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Restless legs syndrome is incurable – here’s how to manage the symptoms

<div class="theconversation-article-body"><em><a href="">Adam Taylor</a>, <a href="">Lancaster University</a></em></p> <p>Restless legs syndrome (RLS), also known as <a href="">Willis-Ekbom Disease</a>, is a neurological condition that affects <a href="">about 7%</a> of people.</p> <p>Typical symptoms include an irresistible urge to move your legs, alongside sensations of aching, crawling, creeping, itching, pulling or throbbing. Until the age of 35, the condition is <a href="">equally common</a> in men and women, but after that age, RLS affects <a href="">twice the number</a> of women than men.</p> <p>Each person’s condition is categorised as mild, moderate, severe or very severe according to the <a href="">international rating scale</a>, which measures the effects of RLS on limb discomfort and sleep disruption, as well as frequency of symptoms.</p> <p>RLS symptoms have a 24-hour cycle known as a <a href="">circadian rhythm</a>. Symptoms tend to peak at night, coinciding with the body’s <a href="">increase in melatonin release</a>. Melatonin reduces dopamine – the brain chemical that affects movement and mood – to help us sleep but, because dopamine helps control muscles, low dopamine levels can cause involuntary movements.</p> <p>There is <a href="">no test for RLS</a>. Diagnosis is based on symptoms and medical history. Primary RLS runs in families – there are <a href="">genetic</a> links to a <a href="">number of chromosomes</a>. RLS has an autosomal dominant inheritance pattern, meaning you only need one “defective” copy to present with symptoms. Some cases, however, develop with no known cause.</p> <p>Other people may develop “secondary” RLS as a result of other conditions, such as <a href="">iron deficiency anaemia</a>, <a href="">chronic kidney disease</a>, <a href="">diabetes</a>, <a href="">Parkinson’s disease</a>, <a href="">rheumatoid arthritis</a>, <a href="">underactive thyroid gland</a>, and <a href="">fibromyalgia</a>. While primary RLS is more common than secondary, the latter is usually <a href="">more severe and progresses more rapidly</a>.</p> <figure><iframe src=";start=0" width="440" height="260" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen="allowfullscreen"></iframe></figure> <h2>Risk factors</h2> <p>Age seems to be a risk factor for RLS. In 2000, <a href="">a study found</a> that 10% of adults aged 30 to 79 have RLS, increasing to 19% of those over the age of 80. However, understanding of the condition has improved since that study was conducted, so it’s likely these figures are higher – particularly in children, where <a href="">some RLS symptoms</a> have been confused with “growing pains” or ADHD in the past.</p> <p>Women have an increased chance of developing RLS. Approximately <a href="">one in five women</a> will suffer from restless legs at some point, and some studies suggest as many as <a href="">one in three women</a> are affected. <a href="">Women are</a> <a href="">more likely</a> to suffer from <a href="">other comorbidities</a> that affect the central nervous system, such as <a href="">anxiety, depression</a> and <a href="">migraine</a>, which may be linked to the development of RLS.</p> <p>Pregnancy is another risk factor. The further you are through the trimesters, the higher your chance of being affected BY RLS – with 8%, 16% and 22% of women suffering through their respective first, second and third trimesters. Multiple pregnancies increase the <a href="">risk of pregnancy-related RLS</a>, and research has found that women who’ve given birth may have a <a href="">higher incidence of RLS</a> in later life, compared with women of the same age who haven’t given birth.</p> <p><a href="">Obesity</a> is also considered a risk factor for RLS. One study showed that each 5kg/m² increase in body mass index increased the likelihood of developing RLS <a href="">by 31%</a>.</p> <h2>Triggers and treatments</h2> <p>Research has shown smoking and alcohol consumption seem to <a href="">make RLS worse</a>, so <a href="">lifestyle changes</a> such as stopping smoking and drinking alcohol can help manage symptoms.</p> <figure><iframe src=";start=0" width="440" height="260" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen="allowfullscreen"></iframe></figure> <p><a href="">Research has also found</a> that exercise and stretching is beneficial for symptom relief or reduction – although <a href="">study participants</a> suggest that morning exercise is more effective for improving symptoms, while evening exercise can make restless legs worse. Patients with secondary forms of RLS, lower BMI and less severe cases of the condition <a href="">may benefit the most</a> from lifestyle changes to manage symptoms.</p> <p>Also, treatment of underlying issues can also alleviate or reduce some of the symptoms. For instance, iron deficiency anaemia <a href="">reduces</a> dopamine levels, which can lead to restless legs. Iron supplements <a href="">may benefit</a> some sufferers – but <a href="">the evidence</a> is mixed so supplements won’t help everyone.</p> <p>In terms of medication, research has found that neurological therapies, such as the anticonvulsant Gabapentin – usually prescribed as a treatment for epilepsy – can improve <a href="">symptoms</a> and overall <a href="">quality of life</a> for those suffering with restless legs. <a href="">These therapies</a> target <a href="">nerve cells</a> in the brain, <a href="">reducing</a> <a href="">their activity</a>.</p> <p>Other medicines – known as dopamine agonists – <a href="">activate dopamine receptors in the brain</a> to control movement. They are primarily used as a <a href="">treatment</a> for Parkinson’s disease and are effective in <a href="">managing</a> <a href="">symptoms</a> of RLS. However, they can disturb your sleep pattern and may <a href="">increase impulse control disorders</a>, and are not <a href="">recommended during pregnancy</a> or breastfeeding as they can <a href="">inhibit lactation</a>.</p> <p>While there may not be a cure for RLS, there is hope for sufferers – and options for managing and reducing symptoms.<!-- Below is The Conversation's page counter tag. Please DO NOT REMOVE. --><img style="border: none !important; box-shadow: none !important; margin: 0 !important; max-height: 1px !important; max-width: 1px !important; min-height: 1px !important; min-width: 1px !important; opacity: 0 !important; outline: none !important; padding: 0 !important;" src="" alt="The Conversation" width="1" height="1" /><!-- End of code. If you don't see any code above, please get new code from the Advanced tab after you click the republish button. The page counter does not collect any personal data. More info: --></p> <p><a href=""><em>Adam Taylor</em></a><em>, Professor of Anatomy, <a href="">Lancaster University</a></em></p> <p><em>Image credits: Shutterstock</em></p> <p><em>This article is republished from <a href="">The Conversation</a> under a Creative Commons license. Read the <a href="">original article</a>.</em></p> </div>


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"We'll miss him terribly": Alex Cullen steps down from Today

