certain dog behaviours or dog facial expressions, lead to subpar nutrition or put a strain on the owner-dog bond. We reached out to a range of pet experts, including veterinarians, dog trainers and behaviourists, to shine some light on the biggest dog myths out there.</p> <p><strong>A wagging tail always means a happy dog</strong></p> <p>Have you wondered what your dog’s tail is telling you? Tail wagging is just one of the ways dogs communicate. And although a wagging tail often does denote an excited or happy dog, that’s not always the case. “For example, a vigorous tail wag to the right means happiness at seeing its owner, but slow wags of a tail held halfway down can mean fear or insecurity,” says veterinarian, Dr Jess Trimble. “Additionally, a tail held very high and wagged extremely fast can mean fear or aggression for some dogs.”</p> <p><strong>Dogs eat grass because they’re feeling sick</strong></p> <p>You might have noticed your favourite canine buddy likes to chomp on grass once in a while. They might even go straight for the patch of green the second they’re outside. One of the most common dog myths is that eating grass is a sign your dog is sick, but that’s not necessarily true. “So many clients come to me worried when their dog eats grass that they may be coming down with a sickness. This is not completely untrue, because the grass does act as a natural antacid to help make your dog’s belly feel better,” says veterinarian, Dr Lindsay Butzer. However, dogs eat grass for many reasons, some of which have nothing to do with an upset stomach. “They might just like the taste of the grass,” Dr Butzer says, “or they are still hungry and want to keep eating, and the fibrous grass will fill them up.”</p> <p><strong>You can’t teach an old dog new tricks</strong></p> <p>You’ve heard this phrase before: “You can’t teach an old dog new tricks.” And while it is true that puppies are like sponges, making it so easy to teach them new things, “make no mistake, old dogs can learn too,” says certified animal behaviourist, Trish McMillan. She notes that some geriatric dogs that struggle with vision, hearing or mobility issues may not be as easy to train. However, as long as their brain is in good shape, they can absolutely learn new things.</p> <p><strong>Dogs only see in black and white</strong></p> <p>The idea that dogs only see in black and white is arguably one of the most perpetuated dog myths out there. Dogs can in fact see some colour, but the spectrum is limited, says veterinarian, Dr Adam Christman. “Humans and most other primates have three kinds of cones in our eyes, making us trichromatic; dogs are bichromatic.” And because of this, they do have a tendency to mix up greens and reds.</p> <p><strong>Garlic is a natural flea and tick remedy</strong></p> <p>When your dog is dealing with fleas or ticks, you’ll likely do anything to give them (and your household) some much-needed relief. If you’ve read that garlic acts as a natural cure, don’t believe it. Garlic is actually toxic to dogs and one of the <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">foods dogs can’t eat</a>, so you’ll want to keep it away from your pup.</p> <p>“Garlic will not only have zero effect on fighting off fleas and ticks, but it can also lead to a serious disease known as Immune Mediated Hemolytic Anemia (IMHA),” says veterinarian, Dr Michelle Dulake. “Even though it is a rare disease, IMHA causes the body to destroy its own red blood cells, leading to life-threatening anaemia. By feeding garlic, you are unnecessarily risking your pup’s health, expensive hospital bills and multiple blood transfusions.”</p> <p><strong>If you meet a dog, let it sniff your hand</strong></p> <p>This is a well-intentioned line of thinking, but a perpetuated dog myth nonetheless. In actuality, you should not stick your hand out toward any dog you’ve just met. “In our human interactions, it’s second nature to offer a handshake or a fist bump, but we must remember that dogs aren’t humans,” says dog trainer, Guillermo Roa. “Sticking out your hand can be misinterpreted as a sign of aggression, and a dog may bite you.” Roa says it’s better to calmly wait for the dog to approach you, if it is interested in doing so. You don’t know about the dog’s obedience record, after all. So if you must approach a new dog, do it from the side and avoid making intense eye contact.</p> <p><strong>One dog year equals seven human years</strong></p> <p>Although dogs do age quicker than humans, the seven-to-one ratio isn’t quite accurate. Their comparative age depends entirely on breed, size and genetic makeup, says Dr Trimble. “The bigger your dog is, the faster they age. I have patients that are five-kilo terriers that still act like puppies at 16 years old and would be considered around 75 to 80 in human years. In contrast, a Great Dane at 16 would be a record and considered to be more than 130 years of age.”