Charlotte Foster
Travel Tips

Flight attendant reveals cabin crew’s “least favourite” passenger

A former flight attendant has revealed the type of passenger that cabin crew hate the most. 

After working on planes for six years, Kat Kamalani knows a thing or two about how to deal with difficult passengers. 

And while most people may think it's the screaming babies that cause the most issues, Kat said it's actually the people who complain about the noise who prove the most troublesome. 

“I promise you, there's nothing that irritates us more as a flight attendant when people complain about a baby crying,” Kat said in her now-viral TikTok video. 

“DON'T even ask to be moved to a different seat, no one wants that baby to stop crying more than that parent.”

“So if you're travelling, bring noise-cancelling headphones, or maybe ask the parent if they need help.”

The short video has been viewed more than 1.4 million times, with thousands of people commenting in support. 

One mother recalled the time she was in the exact situation when her baby was crying on a flight and wrote, “I had a flight attendant tell me ‘let her cry, you won't see these people again anyways’. It helped me so much.”

“Babies cry probably because height pressure causes them ear pains,” another TikTok user wrote. 

A current flight attendant also weighed in on the discussion, saying, “I am a flight attendant and I get really mad when passengers complain to me about the crying what do you want me to do?”

Image credits: TikTok / Instagram

travel tips, flight attendant, cabin crew, least favourite, passenger