<p>Alex Cullen is "stepping down permanently" from <em>Today</em> after accepting a huge cash prize from billionaire Adrian Portelli. </p> <p>After Cullen referred to Portelli as "McLaren Man" on the Channel Nine morning show and pocketed $50,000 for using Portelli's preferred moniker, Cullen disappeared from screens for several days for breaching the Media Entertainment and Arts Alliance (MEAA) Journalist Code of Ethics.</p> <p>Despite handing the money back, which has since been <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">donated to charity</a>, Karl Stefanovic and Sarah Abo confirmed on Friday morning that Cullen would not be retuning to the show. </p> <p>“As most of you are well aware, our colleague Alex Cullen has not been on air with us this past week,” Stefanovic said.</p> <p>“There has been widespread reporting on the circumstances surrounding this, what I can say is that last night, Alex and Nine agreed that he would finish with the network."</p> <p>“Alex has, of course, been part of the <em>Today</em> family for five years now, he’s always ready with a smile and a laugh and without hesitation speaking for all of us here, we can say that we are going to miss him terribly, that’s for sure."</p> <p>“Alex is a terrific fella, what you see is what you get and he has been a great mate to all of us over these years and we wish Alex, his wife Bonnie and his beautiful kids all the very best for the future.”</p> <p>The scandal began when Portelli put a call out on social media, challenging journalists to refer to him publicly as "McLaren Man" instead of his common nickname "Lambo Guy", which he earned after showing up to <em>The Block</em> auctions in a bright yellow Lamborghini. </p> <p>Portelli said whoever completed the challenge would earn a hefty cash prize, and after Cullen used the new nickname live on <em>Today</em> just hours later, Portelli shared a screenshot of a bank transfer to Cullen for a whopping $50,000. </p> <p><em>Image credits: Today </em></p>


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Olympic champion breaks down over drug scandal

<p>Olympic swimming champion Shayna Jack has broken down over the drug scandal that almost ended her career in 2019. </p> <p>After entering the jungle as one of this year's <em>I'm A Celebrity... Get Me Out of Here!</em> cast mates, Paris Olympics gold medallist Jack opened up about the 24-month ban she copped from her sport in 2019.</p> <p>She was banned for competing for two long years, for an anti-doping rule violation relating to her unintentional use of the anabolic agent Ligandrol. </p> <p>Jack then spent months embroiled in a case to prove her innocence in which she spent over $180,000, with the case putting her under intense emotional and financial strain. </p> <p>Jack broke down as she revealed to her campmates that her longtime partner, Kookaburras hockey player Joel Rintala, was scared to leave her at home alone for fear she might hurt herself. </p> <p>“Some nights I was in a bad place. He said those nights were the most fearful. He said he’d speed home because he just didn’t know if he was going to walk home into something that he wasn’t able to cope with. [If] I’d done something that I would eternally regret,” she said.</p> <p>Speaking directly to camera in the jungle's confessional, Jack went on to explain why she chose to share the story with her fellow cast members. </p> <p>“It’s using the people around me to continue to open up about it and face those difficulties and stop giving it so much power,” she said of the scandal. </p> <p>“I feel like the more I take it off my chest and take it off my heart, the more I can try to move forward with my life and not feel this huge aspect of my life pulling me back."</p> <p><em>Image credits: Ten</em></p>


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Nine reporter stood down over controversial $50k gift

<p><em>Today</em> show presenter Alex Cullen has been stood down after accepting a huge cash prize from <em>The Block</em> billionaire Adrian Portelli. </p> <p>Portelli, known for his attention-grabbing <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">antics</a>, recently announced that he was sick of his nickname "Lambo guy", which had stuck after turned up to a 2022 auction of <em>The Block</em> in a yellow Lamborghini. </p> <p>The billionaire put a call out to the media saying that he would give $50,000 to the first journalist or presenter to publicly call him by his new preferred nickname "McLaren Man." </p> <p>Cullen dropped the nickname on-air during a <em>Today</em> show cross from the Australian Open on Friday morning, even sharing footage of the moment on his Instagram account afterwards, tagging Portelli in the post.</p> <p>“We have a winner! Well played sir,” Portelli wrote in an Instagram story, sharing a screenshot of a bank transfer. </p> <p>Cullen's employer, Channel Nine, said that the presenter had agreed to step down on Saturday while the network looked into the payment. </p> <p>“Nine is taking this matter extremely seriously,” a Nine spokesperson told <em></em>. </p> <p>“Appropriate action has been promptly taken, including arranging for the funds to be returned.</p> <p>“While we review the circumstances in which this occurred, Alex has agreed to stand down.”</p> <p>Accepting cash, gifts or benefits to undermine journalistic independence, and inappropriately using a journalistic position for personal gain, are both breaches to the Media Entertainment and Arts Alliance (MEAA) Journalist Code of Ethics.</p> <p>It was created by journalists in 1944 to promote basic values for the Australian media industry.</p> <p>As news of the controversy spread, Portelli took to Instagram to speak out against journalists who still refer to him as "Lambo guy". </p> <p>“I wanted to show the media that I do have a large platform as well, and I’m not afraid to use it. Maybe be a bit more respectful, and I’ll respect you guys as well,” he said in a video posted on Saturday night.</p> <p><em>Image: Nine/ Instagram</em></p>


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"I’m saying that hands down": Matt Shirvo's bold prediction

<p>Matt Shirvington has made an enormous call about the future career of 16-year-old sprinter known as Gout Gout, saying he could be one of Australia's greatest athletes. </p> <p>The Brisbane teenager shot to <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">fame</a> over the weekend after blitzing the 200m track record, completing the race in just 20.04 seconds. </p> <p>The <em>Sunrise</em> host and former Olympic runner heaped praise on the lightning-fast teen, claiming “he will be the greatest athlete we have ever produced in this country”.</p> <p>“This kid, just on the fact that he is such an amazing athlete, the most coveted record in (Australian) sprinting was Peter Norman’s 1968 200m record that he did in that iconic race, of course that Black Power race in Mexico City,” Shirvington began on Channel 7’s Sunrise. </p> <p>“The fact he has come out as a 16-year-old — he is not 17 until the 29th of December — is a phenomenal thing."</p> <p>“The other thing, he ran a windy 10.04 — that’s the fifth fastest in all conditions by an Australian. He will be the greatest athlete we have ever produced in this country. I’m saying that hands down.”</p> <p>Shirvo's <em>Sunrise</em> co-hosts were taken aback by his claims, but his praise didn't stop there, as he even predicted he could be one of the greatest athletes in the world in years to come.</p> <p>“A lot of people are comparing Gout to the GOAT, which is Usain Bolt, of course,” Shirvington said. “I think he’s got more to produce the goods." </p> <p>“And I sat down with a British coach who has trained some of the best 400m runners in the world ever and he reckons over the 400 he could very well be the world record holder too.</p> <p>“Who knows, 100, 200, 400 — he may make it happen. In terms of the 100, breaking the 10 second barrier, it will not only be a blip on his radar, he will do it 100 times and it won’t even be a barrier for him.”</p> <p>“He’s so young, so talented, he has a great team around him, his coach Di Shepherd, his manager James Templeton, his parents are just beautiful people,” Shirvington continued. “He is one of 7 siblings, he’s got a great story. And heading into 2032, there is going to be a huge support for him. He has the world at his feet."</p> <p>“He’s going to train with Noah Lyles in January — of course Noah Lyles the Olympic champion. He’s going to be brilliant. For me, greatness is destined for Gout Gout.”</p> <p><em>Image credits: X / Sunrise</em></p>