</p> <div> </div> <p><strong>Bad dog breath is completely normal</strong></p> <p>Bad dog breath is so common that most people think it’s just something dog parents live with. The truth is that your dog’s breath really shouldn’t be that bad – and you should be brushing your dog’s teeth more often than you think. “Your dog will never have minty-fresh breath, but it shouldn’t be unbearable either,” says professional dog groomer, Tim Vogel.</p> <p>“Bad breath is an indicator of underlying health issues. Specifically, chronic bad breath is caused by bacteria in the mouth and is often the first sign of dental disease.” In fact, Vogel says the biggest culprit of bad dog breath is periodontal disease, which affects up to 80 per cent of dogs by age three. In addition to tooth loss, abscesses and periodontal disease, poor oral hygiene can lead to life-threatening conditions, including kidney, liver and heart damage.</p> <p><strong>A warm and dry nose means your dog is sick</strong></p> <p>One of the most repeated dog myths out there is about dog illness symptoms and implies that a healthy dog’s nose is always cold and wet. Warm and dry noses are completely normal though, so don’t worry if this is the usual state of your dog’s snout. “Everything from dry air and allergies to simply taking a nap can affect the wetness of your dog’s nose,” says Dr Christman. “However, while nose health isn’t normally concerning, if you notice your pet’s nose is constantly dry, cracking or running – not simply wet– then you should make an appointment with the veterinarian.”</p> <p><strong>Always spay or neuter at a young age</strong></p> <p>“Spaying and neutering dogs at a young age was happening at an alarming rate several years ago, and many veterinarians took the stance of ‘the younger, the better,’” says dog trainer, Adam Gibson. The idea is that early neutering or spaying will curb behavioural issues as the pet gets older. Gibson points out that numerous studies have shown this to be untrue and waiting to neuter your dog may be safer in the long run. “There are also added health benefits to allowing dogs to keep their reproductive organs intact into adulthood,” Gibson says. The community is responding to this new data, and more vets and owners are waiting six months to one year to spay or neuter pups.</p> <p><strong>Use dog treats to bribe your pet</strong></p> <p>Sure, they taste good, and your dog might beg for them, but the best dog treats aren’t just a way to bribe your pet into following your orders. The best dog trainers view treats as rewards – not bribes. “Treats are a really great way to show your dog that their consistent good behaviour or listening is going to be positively reinforced with a reward,” says Nick Navarro, a professional dog trainer.</p> <p>“When we’re training our dogs’ behaviours, we want to consider when we are giving them their treats. If you’re giving them treats before a bad behaviour happens, that would be considered a bribe. However, after they do something good – like dropping something they shouldn’t be chewing on or coming when called – you should definitely be digging into that treat jar for a job well done.” Bottom line: Treats (store-bought and homemake dog treats) are an excellent training tool for young dogs. Combine it with other training methods, and you’ll have an all-star pup in no time.</p> <p><strong>A dog’s mouth is cleaner than a human’s</strong></p> <p>This is one of the most common dog myths vets encounter. If a dog’s saliva was as antibacterial as the myth states, they’d be walking medical superheroes. Sure, dogs are superheroes in their own right, but this is one dog myth we’ve got to put to rest. “While dog saliva has a slightly more alkaline pH, which can discourage some bacteria from reproducing, it’s not truly antibacterial,” says Dr Trimble. “In fact, as a vet, one of the most common causes of canine skin infections we see is from a dog licking a wound or itchy spot too much.”</p> <p><strong>Dogs evolved from wolves and should eat like them</strong></p> <p>Dogs and wolves may come from the same lineage, but treating them as an interchangeable species is not ideal and can even impact their health. Dogs evolved from wolves more than 11,000 years ago, says Dr Trimble, and over that evolution, they’ve become two entirely different creatures. “Dogs should not eat the wild-wolf-type diet that’s becoming popular by boutique pet food manufacturers,” she says.</p> <p><strong>It’s important to show your dominance</strong></p> <p>Known as the alpha wolf theory, McMillan explains that it became a popular dog training method after wolves were first studied in captivity. However, with time, we’ve learned that dominance isn’t necessarily the best approach. “Later studies of wild wolves showed that packs are just families, with the older wolves caring for and teaching the younger ones until they’re old enough to leave,” McMillan says.