Georgia Dixon
Travel Tips

5 things you must do if IBS strikes on holidays

Irritable bowel syndrome can ruin an overseas trip if you’re not prepared. As Dr Rob Matthews from Cremorne Medical states, “Travelling with IBS can be a real challenge as the new foods you are likely to eat can trigger a worsening of symptoms.”

Here’s how you manage this condition when travelling overseas.

1. If concerned stick to bland foods

If you’ve noticed some of the symptoms of IBS (abdominal pain, bloating, cramps) you might be better off sticking to bland foods for the remainder of your journey. As Dr Matthews states, “It is recommended that you try to stick to blander foods which you are familiar with and avoid any foods which you know make your IBS worse.”

2. Make sure you’ve packed solutions

Preparing can make the major symptoms easier to manage if they do strike you down. As Dr Mathews states, “It is important to be prepared by carrying with you an antidiarrhoeal and also a laxative in order to manage any constipation or diarrhoea you may experience.”

3. Take care in underdeveloped countries

As Dr Mathews states, “Travelling in developed countries is often easier as there is generally better access to clean toilets and uncontaminated food.” If your itinerary includes places where you’ll be exposed to food and drink of a questionable quality, make sure you’re extra cautious in terms of what you’re putting in your mouth. 

4. If IBS strikes try to relax

It’s probably the last thing you’re thinking of doing, but you can actually help ease the symptoms of IBS by relaxing.

Even if it means taking a half day out of your schedule, the rest of your trip may benefit from the time off. As Dr Mathews says, “One of the best things you can do is try and relax and enjoy your trip as stress can often make matters worse.”

Have you ever had a nasty case of IBS while you were on holidays? Let us know in the comments section below, we’d love to hear from you.

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travel, health, IBS, irritable bowel syndrome, prepare