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Eight-year-old cancer survivor pushed down stairs at NFL game

<p>Mia DeCamilla, an eight-year-old 49ers fan and cancer survivor was beyond excited to attend her first ever NFL game on Sunday. </p> <p>DeCamilla inherited her love for the team from her father, saying: “Me and my dad, [when I’m] in the hospital, we’ll watch football together, and then when I come home sometimes for breaks, I will sit down and just relax and watch football all day. That’s what I like and how I made my team.”</p> <p>The young girl - who battled and beat liver cancer twice - attended the event at the Highmark Stadium in New York Decked in 49ers red and a hand-drawn sign that read “I beat cancer! My first NFL game!” </p> <p>What should've been a night to remember turned into a nightmare situation when DeCamilla was shoved out of her seat and down the stairs by an allegedly drunk Bills fan, following the team's win. </p> <p>Her father, Mike DeCamilla told local news outlet <em>WIVB </em>that he saw the fan making his approach and heard him saying “‘I’m going to push through all these Niner fans'." </p> <p>“He actually bumped me and my son a little bit and then got past me and pushed her. [She] almost slid off the stairs…</p> <p>“He had to be six foot, and she is less than 100 pounds … I know that there’s competitiveness and whatnot, but there’s a point where it’s a family event.”</p> <p>While DeCamilla was not physically hurt, her family said they decided to leave the game after the incident. </p> <p>Her mother posted the incident on social media, and it has since gained traction, with many outraged over the adult fan's behaviour. </p> <p>“Mia DeCamilla beat cancer and wanted to go to her first football game and it ended poorly," one fan wrote. "Great game to go to, but what horrible fans.”</p> <p>“This cancer survivor got pushed down the stairs at a the bills game last night. I’m furious," another added. </p> <p>Buffalo fans have since rallied to show the family support, with many of them donating to a GoFundMe that was organised to ease the burden of DeCamilla's treatments, with the fund reaching over $20,000. </p> <p>Retired NFL cult hero Antonio Brown also commented on the situation, writing on X: “Is it true this little girl got thrown down the stairs at the Bills game? Someone get me in contact with Mia’s family please. I want to get her some gear.”</p> <p>The team’s official supporters group, Bills Mafia, also rallied behind the family, writing on X: “So sorry to hear about Mia’s experience at the game yesterday.</p> <p>“We all know one bad apple can ruin the bunch. Let’s show Mia that her experience yesterday is NOT what #BillsMafia is about.”</p> <p>Despite everything that happened, DeCamilla didn't let the incident ruin her night. </p> <p>“My favourite part was getting to see Brock Purdy,” the young 49ers fan told local radio station <em>WHAM.</em></p> <p>“He’s my favourite player and I have his jersey, too.”</p> <p><em>Images: X/ Facebook</em></p> <p> </p>


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Track your spending, use cash and DIY gifts: how to keep your costs down this Christmas

<div class="theconversation-article-body"> <p><em><a href="">Angelique Nadia Sweetman McInnes</a>, <a href="">CQUniversity Australia</a></em></p> <p>Australians are expected to spend more this Christmas than last, with spending projected to rise to <a href="">A$69.7 billion</a>. This is a 2.7% increase on what we spent last year on gifts, food and other treats for ourselves and others.</p> <p>This is a lot at a time when many people are experiencing mortgage stress and high inflation. But by employing smart budgeting and spending strategies we can enjoy a festive Christmas season without huge financial stress.</p> <h2>Know how much you are spending</h2> <p>Being aware of what you are spending is important. So you don’t spend beyond your means, you need to decide what you are going to buy and track what you spend.</p> <p>Using budgeting tools in your banking app will help you monitor your spending. Your bank’s app or a <a href="">variety of budgeting apps</a>, can also help you find deals and stick to your financial goals.</p> <p><a href="">Research</a> shows spending decreases when you use an online budgeting app by 15%.</p> <p>Christmas budgeting means setting clear limits, like a gift allowance for each person of, for example, under $10, $25, $50 or $100. This helps us stay on track. Before shopping, we should also ask ourselves: “Is this worth buying?” or “Do I really need this?”.</p> <h2>How to bag a bargain</h2> <p>About <a href="">63% of Australian consumers</a> say they start their shopping in November, before the last-minute push to fill the Christmas stockings. This enables them to take advantage of the Black Friday sales on now and Cyber Monday, next Monday.</p> <p>Online research can uncover decent bargains to lower Christmas spending. Or you could wait until the Boxing Day sales to buy discounted gifts for people you don’t see until after December 25.</p> <p>The post-Christmas sales are also good for stocking up on heavily discounted crackers and decorations for next year.</p> <p><a href="">Most Australian shoppers</a> (89%) are combining online (websites, mobile apps, social media) with physical in-store shopping. <a href="">Major online retailers</a> such as Amazon, eBay, and The Iconic (69%) are now more popular than department stores (59%).</p> <p>There are also thrift and discount stores which offer affordable gifts while using their income to help those in need.</p> <p>By using the internet to compare prices and set price alerts for goods you want to buy, you are more likely to get the best deals. Take time to search for store discounts. Using loyalty programs, coupons, promo codes, and free shipping also helps keep money in your pocket.</p> <h2>Why cash at Christmas is better</h2> <p>The <a href=",will%20not%20be%20left%20behind.">federal government’s decision</a> last week to require businesses to accept cash, not just credit or debit cards, also has benefits for saving. Cash purchases encourage you to spend wisely, set your <a href="">spending limit, and prevent you from overspending, or paying interest and fees on cards</a>.</p> <p>There is also the old “<a href="">cash envelope system</a>” used for centuries and popularised in the 1990s to help curb spending. This sees cash divided into envelopes, each labelled for a specific expense (for example, gifts for A, B, C). Once the money in the envelope is gone, nothing more can be spent.</p> <p>One way to help boost your Christmas budget; while simultaneously decluttering, your home is to sell items you no longer use. There are numerous online sites and bricks and mortar stores where this can be done.</p> <h2>Saving money with DIY</h2> <p>In 2024, Australians will spend an average of <a href="">$660 per shopper on gifts</a>, with popular choices including clothing and shoes, books, and gift cards.</p> <p>However, it’s not necessary to buy all your gifts or Christmas decorations. Consider making affordable handmade gifts to add a personal touch. There are demonstration videos online showing you how to re-purpose old items, bake homemade festive treats, create a special moments photo album or scrapbook.</p> <p>Mix Epsom salts, essential oils and dried flowers to create relaxing bath salts or scrubs. Use natural pine cones or salt dough to make ornaments. Make wreaths using pine branches, holly or dried oranges. Sew fabric garlands to place on the tree, fireplace or mantle.</p> <p>Instead of buying multiple extravagant presents for each person, try doing a Secret Santa. This is the low-cost tradition where everyone buys only one gift for one recipient who is chosen using an online tool. Gifts are then given anonymously.</p> <h2>Festive food</h2> <p>Festive food spending is projected to be <a href="">$28 billion, up 4.2%</a>, this year, contributing to the overall increase in expected total Christmas spending.</p> <p>To save on food expenses, asks guests to bring a dish to share. Or celebrate Christmas with an economical picnic or BBQ, weather permitting.</p> <p>Get creative with food leftovers to make meals and reduce the amount of food waste, while stretching your wallet further once Christmas has come and gone.</p> <h2>Managing costs, avoiding debt</h2> <p>Sticking to your Christmas budget can feel rewarding. If you do overspend, reflect on why, and adjust your plan. If needed, explore debt options, like credit cards or personal loans, but only as a last resort.</p> <p>Thoughtful planning will help you manage your costs, while enjoying the festive season. After all, the true spirit of Christmas is about creating memories and enjoying time with loved ones, not about overspending.<!-- Below is The Conversation's page counter tag. Please DO NOT REMOVE. --><img style="border: none !important; box-shadow: none !important; margin: 0 !important; max-height: 1px !important; max-width: 1px !important; min-height: 1px !important; min-width: 1px !important; opacity: 0 !important; outline: none !important; padding: 0 !important;" src="" alt="The Conversation" width="1" height="1" /><!-- End of code. If you don't see any code above, please get new code from the Advanced tab after you click the republish button. The page counter does not collect any personal data. More info: --></p> <p><em><a href="">Angelique Nadia Sweetman McInnes</a>, Academic in Financial Planning, <a href="">CQUniversity Australia</a></em></p> <p><em>Image credits: Shutterstock </em></p> <p><em>This article is republished from <a href="">The Conversation</a> under a Creative Commons license. Read the <a href="">original article</a>.</em></p> </div>