</p> <p>“Modern dog trainers use behavioural principles to look at the antecedents and consequences of behaviour, managing the environment, meeting dogs’ needs for social time, enrichment and exercise, and teaching dogs what we want them to do, rather than solely punishing them when they misbehave.”</p> <p><strong>Rubbing your dog’s nose in an accident curbs future behaviour</strong></p> <p>This is one of those dog training myths that does more harm than good. Because dogs tend to understand behavioural problems at the time the behaviour occurs, rubbing your dog’s nose in an accident when you come home and find it likely will not help them make the connection. “When you do this, you’re in essence punishing a dog that doesn’t know why it’s being punished. This could exacerbate the issue and create more problems in the future,” warns Dr Christman. “Rather, it’s best to catch them in the act and redirect them to their proper potty destination.”</p> <p><strong>Two puppies at once is best (they’ll have a playmate)</strong></p> <p>Adopting two puppies at once sounds like a perfectly reasonable approach – and one that promises countless adorable puppy pictures. But it’s one of those dog myths that may lead to headaches all around, warns Gibson. “From a training and behavioural standpoint, the biggest issues I see with two young puppies being raised together are that they end up being much harder to train,” he says. Even if they are one of <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">the easiest dog breeds to train</a>, “they are oftentimes so co-dependent upon each other that they don’t seem to develop nearly as much as a puppy raised appropriately by itself.” Additionally, Gibson says they tend to be distracted by each other, and because their bond is so strong, they tend to place less value on their human relationships.</p> <p><strong>The more love, the better the dog</strong></p> <p>What do dogs want? If your answer is love, you’re only partially right. Love is important when it comes to fostering a healthy relationship with your pup and training them well, but don’t confuse love with poor boundaries. “Pets are increasingly seen as part of the family, and that can be wonderful,” says Roa. “We often want to indulge them by giving them the comfiest seat in the house or food from the table, but that can backfire. Like human children, furry kids require boundaries. Without boundaries, you will end up with many behavioural issues that can include aggression.” Dogs don’t think that humans are dogs, which means boundaries set by humans are beneficial. For Roa, gentle guidance and redirection are vital to establish a mutually respectful bond that benefits both pets and their humans.</p> <p><strong>Dogs yawn when they’re tired</strong></p> <p>Dogs are highly emotional, and it affects their behaviours. If you catch your dog mid-yawn, you might just assume it’s feeling sleepy and ready for a nap. That’s a reason humans yawn, after all. But not so fast! Yawning is common in dogs, and while they may yawn when they are tired, Dr Butzer says dogs also yawn due to boredom, anxiety, stress or when they want to get away with something. “For example, my dog will yawn when she has to sit still on the couch while we are eating dinner in the dining room. Dogs will also yawn during a veterinary visit due to stress or wanting to leave the appointment.”</p> <p><strong>Short-haired dogs don’t need grooming</strong></p> <p>When people think of dog grooming, they often think of haircuts. So it’s easy to assume that only long-haired dogs would need routine maintenance. But that’s one of those dog myths that’s bad for their health. The reality is that whether you choose to see a professional or groom your dog at home, every dog requires grooming to maintain good health. “All dogs need routine care, like bathing, ear cleaning, nail clipping and teeth brushing, to stay clean, comfortable and healthy,” says Vogel. “For example, long nails aren’t just unattractive or noisy – they can affect your dog’s overall health and comfort.” Routine ear checks and cleaning can ensure your dog is free of parasites, while brushing and bathing removes loose hair and dander. “Basic hygiene and grooming services aren’t luxuries reserved for special occasions; they’re imperative to maintaining your dog’s overall health and wellness.”</p> <p><em>Image credit: Shutterstock</em></p> <p><em>This article originally appeared on <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Reader's Digest</a>. </em></p>

Family & Pets

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"The wilderness of mirrors": 70 years since the first James Bond book, spy stories are still blurring fact and fiction

