Charlotte Foster
Travel Trouble

Flight attendants swear by these packing hacks

There are many so-called hacks floating around the internet to determine how to best pack a suitcase for your holiday. 

There’s the rolling-folding debate, how to avoid overpacking unnecessary items and what to put in your carry-on luggage instead of your suitcase. 

To debunk some of these myths and give actual fool-proof advice, 9Honey caught up with Michelle*, a cabin crew member with years of experience. 

She revealed her travel must-buys and nifty travel tips, to share her seven holy grail packing hacks. 

1. Invest in a packing cube

These nifty packing cubes are a must for any suitcase to stay clean and organised, as the small, sealable bags help to compartmentalise your luggage. 

"It helps keep me organised, especially if I only have a carry-on," Michelle says.

“Nothing worse than opening your suitcase in the airport and having all your clothes fall on the floor - this helps avoid that.”

These simple packing tools can be bought for just $14 at Kmart, showing that organisation doesn’t have to cost a fortune. 

2. The roll vs. fold method

It’s the age-old debate over how to save space in your suitcase: to roll or fold your clothes. 

According to Michelle, all travellers should consider moving to the rolling method to save both time and space. 

"Roll your clothes, don't fold. Trust me when I say this is a huge space saver," Michelle says.

3. Double your chargers

Device chargers are one of the most commonly forgotten items when packing for a holiday. 

Michelle’s advice is to double up in case one goes missing or someone forgets to pack them. 

"I have doubles of all my chargers, and I carry them in my carry-on luggage," she says.

"This way I don't have to worry about forgetting all my important chargers and they're easily accessible."

4. Make a list

With so many things to pack and airport guidelines to adhere to, writing down a list is the easiest way to make sure everything goes to plan. 

This also eliminates packing unnecessary items that just end up taking up valuable space.

"If you're only packing a carry-on, pack smart and only pack the things you need," Michelle advises.

"Writing lists when packing does actually help."

Michelle also says investigating the weather in your destination can greatly help your packing schedule. 

"Wear your biggest and heaviest items on the days of travel so you save space in your bag."

5. The shower cap trick

In order to keep dirty shoes off clean clothes for your trip, Michelle recommends investing in cheap plastic shower caps to slide over the soles of your shoes to keep everything in order. 

"This will help to protect your clothing and keep everything clean," she explains.

Michelle also suggests stuffing your shoes with personal items "to really maximise space."

6. Make it spill-proof

Some pesky liquid containers can be prone to spilling and ruining items in your suitcase when not stored upright. 

To avoid this, Michelle shared a genius precaution you can take. 

"When travelling with liquids, put some cling wrap on the opening and then put the lid on, to save any potential spills," Michelle says.

7. Choose your suitcase thoughtfully

A commonly overlooked part of precision packing can often be the weight of the actual suitcase itself. 

This can result in travellers being stung with unexpected overweight baggage fees on airlines, prompting Michelle to think of a solution. 

"Most airlines only allow a 7kg carry-on – try getting yourself a bag that is lightweight yet sturdy," Michelle suggests.

*Name has been changed.

Image credit: Shutterstock

Travel trouble, packing tips, cabin crew, holiday