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Readers response: Is there any item of memorabilia you’ve passed down to family or plan to in the future?

<p>As in many families, there are often sentimental items and memorabilia that are passed down from several generations. </p> <p>We asked our readers if there are any heirlooms that they have passed down to their younger family members, or if they plan to, and the response was overwhelming. Here's what they said. </p> <p><strong>Marjorie Gale</strong> - The christening gown made by my Aunt in the UK in 1955 for my eldest daughter, worn by my two other daughters. Now been worn by my 9 grandchildren and 12 great grandchildren, and another due soon. So far 24 babies have worn it.</p> <p><strong>Dawn Douglas</strong> - Yes, I have my Mums jewellery box and my eldest daughter will get it when I’m gone. I also have a brooch that belonged to my Nana.</p> <p><strong>Sue Crawley</strong> - I have a 1925 gold embossed book by AA Milne “When We Were Very Young”. My most cherished memory was sitting on my great grandfathers knee whilst he read it to me. Not sure yet which grandchild will receive it.</p> <p><strong>Greg Browning</strong> - A Winchester rifle my great grandfather bought in the 1800s. Have already passed it on.</p> <p><strong>Marion Ingram</strong> - Family bassinets. Now on its 4th generation!</p> <p><strong>Margie Buckingham</strong> - My grandmother’s costume jewellery was stunning. She was a racehorse breeder always in the Flemington Racecourse members, even had many Group One winners, so her jewellery had to look special.</p> <p><strong>Paul Uttley</strong> - A silver pocket knife that belonged to my great grandfather now belongs to my oldest grandson (six generations apart)!</p> <p><em>Image credits: Shutterstock </em></p>

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"I thought I was Bear Grylls": Woman speaks out after being trapped upside-down for 7 hours

<p>A young woman who spent hours stuck upside-down between two boulders has spoken out about her horrific <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">ordeal</a> as she was reunited with her rescuers. </p> <p>Matilda Campbell, a 23-year-old from Newcastle, was on a trip away with friends in Laguna, about a 30-minute drive from Cessnock, when she dropped her phone between two huge rocks.</p> <p>The young woman climbed down to retrieve her phone, and when she got stuck upside-down, her friends called 000 for help. </p> <p>Paramedics had to move the boulders using a specialist winch to reach Matilda, before facing the tricky task of “navigating” her out from her precarious position.</p> <p>After suffering minor injuries from the ordeal, Matilda has spoken out about how she ended up in the sticky situation. </p> <p>“We wanted to see nature ... and we saw these beautiful rocks so we sat there ... and then my friend had my phone and it slipped off the rock,” she told <em>7News</em>.</p> <blockquote class="instagram-media" style="background: #FFF; 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font-size: 14px; font-style: normal; font-weight: 550; line-height: 18px;">View this post on Instagram</div> </div> <div style="padding: 12.5% 0;"> </div> <div style="display: flex; flex-direction: row; margin-bottom: 14px; align-items: center;"> <div> <div style="background-color: #f4f4f4; border-radius: 50%; height: 12.5px; width: 12.5px; transform: translateX(0px) translateY(7px);"> </div> <div style="background-color: #f4f4f4; height: 12.5px; transform: rotate(-45deg) translateX(3px) translateY(1px); width: 12.5px; flex-grow: 0; margin-right: 14px; margin-left: 2px;"> </div> <div style="background-color: #f4f4f4; border-radius: 50%; height: 12.5px; width: 12.5px; transform: translateX(9px) translateY(-18px);"> </div> </div> <div style="margin-left: 8px;"> <div style="background-color: #f4f4f4; border-radius: 50%; flex-grow: 0; height: 20px; width: 20px;"> </div> <div style="width: 0; height: 0; border-top: 2px solid transparent; border-left: 6px solid #f4f4f4; border-bottom: 2px solid transparent; 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overflow: hidden; padding: 8px 0 7px; text-align: center; text-overflow: ellipsis; white-space: nowrap;"><a style="color: #c9c8cd; font-family: Arial,sans-serif; font-size: 14px; font-style: normal; font-weight: normal; line-height: 17px; text-decoration: none;" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">A post shared by 7NEWS Sydney (@7newssyd)</a></p> </div> </blockquote> <p>“And I thought oh no I’m still paying off that phone I need it ... so I ventured down and thought I was Bear Grylls ... and I slipped head first into the crevice where I was stuck for seven hours."</p> <p>“I didn’t freak out at the start ... it took me about half an hour to realise I was fully stuck and then I started to have a big cry."</p> <p>“I’m very thankful I was with my friends, otherwise it would have been a very different story.”</p> <p>Campbell has since been reunited with her rescuers, to whom she says she owes her life, as she said, “I’m just thankful to see them again ... I wouldn’t be here today without them. So, I’m really thankful.”</p> <p>Specialist rescue paramedic Peter Watts said the rescue was “challenging but incredibly rewarding”, saying after the rescue, “In my 10 years as a rescue paramedic, I had never encountered a job quite like this.”</p> <p>In total, the woman spent seven hours hanging upside-down before she was freed, with only minor scratches and bruises but still without her phone, which could not be retrieved.</p> <p><em>Image credits: 7News</em></p>

