Michelle Reed
Travel Trouble

8 common mistakes that spoil holidays

Some people are so quick to forget they’re actually on holidays. From a bad attitude to trying to make everyone happy it's easy how quickly a holiday can turn into a horror story. Nip these mistakes in the bud and you can be sure you'll enjoy your break.

1. Packing a bad attitude

From jetlag to language barriers, lost luggage, food sickness and price gouging, elements of travelling that can be tough. But don't let this affect their mood. Remember, travel is supposed to be an experience that challenges you.

2. Being cheap

Sometimes it makes sense to scrimp, but ultimately you have to remember that you’re on holiday. If you’re going to save a few hours by taking a cab you should book it. Miserliness can waste time, inject bad attitudes and breed resentment.

3. Trying to cram everything in

It’s impossible to see everything in the world and sometimes over planning means you’re restricted to a tight schedule. Scrutinise your itinerary and make sure you only dedicate time to the things you really want to see.

4. Obsessing over your smartphone  

These handy little devices have made many of the process of travel much more convenient, but they also take away some of the wonder of going abroad. So don’t be afraid to pocket the iPhone every now and then and take a little bit of time to smell the roses.

5. Not eating local

Sure, there’s something to be said for the convenience of a Starbucks on the other side of the world that sells the same thing as the one on your road, but when you’re abroad take the time to sample local foods and drinks.

6. Only talking about yourself

The great thing about travel is the opportunity to meet people on the other side of the world, but if you’re only talking about yourself you’re not going to learn anything. Make sure you take time to ask questions, lean in and learn.

7. Going too wild

You only live once, but sometimes people who are travelling take this mantra way too far and push the boundaries beyond what makes sense. Do as much as you can when you’re overseas, but by the same token don't go too wild and exercise your best decision making.

8. Making everyone else happy

This is the easiest way to ruin a holiday. While it's nice to make everyone on your holiday as happy as possible, in the end of the day you're the one who purchased your plane ticket, so make sure the experience is what you want it to be.

Images: Getty

travel, mistakes, holiday, trouble