Danielle McCarthy
Travel Tips

6 common gestures that could get you in big trouble overseas

They might seem normal at home, but be careful when you’re on the road.

1. Giving a thumbs up

To us, a thumbs up is a quintessential symbol for ‘ok’ or ‘great!’. But in some countries in the Middle East, Latin America or West Africa, as well as in Russia and Greece, it’s the equivalent of giving someone the middle finger. Oops.

2. Tipping

Australians aren’t big tippers (like our North American cousins) but it’s still fairly common to leave something for your waitress or bartender. Not in Japan. The Japanese find tipping quite offensive and will often run after you to return the extra money as you leave the premises.

3. Using your left hand

In many countries, people don’t use toilet paper so the left hand is reserved for cleaning yourself after a trip to the bathroom. It stands to reason then that they don’t want to eat or shake hands with the left, so the right is used at all times. In much of Africa, India and the Middle East, people will be reluctant (at best) to accept your left hand.

4. Showing the bottom of your feet

Your feet touch the ground, so in many Buddhist, Hindu or Muslim countries they are considered dirty. Be careful when crossing your legs and never – ever – put your feet up on a table for people to see.

5. Dressing too casual

In summer, we love to get around in not much more than boardies and thongs. Some cultures take things a little more seriously, so while you don’t need to pull out your dinner suit it is a good idea to wear longer pants, a shirt with sleeves and proper footwear in countries like Japan, France or Dubai. You probably won’t offend anybody, but it’s branding yourself an obvious tourist.

6. Eating everything on your plate

We are taught from childhood that it is polite to eat everything your host has served. But in countries like China, Thailand and the Philippines, leaving an empty plate means you are still hungry and would like more. Always leave a little food when you are done to show you are full.

Were you aware of these tips?

overseas, common, big, trouble, gestures