Ben Squires
Travel Tips

What not to wear when travelling abroad

Every country has different expectations in terms of clothing. And it’s important to be mindful of these expectations when overseas.

Whether your outfit is a minor fashion faux pas or potentially international-incident-causing garment, it’s better to avoid these problems altogether.

Here’s what not to wear while travelling abroad. 

1. Immodest clothing

Depending on where you’re going that cleavage-bearing neckline or grievously short pair of short shorts might be a risky option. In certain parts of the world travellers should stick to pants or long skirts and when in doubt sometimes it’s just best to stick to long sleeves.

2. Flashy jewellery

Expensive, flashy jewellery around might look nice on you but you always run the risk of having it become a part of someone else’s jewellery collection. Since there’s no real need to take your diamonds abroad, err on the side of caution and just leave them at home.

3. Clothing with religious imagery, curse words or national flags

We’re sure you don’t have too many examples of these clothes in your collection, but there’s no need to unintentionally spark a deep emotional debate while you’re on holiday. It might also be a good idea to leave jewellery with religious imagery at home just to be on the safe side.

4. Shorts

Shorts seem synonymous with holidays, but in some cultures they just aren’t warn no matter what the season is. And it can be a pretty good way to identify yourself as a vulnerable tourist to people who are figuring out ways to scam you, so be wary.

5. Cameras

Of course this isn’t going to work for professional photographers, but nothing brings a smile to the face of a pickpocket like the site of a lost tourist with an expensive camera dangling languidly around their next. Secure you camera, take your photo then move on.

6. Colours

Different cultures appropriate different colours to their cultural events. In many parts of Asia white is the funereal colour, and you might want to stay away from wearing black or blue in Africa as these are the colours that attract a range of large, biting flies.

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travel, holiday, travelling, style, Travel tips