Charlotte Foster
Travel Tips

Passenger’s “self-entitled” request sparks unusual confrontation

A passenger’s ridiculous request to another passenger has been subject to a flood of outrage online, after she asked the passenger to turn off their in-flight movie. 

Sharing the flight experience on Reddit, a 22-year-old woman shared the moment she was approached by a fellow traveller on a Delta flight which led to a series of confrontations. 

"Today was the first time I've ever had a negative encounter during a flight," she wrote in a lengthy post. 

The woman explained that she was sitting in an aisle seat on a plane when she began watching the newly released action movie Uncharted, which was available on her in-flight entertainment screen. 

"The flight took off and maybe 10 minutes into it, I got tapped on my shoulder by a woman who is in the aisle behind me and in the aisle seat across from me," she continued.

"I ask her if everything is okay and she tells me to turn my movie off. Confused, I asked her why. She said it was because she had not seen the movie and didn't want to see my screen and see any spoilers."

The woman kept her composure at the ridiculous request, telling the passenger she was welcome to watch the film on her own screen. 

"I responded that I was going to keep watching my movie. She huffed and she started to complain, but I just ignored her."

While the woman ignored the rest of the complainer’s issues, the confrontation continued when the plane landed. 

"Once we landed, she immediately jumped from her seat and grabbed her bags and blocked the aisle for all those behind her," she wrote, adding that they were “seated towards the back of the plane and it took some time before people started moving."

"By the time it got to our aisle, I stood up and then began to grab my bag from the overhead bin. At the same time I did this, the lady from earlier tried to start walking and then started yelling at me for cutting her off and I should let her go.

"By this time I was tired and ready to get off the plane and said, 'ma'am if you were in such a rush to get off, then you should have picked a seat closer to the front or got an upgraded seat'.”

"She rolled her eyes and called me a 'stuck up b****' and kept going on and on about how people are so disrespectful these days."

In the comments of the Reddit post, the complaining passenger was widely roasted, with the poster being praised for keeping her composure. 

One comment read, "The self-entitled lady was the a--hole, not you. But take pleasure in this: you lived rent-free in her head for the entire flight, and probably the rest of that whole day."

"You were very polite and classy with your response. Good job at keeping a level head and not escalating," was another response, while someone else wrote, "You should have told her the spoilers of the movie, you know in case she missed them." 

Image credits: Getty Images

travel tips, plane, movie, confrontation, passenger