Ben Squires
Travel Tips

How to take better travel photos

Going on holiday? Make your trip the envy of all of your friends by taking the best possible photographs of your travels. Here’s how.

Get candid – Anyone can take a boring, posed holiday photo. To get an edge, take photos when your human subject is interacting with his or her surroundings instead of just standing in the midst of them.

Capture the right lighting – As a rule, outdoor photography is almost always best when practised under the light of the sunrise or the sunset. Also, be aware of where the sun is, as it is best to have the sunshine behind you, the photographer, than the subject, unless you’re after a silhouette photo.

Fill the whole frame – Make sure the most interesting, engaging parts of the photo fill the whole frame, avoiding unnecessary, less compelling space in the photograph. Zoom in if you have to. Try to get people, locations, and evocative things all in one photo to make it most visually impacting.

Find the right angle – One angle does not fit all. Move around, stand on something tall, or crouch down until you find the most flattering angle for your scene or subject.

Avoid centring the subject – To make your photograph instantly more visually interesting, put the subject of the photo in the left or right thirds of the photograph, avoiding the centre.

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tips, photos, travel, Travel tips