<p>"The scent and smoke and sweat of a casino are nauseating at three in the morning."</p> <p>With these opening words, Ian Fleming (1908-64) introduced us to the gritty, glamorous world of James Bond.</p> <p>Fleming’s first novel, <a href="">Casino Royale</a>, was published 70 years ago on April 13 1953. It sold out within weeks. British readers, still living with rationing and shortages after the war, eagerly devoured the first James Bond story. It had expensive liquor and cars, exotic destinations, and high-stakes gambling – luxurious things beyond the reach of most people.</p> <p>The novel’s principal villain is Le Chiffre, the paymaster of a French trade union controlled by the Soviet intelligence agency SMERSH. After losing Soviet money, Le Chiffre takes to high-stakes gambling tables to recover it. Bond’s mission is to play against Le Chiffre and win, bankrupting both the Frenchman and the union. </p> <p>The director of British intelligence, known only by his codename “M”, also assigns Bond a companion – Vesper Lynd, previously one of the agency’s assistants. The two infiltrate the casino, play at the tables, and dodge assassination attempts, while engaging in a dramatic battle with French communists, the Soviets, and each other.</p> <p>Fleming’s Bond – the sophisticated, tuxedo-clad secret agent – is an enduring image of espionage. Since 1953, martinis, gadgets, and a licence to kill have been part of how ordinary people understand spycraft. </p> <p>Some of this was real: Fleming drew on his own work as a spy for his novels. Intelligence work is often less glamorous than he depicted, but in both espionage and novel-writing, the difference between fact and fiction is not always easy to distinguish. </p> <h2>Ian Fleming, Agent 17F</h2> <p>Fleming came from a wealthy, well-connected British family, but he was a mediocre student. He only lasted a year at military college (where he contracted gonorrhoea), then missed out on a job with the Foreign Office. He could write, though. He spent a few years as a journalist, but drifted purposelessly through much of the 1930s. </p> <p>The outbreak of war in 1939 changed everything. The director of British Naval Intelligence, Admiral John Henry Godfrey, recruited Fleming as his assistant. Fleming excelled, under the codename 17F. He didn’t see much of the war firsthand, but was involved in its planning. He was an ideas man, not overly concerned with practicalities or logistics. Fleming came up with the fictions; other people had to turn them into realities. </p> <p>In 1940, for example, he developed “<a href="">Operation Ruthless</a>”. To crack the German naval codes, Fleming planned to lure a German rescue boat into a trap and steal its coding machine. They would obtain a German bomber, dress British men in German uniforms, and deliberately crash the plane into the channel. When the German rescue crew arrived, they would shoot them and grab the machine. </p> <p>Preparations began but Fleming’s plan never eventuated. It was too difficult and risky – not least because crashing the plane might simply kill their whole crew.</p> <p>Fleming worked on various operations. When he began writing after the war, these experiences found their way into Bond’s world. Fleming and Godfrey had visited Portugal, a neutral territory teeming with spies, where they went to the casino. Fleming claimed he played against a German agent at the tables, an experience that supposedly inspired Bond’s gambling battles with Le Chiffre in Casino Royale. </p> <p>Godfrey maintained that Fleming only ever played against Portuguese businessmen, but Fleming never let facts get in the way of a good story.</p> <p>Fleming picked up inspiration everywhere. Godfrey became the model for M. Fleming’s secretary, Joan Howe, inspired Moneypenny. The Soviet SMERSH coding device in <a href="">From Russia, With Love</a> (1957) was based on the German Enigma machine. Many of Fleming’s characters were named for real people: one villain shares a name with Hitler’s Chief of Staff, another with one of Fleming’s schoolyard adversaries.</p> <p>It became something of a sport to hypothesise about the inspiration for Bond. Fleming later called him a “compound of all the secret agents and commando types” he met during war. There were elements of Fleming’s older brother, an operative behind the lines in Norway and Greece. Fleming also pointed to <a href="">Sidney Reilly</a>, a Russian-born British agent during the First World War. He had access to reports on Reilly in the Naval Intelligence archive during his own service. </p> <p>Other possible models include <a href="">Conrad O’Brien-ffrench</a>, a British spy Fleming met while skiing in the 1930s, and <a href="">Wilfred “Biffy” Dunderdale</a>, MI6 Station Chief in Paris, who wore handmade suits and was chauffeured in a Rolls Royce. Stories of discovering <a href="">the real-life James Bond</a> still appear.