Basmah Qazi
Travel Tips

Want to improve your health? Go on a girls' getaway

If you’re looking for a sign to go on a weekend getaway with your closest girlfriends, then this is it. Grab the prosecco, book those flights and get ready as science has officially confirmed that a holiday with your best friends can ensure a healthy wellbeing.

A group of friends who bring out the best in us is something we all aim to have, and now, according to research, those closest to you can help cut down the risk of heart disease and extend our life expectancy.

“Social connections like these not only give us pleasure, they also influence our long-term health in ways every bit as powerful as adequate sleep, a good diet and not smoking,” said Harvard researchers.

For those who don’t have a group of women in their lives, the results are a little grimmer as they are more likely to deal with depression, cognitive decline and a shorter lifespan.

One study in particular, which accumulated data from 309,000 people, showed that a lack of solid friendships increased the risk of early death by 50 per cent.

“Dozens of studies have shown that people who have satisfying relationships with family, friends and their community are happier, have fewer health problems and live longer,” the researchers said.

Do you agree with the findings of this study? Let us know in the comments below.

travel, tips, relationships, friends