Danielle McCarthy
Travel Trouble

Red-bellied black snake surprises driver as it hitches a ride on ute

A NSW South Coast driver has received an unpleasant surprise, after spotting a red-bellied black snake on his car window while driving.

Ted Ogier was in the middle of completing a delivery for his employer when the snake slithered out from the bonnet.

As Ted continued driving, the snake then wrapped itself around the driver’s side mirror.

"It'd come out from under the engine bay under the bonnet, it was probably a bit warm there," Ted told the ABC.

Ted then called his co-worker Kai Pearse, who got a broom to remove the snake.

"I just had a broom in the back of the ute and … basically just got him off the car nice and safely, and just ushered him into the bushland off on the side of the road," Kai said.

The pair believe the snake was around 2.5 metres long and Kai thought it entered the engine bay to keep warm.

"Last night it got a bit cold down here on the South Coast, so I think he's got up into the engine bay of the vehicle, and he sat up on the engine to keep himself warm," he said.

"Then this morning Ted's taken that vehicle down to Eden and it might've got a bit too hot in there, so he wanted out."

Despite the scare, Ted said there were worse things that could show up in his car on the road.

"Not as frightening as getting a spider on the inside — spiders are one thing I don't like, but I don't like snakes either," he said.

What is the worst critter you have encountered while driving? Let us know in the comments below. 

Image credit: Nolans Auto Parts via Facebook 

australia, travel, snake, ride, driver, surprises, black, red-bellied, hitches, ute