Travel Trouble

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Nova radio star breaks down in heartwarming interview with Kate Winslet

<p>Kate Winslet shared a heartwarming moment live on-air with Kate Ritchie on <em>Nova </em>radio on Wednesday morning.</p> <p>The Hollywood star appeared on <em>Fitzy and Wippa with Kate Ritchie </em>to promote her new movie, <em>Lee</em>, where Ritchie brought up the star's powerful comments about the scrutiny women in the public eye face. </p> <p>“I have to say to, I just want to thank you for the conversations that you have about body image," Ritchie said. </p> <p>“What we do have in common is that we somewhat grew up in the public eye; I grew up on a television show," the former<em> Home and Away</em> actress added. </p> <p>She then praised Winslet for continually speaking out about “women and young girls, growing up and having people comment about us and pass judgement and feel as though its OK to say certain things. I think we’ve always known that it's not OK."</p> <p>“But it’s been really hard conversation to have and it’s hard to sometimes stand up and say ‘This does not make me feel good’ and ‘it’s not OK for someone to speak that way’, and someone of your calibre, I hope you know the value of you having these conversations. Because it makes me, and I’m sure millions of other women …” she said while tearing up. </p> <p>“Oh she’s unravelling in here!” Winslet said in attempt to lighten the mood, as she shared a smile in agreement. </p> <p>“That’s really very kind,” said Winslet. “I think women are getting better at standing up for each other as well as standing up for ourselves.”</p> <p>Winslet has been very vocal about women standing up for themselves and has led by example, revealing in another interview that she was forced to defend herself to a crew member while filming the movie. </p> <p>“There’s a bit where Lee’s sitting on a bench in a bikini and one of the crew came up between takes and said: ‘You might want to sit up straighter.’ So you can’t see my belly rolls? Not on your life! It was deliberate, you know?” she told <em>Harper's Bazaar UK</em>. </p> <p><em>Images: Nova</em></p>


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"Heavy heart": Susie O'Neill breaks down as she resigns live on air

<p>Olympic swimmer turned radio host Susie O'Neill has broken down live on air as she announced her resignation from her role with the Brisbane Nova breakfast show.</p> <p>The 51-year-old tearfully told her co-hosts David 'Luttsy' Lutteral and Ashley Bradnam that she would be taking a step back from radio after 10 years with the network. </p> <p>"I do this with a heavy heart, the decision wasn't easy. It's hard for me to articulate exactly why I'm leaving," Susie began.</p> <p>"Turning 50 last year, I realised I'm at a whole new stage in my life. The next chapter will see me pursue other goals, both professionally and personally."</p> <p>Susie added that she was already contemplating what her next career moves would be, as she reassured listeners that she would stay on the air for another six weeks, with her final show being on November 28th.</p> <p>"I want to get back to the grassroots of sport and involve myself in the wider community. It's going to be an emotional final day, saying goodbye to everyone," she said.</p> <p>"Whatever this next chapter brings, my Nova family won't be far away."</p> <p>She went on to thank both of her co-hosts a she reflected on her time on the show, saying, "Thanks to Ash and Luttsy for bringing me into your world and life a bit over 10 years ago now, when I pretty much had nothing going on in my life to be honest."</p> <p>"I joked that it saved my life at the time. You were both so supportive of me. I was horrible at radio and I’d be upset and say, 'I can’t do it' and you would say, 'no, just keep going, just keep going'."</p> <p>Co-host Luttsy was quick to pay tribute to Susie, saying, "It's been an incredible adventure becoming great mates with you. Can't wait to see your next chapter."</p> <p>Before joining the world of radio in 2023 as a sports broadcaster, Susie rose to fame at the age of just 14, joining the Olympic team and going on to score 35 Australian titles and retiring after the 2000 Sydney Olympics. </p> <p><em>Image credits: Nova</em></p>


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"We let you down": Karl Stefanovic speaks out on Nine report

<p>Karl Stefanovic has spoken out about the report into toxic workplace culture at the Nine Network, calling out the “perpetrators” of bad behaviour.</p> <p>On Thursday, a <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">report</a> conducted by independent investigators revealed that Nine has “has a systemic issue with abuse of power and authority; bullying, discrimination and harassment; and sexual harassment”, with several employees sharing their own horror stories of working for the network. </p> <p>During Friday's episode of the <em>Today Show</em>, Karl took a moment to discuss the findings of the report, saying "many people are hurting" over the shocking allegations. </p> <p>Echoing the concerns of Nine stars including Deb Knight and Dimity Clancey who raised concerns at a meeting on Thursday, the Today show host said he understood concerns that the report didn’t “name names.”</p> <p>“They feel like what was the point of speaking out if perpetrators are not called out? I asked the same question yesterday and it’s my understanding several investigations are now underway and we have to be patient for the process of all that,’’ he said.</p> <p>“It’s essential and it’s critical. I want to say it’s not about us, but there are good men who do work here at Nine who find what happened absolutely intolerable, who struggle to understand how we didn’t know more and do something, how it grieved you." </p> <p>“I feel like we have all in a way, let you down. I love my work colleagues here. Women I have the honour to present with women on the floor of this great show."</p> <p>“Women behind the scenes who make us all better. I’m grateful women are this company and they are the way forward. They will show the way. We just have to listen and act.”</p> <p>"I genuinely, genuinely feel for the women who have given testimony, I can't imagine how hard that was and the courage that it took," Karl said.</p> <div> <div id="adspot-mobile-mobile-3-above"></div> </div> <p>"It's going to be up to all of us now to do better, to say enough - this stops now."</p> <p><em>Image credits: The Today Show</em></p>