</p> <p>But there was also much of Fleming himself in Bond. He gave 007 his own love of scrambled eggs and gambling. Their attitude towards women was similar. They used the same brand of toiletries. Bond even has Fleming’s golf handicap. </p> <p>Fleming would play with this idea, teasing that the books were autobiographical or that he was Bond’s biographer. Much like a cover story for an intelligence officer, Bond was Fleming’s alter-ego. He was anchored in Fleming’s realities – with a strong dash of creative licence and a little aspiration.</p> <h2>The changing world of Bond</h2> <p>The success of Casino Royale secured contracts for more Bond novels. In the early 1960s, critics began to denounce the books for their “sex, snobbery, and sadism”. Bond’s attitude toward women, in particular, was clear from the beginning. In Casino Royale, he refers to the “sweet tang of rape” in relation to sex with his MI6 accomplice and paramour Vesper Lynd. </p> <p>But the public appeared to be less concerned. Bond novels still sold well, especially after John F. Kennedy listed one among his top ten books. The first film adaptation, <a href="">Dr. No</a>, appeared in 1962 and Fleming’s success continued apace.</p> <p>Bond’s world was evolving, though. From Casino Royale to For Your Eyes Only (1960), Bond battled SMERSH, a real Soviet counter-espionage organisation. The early Bond novels were Cold War stories. Soviet Russia was the West’s enemy, so it was Bond’s. </p> <p>But East-West relations were thawing in 1959 when Fleming was writing Thunderball (1961). The Cold War could plausibly have ended and he didn’t want any film version to look dated, so Fleming created a fictional villain: SPECTRE. This was an international terrorist organisation without a distinct ideology. It could endure beyond the battles of the Cold War – and did. It features in the 2021 Bond film <a href="">No Time To Die</a>.</p> <p>Fleming’s more fantastic plots were always anchored in reality by recognisable brands and products. Bond’s watch was a Rolex; his choice of bourbon was Jack Daniels. His cigarettes were Morlands, like Fleming’s. In the novels, Bond drove Bentleys – the Aston Martin was introduced in the 1964 film <a href="">Goldfinger</a>. </p> <p>The films have changed Bond’s brands to keep up with the world around them (and secure lucrative product-placement deals): Omega replaced Rolex in <a href="">Goldeneye</a> (1995); the <a href="">martini was swapped for a Heineken</a> in <a href="">Skyfall</a> (2012). Bond now carries a Sony phone.</p> <p>Other changes brought the 1950s spy into the 21st century. Recent films have more diverse casting. Their female characters do more than just spend a night with Bond before their untimely deaths. The novels, too, continue to change – the 70th-anniversary editions have had <a href="">racial slurs and some characters’ ethnic descriptors removed</a>. </p> <p>Some have criticised this as censorship. But as with <a href="">recent rewritings of Roald Dahl’s books</a>, changes like this are not new. Fleming’s family has <a href="">defended the alterations by citing similar removals</a> in 1955, when Live and Let Die was first published in the United States. </p> <p>There is a risk that this whitewashes Fleming’s attitudes, making them appear more palatable than they really were. But the revised Bond novels will include a disclaimer noting the removals. Casino Royale itself has not been altered (Bond’s rape comment remains intact), so the changes will perhaps be less extensive than the media coverage suggests.</p> <h2>Spies After Bond</h2> <p>Fleming is not the only ex-spy to have successfully turned his hand to spy fiction. John le Carré’s George Smiley is perhaps an anti-Bond: slightly overweight, banal, and essentially a bureaucrat. He relies on a shrewd mind rather than gadgets or guns. </p> <p>Le Carré introduced his readers to a more mundane, morally grey world of espionage. He had worked for MI5 and MI6 in the 1950 and ‘60s. He thought Bond was a gangster rather than a spy. Le Carré’s stories have also shaped how we think about espionage. Words like “mole” and “honeytrap” – the terminology of spycraft – <a href="">entered common usage via his novels</a>.</p> <p>Stella Rimington, <a href="">the first female director-general of MI5</a>, began writing fiction after retiring from intelligence in the late 1990s. Her protagonist, 34-year-old Liz Carlyle, hunts terror cells in Britain. Like Smiley, Carlyle appears rather ordinary. She is serious and conscientious. We get glimpses of the everyday sexism she experiences. Carlyle triumphs by remaining level-headed, not by fiery gun battles or explosions.