Charlotte Foster
Travel Trouble

"Be alert": Australia Post's urgent plea to motorists

Australia Post has issued an urgent plea for motorists to look out for their local posties, after shocking new data revealed how many postal workers are injured on the job. 

The data has revealed that during the 2022-23 financial year, 65 posties were injured as a direct result of third-party traffic accidents, with injuries including everything from broken limbs to concussions.

Many of these incidents resulted in hospital stays, extended periods of leave and lasting psychological trauma.

Australia Post's General Manager of Safety and Wellbeing, Rod Maule, has said that even one vehicle-related accident is too many, and pleaded for motorists to drive safely at all times.

"While we want our team to deliver for all Australians, we also want each of them to safely get home to their families at the end of the day," Mr Maule said.

"Safety is our number-one priority, which is why we've invested millions of dollars into advanced technology and training to keep our team safe on the road. But it isn't just up to us," he added. "We are asking all drivers to be alert and keep an eye out for our posties, especially over the next few months as we ramp up deliveries in the lead-up to Christmas."

The statement comes in the wake of shocking footage going viral of postal workers being hit by motorists.

In an incident last month, a postie is seen riding across an intersection when, seemingly out of nowhere, he's struck by another motorist and knocked from his bike causing an injury to his leg.

Image credits: Australia Post

travel trouble, Australia Post, injuries, posties