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Mother and son reunited after rigid aged care rules divided them

<p>An elderly woman and her disabled son are celebrating after they successfully beat a bureaucratic blockage that threatened to <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">split</a> them up for good. </p> <p>Anne Deans, 81, and her 56-year-old son, Mark, who suffers from Down's syndrome, were hoping to live together in Anne's aged care facility, but the pair were met with countless hurdles when trying to get Mark a room of his own. </p> <p>Now, Mark's sister Sharon shared the happy news that the mother and son are to be reunited.</p> <p>"We're very happy today. We've got a great result," Sharon told <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><em>A Current Affair</em></a>.</p> <p>"I'm so grateful that people understood and they listened. That's all I ever wanted through this whole thing, was someone to listen."</p> <p>The problems began when authorities originally refused Mark's request to move into Anne's aged care facility, with federal government policy saying that aged care is "not appropriate for people under 65".</p> <p>But Mark's relatives argued that given the life expectancy of people living with Down's syndrome is 60 years, an exception should be made.</p> <p>A new assessment was done and Mark has been granted a place at the same nursing home as his mother, as Mark's other sister Michelle said, "We got what we wanted. Everything worked out perfectly, the way it's supposed to."</p> <p>After Anne received the exciting news, she said, "I'm feeling great. He's staying with Mum!"</p> <p>Sharon and Michelle hope that their experience will assist other families with unique circumstances.</p> <p>"My advice is to keep pushing," Sharon said. "Only you know your family and you have to be their voice.</p> <p>"There's a lot of difference out there and a lot of people who are individuals [and] they need to be looked at individually."</p> <p><em>Image credits: A Current Affair </em></p>


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Red tape threatens to remove a man with Down's syndrome from his elderly mother

<p>An elderly mother and her disabled son are at risk of being separated over the woman's aged care home's red tape. </p> <p>Anne Deans, 81, moved into an aged care facility in July and hoped that she would be able to bring her son, Mark, who suffers from Down's syndrome with her. </p> <p>Mark, 56, has always lived with his mother, and despite his disability, has lived a full life and has dabbled in acting, appearing on Aussie TV hit <em>Blue Heelers</em>.</p> <p>But now, the mother and son have been left in limbo by a bureaucratic battle. </p> <p>Despite the family's history and Mark's disability, the government refuses to fund a place for Mark at Anne's aged care home, stating that aged care is "not an appropriate service for people aged under 65".</p> <p>"People with Down's syndrome have a life expectancy of 60 years. That's if we're lucky. So Mark is experiencing all of the age issues that my Mum is," Mark's sister Sharon said.</p> <p>Sharon and her sister Michelle have been lobbying on Mark's behalf, with Michelle saying, "I don't know why it's so hard. There's so much red tape."</p> <p>"There's so many hills to jump, just to have a mum and a son together. It doesn't make any sense."</p> <p>Anne is digging in and appealing to the Minister for Aged Care Anika Wells for help. </p> <p>"I brought him up all these years, and all of a sudden someone's going to walk in and take him out," Anne told <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><em>A Current Affair</em></a>.</p> <p>"It is damn ridiculous. They should open up their eyes and see what it's doing. He's not going anywhere. I don't know how I'm going to stop it, but I will."</p> <p>In a statement, Ms Wells said, "While Aged Care is generally not suitable for people under the age of 65, we recognise there are exceptional circumstances where people may need to enter aged care before this age, including when there is no suitable accommodation for them."</p> <p>"The New Aged care Act includes exceptional circumstances for people to enter Aged Care before they turn 65, including when they would otherwise be at risk of homelessness."</p> <p>"There are processes in place to support people to explore their options and ensure they have safe and appropriate accommodation."</p> <p>"We encourage Mark to continue to work with Ability First Australia and the Aged Care Assessment Teams to explore all the options."</p> <p><em>Image credits: A Current Affair </em></p>

Family & Pets

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New research proves travelling can slow down the ageing process

<p>It turns out that going on holiday is good for you in more ways than one. </p> <p>According to new research conducted at Edith Cowan University in Western Australia, travelling can actually slow the ageing process both physically and mentally.</p> <p>The study, published in the <a title="Journal of Travel Research" href=",Silva%20%26%20Annamalai%2C%202008)." target="_blank" rel="noopener">Journal of Travel Research</a>, is believed to be the first-ever that applied the theory of entropy - the general trend of the universe towards death and disorder – to tourism.</p> <p>"Tourism isn't just about leisure and recreation. It could also contribute to people's physical and mental health," ECU PhD candidate Fangli Hu said.</p> <p>"Ageing, as a process, is irreversible. While it can't be stopped, it can be slowed down."</p> <p>According to the research, travelling, exploring new corners of the world and engaging in unique and relaxing activities can stimulate stress responses and elevate metabolic rates, positively influencing metabolic activities and the body's self-organising capabilities.</p> <p>"Leisurely travel activities might help alleviate chronic stress, dampen over-activation of the immune system, and encourage normal functioning of the self-defence system," Fangli added.</p> <p>While some people prefer relaxing holidays, others prefer to stay on their feet and keep active during their travels, enjoying the many well-known benefits of exercise.</p> <p>It can "enhance the body's immune function and self-defence capabilities, bolstering its hardiness to external risks".</p> <p>In response to their study, the experts suggested that "travel therapy could serve as a groundbreaking health intervention."</p> <p>Despite the positive results of the research, experts also warned that travelling can exposed to infectious diseases, accidents, injuries, violence, water and food safety issues, and concerns related to inappropriate tourism engagement, which in turn will have the opposite effect on our health.</p> <p>"Conversely, tourism can involve negative experiences that potentially lead to health problems, paralleling the process of promoting entropy increase," Fangli said.</p> <p><em>Image credits: Shutterstock </em></p>

Travel Tips

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Jackie O breaks down over baby scalded in Brisbane park