</p> <p>After three decades of agent-running for the CIA, Jason Mathews wrote his <a href="">Red Sparrow</a> trilogy to occupy himself in retirement. He called it <a href="">a form of therapy</a>. </p> <p>There’s a little more Bond in Mathews’ books than in those of le Carré or Rimington. His protagonists Nate Nash and Dominika Egorova are attractive, charismatic and entangled in a personal relationship of stolen moments and high drama. This is counterbalanced by the many hours they spend running surveillance-detection routes before meeting targets. The more tedious and banal aspects of spycraft – brush passes, broken transmitters, and dead drops – accompany the glamour and romance.</p> <h2>The wilderness of mirrors</h2> <p>Spy fiction is never just about entertainment. The real world of espionage is so secret that most of us only ever encounter it on pages or screens. We don’t usually look to Bond films for accurate representations of espionage. But the influence of Fleming’s spy and the general aura of secrecy surrounding intelligence work lend some glamour and excitement to the work of real spies.</p> <p>These fictions also influence our views on real intelligence organisations, their activities, and their legitimacy. This is why the <a href="">CIA invests time and money into fictionalisations</a> dealing with its work. From stories based on true events, such as <a href="">Argo</a>(2012) or <a href="">Zero Dark Thirty</a> (2012), to fictional series like <a href="">Homeland</a> (2011-20), the agency’s image is shaped via the media we consume.</p> <p>This was true when Fleming was writing, too. Soviet authorities <a href="">were preoccupied</a> by Sherlock Holmes’ surging popularity behind the Iron Curtain and fretted over the release of the Bond novels and films. The KGB studied both carefully. It was likely Bond who prompted KGB officers to release classified details about their most successful spy story: the career of <a href="">Richard Sorge</a>. </p> <p>Former intelligence officers such as Fleming are often quite good at fiction – perhaps because it is a core part of spycraft. A solid cover story has to be grounded in reality, with just enough fiction to protect the truth or gain a desired outcome. A good operation often requires creativity, to outwit a target or evade detection. And spreading fictions – disinformation – can sometimes be just as useful as gathering information.</p> <p>The world of espionage is sometimes referred to as the “wilderness of mirrors”. Spycraft relies on both reflections and distortions. The line between fact and fiction, between real stories of intelligence work and invented ones, can become blurry – and intelligence agencies often prefer it that way.</p> <p><em>Image credits: Columbia Pictures</em></p> <p><em>This article originally appeared on <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">The Conversation</a>. </em></p>


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10 things you didn't know about Buckingham Palace

<p>Buckingham Palace is one of the most famous residences in the world. While many people are aware of the Changing of the Guard and the royals using the balcony on big occasions, there are many facts that people don't know. </p> <p>Here are 10 interesting facts about the palace that sits in the heart of London. </p> <p><strong>1. The Queen isn't the only inhabitant </strong></p> <p>While it is obvious that she shares her palace with her husband, Prince Philip, there are more individuals who live there. The palace has 188 staff bedrooms and 52 royal and guest bedrooms. </p> <p><strong>2. The flags</strong></p> <p>Buckingham Palace uses two flags, one when the Queen is home and the other when she is away. When she is home, the Royal Standard flag is used and when she is away, the Union Jack is flown. </p> <p><strong>3. Queen Victoria first made the palace home to the reigning monarch </strong></p> <p>While King George III bought the palace for his wife, Queen Victoria was the first reigning monarch to make the palace her home in 1837. Ever since, Buckingham Palace has been home to the reigning monarch. </p> <p><strong>4. Secret tunnels</strong></p> <p>In 2006, the Queen confirmed the rumour that there were secret tunnels under the palace. She revealed that she had gone into the basement and encountered a squatter who had been living in the tunnels. </p> <p><strong>5. Full-time clockmakers </strong></p> <p>Buckingham Palace has full-time clockmakers who repair and wind up all the clocks and watches that the monarchy owns. The monarchy owns a reported 1,000 clocks in total. </p> <p><strong>6. Royal announcements </strong></p> <p>There are two traditions the royals adhere to when they have an important announcement. If there is a death, the announcement is first posted onto the Buckingham Palace gates. If there is a birth, the announcement is placed on an easel at the palace gates. </p> <p><strong>7. Lighting </strong></p> <p><em>Good Housekeeping</em> has reported that there are 40,000 light bulbs throughout the residence. There are also 760 windows that are cleaned every six weeks. </p> <p><strong>8. Rose garden </strong></p> <p>The Queen's rose garden is massive and contains 25 different types of roses. The Queen's Royal Garden is roughly equivalent to 30 American football fields or four Wembley Stadiums. </p> <p><strong>9. ATM </strong></p> <p>In 2001, bank manager Gordon Pell confirmed that there is a cash machine at Buckingham Palace. </p> <p><strong>10. King Charles I's memorial </strong></p> <p>King Charles I was executed at 2pm. As a memorial to the royal, the clock face above Buckingham Palace and St. James Place has a "black blot" covering that hour. </p> <p><em>Images: Shutterstock</em></p>

International Travel

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15 facts you won’t believe are true

<p>Sometimes we become so jaded that we forget the world is an amazing place.</p> <p>In this list we’ve put together 15 facts you won’t believe are true.</p> <p><strong>To see the full list of amazing facts, scroll down.</strong></p> <p>1. Honey will <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><span style="text-decoration: underline;"><strong>never go off</strong></span></a>, no matter how long you store it.</p> <p>2. The Turritopsis Nutricula jellyfish is <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><span style="text-decoration: underline;"><strong>c</strong></span></a><span style="text-decoration: underline;"><strong><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">onsidered biologically immortal</a></strong></span>.</p> <p>3. The heart of a blue whale is so big a human could potentially swim through its arteries (of course why you’d want to do so is another matter altogether).</p> <p>4. Yet the throat of a blue whale is <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><span style="text-decoration: underline;"><strong>so small</strong></span></a> (comparatively speaking at least) it is physically incapable of swallowing anything bigger than a beach ball. </p> <p>5. For every person on Earth there are <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><span style="text-decoration: underline;"><strong>around 1.6 million ants</strong></span></a>.</p> <p>6. An octopus has <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><span style="text-decoration: underline;"><strong>three hearts</strong></span></a>.</p> <p>7. Feng shui was originally the art of choosing the <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><span style="text-decoration: underline;"><strong>best place for a grave</strong></span></a>.</p> <p>8. There are <span style="text-decoration: underline;"><strong><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">ten times more bacteria</a></strong></span> than cells in the human body.</p> <p>9. Believe it or not, this is what sand looks like under a microscope:</p> <p>10. Oxford University actually <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><span style="text-decoration: underline;"><strong>predates the Aztec Empire</strong></span></a>.</p> <p>11. No one has <a href=";f=5&amp;t=1163790" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><span style="text-decoration: underline;"><strong>successfully tamed</strong></span></a> an African elephant.</p> <p>12. Catfish have <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><span style="text-decoration: underline;"><strong>27,000 taste buds</strong></span></a> (four times as many as humans). </p> <p>13. Santa Claus <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><span style="text-decoration: underline;"><strong>is called Basil</strong></span></a> in Cyprus.</p> <p>14. Scientists have suggested <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><span style="text-decoration: underline;"><strong>rain is made</strong></span></a> from diamonds on Saturn and Jupiter.</p> <p>15. The image on the left is a candle burning on Earth, and the image on the right is a candle burning in a zero gravity environment. What a difference! </p> <p><strong>Related links:</strong></p> <p><span style="text-decoration: underline;"><em><a href="../news/news/2016/03/couple-give-60-million-lottery-away/"><strong>Couple gives $60 million lottery win away</strong></a></em></span></p> <p><span style="text-decoration: underline;"><em><a href="../news/news/2016/03/find-letter-t-image-puzzle/"><strong>Can you find the letter “T” in this image?</strong></a></em></span></p> <p><span style="text-decoration: underline;"><em><a href="../news/news/2016/03/stunning-images-antarctica-remote-beauty/"><strong>Stunning images of Antarctica’s remote beauty</strong></a></em></span></p> <p><em>Image credit: Shutterstock</em></p>


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