<p>Jackie O has broken down live on air while talking to the heartbroken mother whose baby boy was scalded in a Brisbane Park. </p> <p>Baby Luka and his mother were enjoying the sun in Hanlon Park on August 27th when a stranger approached and poured boiling hot coffee over the baby boy. </p> <p>Luka has since undergone three surgeries, while the man accused of the horrific attack has allegedly fled the country, according to police. </p> <p>The grief-stricken mother, who has not been publicly identified, spoke with Kyle and Jackie O on Friday morning and said her infant son will continue to have surgery every four days for the next four weeks at the least, as doctors attempt to repair the nine-month-old’s burns.</p> <p>“After that it's once a week for two weeks. And then it should okay, all going well and everything healing,” she said. “But then after there's scar management stuff as well on top of that.”</p> <p>The mother provided a heartwarming update on Luka’s progress after he was released from hospital on Monday, saying he is “smiling” and “walking”.  </p> <p>"He's not letting this - he (the alleged attacker) hasn't taken away my son's soul,” she said.</p> <p>“Like, he is beautiful, and he is strong, and he is brave and resilient. And I'm so lucky to be his mum. I'm just really sad this has happened."</p> <p>Jackie O was visibly moved while talking to the woman, breaking down in tears live on air. </p> <p>The KIISFM host told Luka's mother, "You can't imagine that kind of evil, and your poor bubba, it's so evil."</p> <p>"It makes you so angry because he's just a little innocent boy who never did anything to anyone," she added as she became overwhelmed with emotion.</p> <p>Her co-host Kyle Sandilands also shared his devastation as he admitted he was left in floods of tears when he first heard of Luka's brutal injuries on the news.</p> <p>"In all honesty, I was in tears in the lounge when I saw the story. Everyone understands it's s**t, but when you've got your own child running around you while you're in tears watching the news," he shared.</p> <p>Kyle and Jackie vowed to give $10,000 to the <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">GoFundMe</a> set up to help raise funds for Luka's hospital treatment, adding to the $160,000 that has already been donated.</p> <p>With an original target of just $5,000, the mother gushed, "I cannot believe the generosity of the community and you know, it warms my heart and, you know, all the messages and the kindness and yeah, it makes the process a little bit easier."</p> <p><em>Image credits: KIISFM / 9News</em></p>


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I’m feeling run down. Why am I more likely to get sick? And how can I boost my immune system?

<div class="theconversation-article-body"> <p><em><a href="">Sathana Dushyanthen</a>, <a href="">The University of Melbourne</a></em></p> <p>It has been a long winter, filled with many viruses and cost-of-living pressures, on top of the usual mix of work, study, life admin and caring responsibilities.</p> <p>Stress is an inevitable part of life. In short bursts, our stress response has evolved as a survival mechanism to help us be more alert in <a href="">fight or flight situations</a>.</p> <p>But when stress is chronic, it weakens the immune system and makes us more vulnerable to illnesses such as the <a href=";text=Inflammation%20has%20been%20linked%20to,to%20the%20cold%2Dcausing%20germs.">common cold</a>, <a href=",_cytokine_production,_and.9.aspx">flu</a> and <a href="">COVID</a>.</p> <h2>Stress makes it harder to fight off viruses</h2> <p>When the immune system starts to break down, a virus that would normally have been under control starts to flourish.</p> <p>Once you begin to feel sick, the <a href="">stress response</a> rises, making it harder for the immune system to fight off the disease. You may be sick more often and for longer periods of time, without enough immune cells primed and ready to <a href="">fight</a>.</p> <p>In the 1990s, American psychology professor Sheldon Cohen and his colleagues conducted a number of <a href="">studies</a> where healthy people were exposed to an upper respiratory infection, through drops of virus placed directly into their <a href="">nose</a>.</p> <p>These participants were then quarantined in a hotel and monitored closely to determine who became <a href="">ill</a>.</p> <p>One of the most important factors predicting who got sick was prolonged psychological <a href="">stress</a>.</p> <h2>Cortisol suppresses immunity</h2> <p>“Short-term stress” is stress that lasts for a period of minutes to hours, while “chronic stress” persists for several hours per day for <a href=",weeks%20or%20months%20%5B9%5D.">weeks or months</a>.</p> <p>When faced with a perceived threat, psychological or physical, the hypothalamus region of the brain sets off an alarm system. This signals the release of a surge of hormones, including adrenaline and <a href="">cortisol</a>.</p> <figure class="align-center "><img src=";q=45&amp;auto=format&amp;w=754&amp;fit=clip" sizes="(min-width: 1466px) 754px, (max-width: 599px) 100vw, (min-width: 600px) 600px, 237px" srcset=";q=45&amp;auto=format&amp;w=600&amp;h=472&amp;fit=crop&amp;dpr=1 600w,;q=30&amp;auto=format&amp;w=600&amp;h=472&amp;fit=crop&amp;dpr=2 1200w,;q=15&amp;auto=format&amp;w=600&amp;h=472&amp;fit=crop&amp;dpr=3 1800w,;q=45&amp;auto=format&amp;w=754&amp;h=593&amp;fit=crop&amp;dpr=1 754w,;q=30&amp;auto=format&amp;w=754&amp;h=593&amp;fit=crop&amp;dpr=2 1508w,;q=15&amp;auto=format&amp;w=754&amp;h=593&amp;fit=crop&amp;dpr=3 2262w" alt="Human brain illustration" /><figcaption><span class="caption">The hypothalamus sets off an alarm system in response to a real or perceived threat.</span> <span class="attribution"><a class="source" href="">stefan3andrei/Shutterstock</a></span></figcaption></figure> <p>In a typical stress response, <a href="">cortisol levels</a> quickly increase when stress occurs, and then rapidly drop back to normal once the stress has subsided. In the short term, cortisol suppresses inflammation, to ensure the body has enough energy available to respond to an <a href="">immediate threat</a>.</p> <p>But in the longer term, chronic stress can be harmful. A Harvard University study <a href="">from 2022</a> showed that people suffering from psychological distress in the lead up to their COVID infection had a greater chance of experiencing long COVID. They <a href="">classified</a> this distress as depression, probable anxiety, perceived stress, worry about COVID and loneliness.</p> <p>Those suffering distress had close to a <a href="">50% greater risk</a> of long COVID compared to other <a href="">participants</a>. Cortisol has been shown to be high in the most severe cases of <a href="">COVID</a>.</p> <h2>Stress causes inflammation</h2> <p><a href="">Inflammation</a> is a short-term reaction to an injury or infection. It is responsible for trafficking immune cells in your body so the right cells are present in the right locations at the right times and at the right <a href="">levels</a>.</p> <p>The immune cells also store a memory of that threat to respond faster and more effectively the next <a href="">time</a>.</p> <p>Initially, circulating immune cells detect and flock to the site of <a href="">infection</a>. Messenger proteins, known as pro-inflammatory cytokines, are released by immune cells, to signal the danger and recruit help, and our immune system responds to neutralise the <a href="">threat</a>.</p> <p>During this response to the infection, if the immune system produces too much of these inflammatory chemicals, it can trigger symptoms such as nasal congestion and runny <a href="">nose</a>.</p> <h2>What about chronic stress?</h2> <p>Chronic stress causes persistently high cortisol secretion, which remains high even in the absence of an immediate <a href="">stressor</a>.</p> <p>The immune system becomes desensitised and unresponsive to this <a href="">cortisol suppression</a>, increasing low-grade “silent” inflammation and the production of pro-inflammatory cytokines (the messenger proteins).</p> <p>Immune cells become exhausted and start to <a href="">malfunction</a>. The body loses the ability to turn down the inflammatory <a href="">response</a>.</p> <p>Over time, the immune system changes the way it responds by reprogramming to a “<a href="">low surveillance mode</a>”. The immune system misses early opportunities to destroy threats, and the process of recovery can take <a href="">longer</a>.</p> <h2>So how can you manage your stress?</h2> <p>We can actively strengthen our immunity and natural defences by managing our <a href="">stress levels</a>. Rather than letting stress build up, try to address it early and frequently by:</p> <p><strong>1) Getting enough sleep</strong></p> <p>Getting enough sleep reduces <a href="">cortisol levels</a> and inflammation. During sleep, the immune system <a href="">releases</a> <a href="">cytokines</a>, which help fight infections and inflammation.</p> <p><strong>2) Taking regular exercise</strong></p> <p>Exercising helps the lymphatic system (which balances bodily fluids as part of the immune system) circulate and allows immune cells to monitor for threats, while sweating flushes <a href="">toxins</a>. Physical activity also lowers stress hormone levels through the release of positive brain <a href="">signals</a>.</p> <p><strong>3) Eating a healthy diet</strong></p> <p>Ensuring your diet contains enough nutrients – such as the B vitamins, and the full breadth of minerals like magnesium, iron and zinc – during times of stress has a positive impact on overall stress <a href="">levels</a>. Staying hydrated helps the body to flush out <a href="">toxins</a>.</p> <p><strong>4) Socialising and practising meditation or mindfulness</strong></p> <p>These activities increase endorphins and serotonin, which improve mood and have <a href="">anti-inflammatory effects</a>. Breathing exercises and meditation stimulate the parasympathetic nervous system, which calms down our stress responses so we can “reset” and reduce <a href="">cortisol levels</a>.<!-- Below is The Conversation's page counter tag. Please DO NOT REMOVE. --><img style="border: none !important; box-shadow: none !important; margin: 0 !important; max-height: 1px !important; max-width: 1px !important; min-height: 1px !important; min-width: 1px !important; opacity: 0 !important; outline: none !important; padding: 0 !important;" src="" alt="The Conversation" width="1" height="1" /><!-- End of code. If you don't see any code above, please get new code from the Advanced tab after you click the republish button. 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Amanda Keller breaks down over simple question about her husband

<p>Amanda Keller couldn't hold back her tears during a recent episode of ABC's heartwarming new series,  <em>The Assembly,</em> where high-profile figures are interviewed by a classroom of journalists-in-training, who are all autistic and can ask whatever they want. </p> <p>One student, Savannah, asked her the simple question: “Do you love your husband?”</p> <p>The <em>Jonesy and Amanda</em> radio host teared up as she told the student her question was "beautiful", before opening up about her husband, Harley Oliver. </p> <p>“I think I’m going to cry, because my husband is going through some stuff at the moment,” Keller told her.</p> <p>“My husband has Parkinson’s disease, and we've been married 34 years, and life is changing around us.</p> <p>“He’s so good with it, in a way that I’m not, actually. We’re learning to find ourselves in the midst of changing circumstances, and part of me thinks – it’s easy for me to say, he’s the one going through it – but part of me thinks it’s a real privilege to be with someone long enough that you go through these changes with them.”</p> <p>She wrapped up her answer saying: “So yes, I love him very much, even though we’ve got some stuff going on.”</p> <p>Another student, Evie, then asked her what prompted the pair to go public with Oliver's diagnosis and she admitted that she'd had to think "long and hard” about sharing the news for a few reasons. </p> <p>“One is that I work on breakfast radio, and a big part of that is sharing your life – and even though it wasn’t my story to tell, it affected me too, and our lives,” she told the class.</p> <p>“ … Another reason I wanted to was that I wanted to open the window into why people look at us strangely when we’re out," she continued. </p> <p>“I wanted to free us up by saying, ‘Here's what’s going on.’ I think that’s why I did it.”</p> <p>However she admitted that opening up about their personal struggle has been "hard" at times but she is "glad" she did it. </p> <p>Keller first revealed the heartbreaking news about her husband's Parkinson's diagnosis in an episode of her <em>Double A Chattery</em> podcast last October. </p> <p>As the interview session wrapped up, she told the students that it had been a high point of her career. </p> <p>“What a life highlight this has been,” she told the class.</p> <p>“Thank you, I’ve loved it.”</p> <p><em>Images: ABC/Instagram</em></p>


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"Unspeakably vicious": Judge hands down verdict to Justin Stein

<p>After a lengthy trial into the murder of nine-year-old Charlise Mutten, 33-year-old Justin Stein has had his fate read in court. </p> <p>At the NSW Supreme Court in Sydney on Monday, Stein was sentenced to life in jail without parole after he was found guilty of fatally shooting the schoolgirl in the face before dumping her body in a barrel.</p> <p>Justice Helen Wilson delivered the sentence and unleashed on Stein, saying he was "completely without remorse" and "without humanity or morality".</p> <p>Justice Wilson said the shooting that took place at Stein's lavish family home in the Blue Mountains in January 2022 was "unspeakably vicious and murderous", saying, "These were deliberate acts, and the second shot was an execution shot. He undertook these actions intending to kill her."</p> <p>"He sought to blame Charlise's mother for his own indecent conduct. Charlise was not just a child; she was a very young child at nine years and five months of age."</p> <p>"Charlise had come to refer to the offender as 'Daddy'. This crime represents an egregious breach of that trust."</p> <p>Wilson explained that Charlise was murdered after she was drugged with Stein's schizophrenia medication, as she said, "She would have been in a state of pronounced drowsiness; she had even less capacity to defend herself and flee from danger."</p> <p>Justice Wilson described Stein's supposedly tearful account of Charlise's death during the trial as "false" and said the tissue he used was dry.</p> <p>"From where I sat I could see very clearly, he was completely dry-eyed and did not shed a single tear," Justice Wilson said in disgust. "It might have been called theatre if it wasn't so calculated."</p> <p>"Some instances of murder are so grave that the maximum penalty is the only appropriate penalty."</p> <p>In a recent hearing, Charlise's mother Kallista Mutten broke down in tears and told her former fiancé, "I hate myself for trusting you."</p> <p>Ms Mutten read a victim's impact statement via audio video link as she told Stein. "[Charlise] just longed for you to be her dad. I just hate myself for being so wrong about you."</p> <p>"I am forced to live with fact I trusted someone and because of my trust I put my daughter in harm’s way."</p> <p><em>Image credits: Facebook / NSW Supreme Court</em></p>


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