Georgia Dixon
Travel Tips

8 ways to make sure your home is safe when on holidays

No matter how good a time you’ve had while abroad, the best way to spoil a holiday is realising something terrible has happened when you get back home. Here are eight useful tips to make sure things stay all quiet on the home front.

1. Ask someone you trust to keep an eye out

Whether this is a friend, neighbour or family member, having someone you trust keep an eye on the place every now and then while you’re away is quite handy. They can also collect mail, put bins in and out and (if you’re really lucky) mow the lawns.

2. Organise to hold your mail

Nothing says, “no one’s home” like an overcrowded mailbox. New Zealand Post can hold your mail for up to 12 weeks (for free if you're over 65) and deliver it upon your return, so no one is tipped off to the fact that the house is actually vacant. For more information on this service, click here.

3. Create the illusion that someone is home

If you’ve got lighting or electronics that can be set to a timer and don’t mind springing for the additional costs, having the house illuminated for a few hours every night with typical noises and lights can really create the illusion someone is home.

4. Keep your valuables in a safe deposit box

Got valuables like watches or jewellery hanging around in plain sight? Well, don’t be surprised if someone tries to nab them. Keep any valuable items like this in a safe deposit box in your home and as a rule of thumb, nothing should be visible form your window. 

5. Alert your alarm company

Make sure your alarms are set up and (most importantly) working before you hit the road. It’s also important to make sure your alarm company is aware of your travel plans before you head out, so they know any notification from your property is a serious one.

6. Don’t advertise your absence on social media

You’re well within your right to be excited about your trip, but keep the social media advertisements to a minimum. In the end of the day you have no idea who’s actually going to see your post, and you may be bringing the wrong level of attention to your property.  

7. Get rid of the spare keys

This is just asking for trouble. They might be expertly hidden beneath your garden gnome, but believe us criminals have seen it all before and odds are if you’ve got keys hidden they will find them. Instead, leave spares with friend or family members.

8. Hire a house sitter

If you’re willing to front up the costs, sometimes the best solution can actually be hiring a house sitter. This provides you with someone who will look after your home while you’re away and can ensure the place is well maintained in your absence.

What measures do you take to make sure your property is safe when you’re on holidays? Let us know in the comments below, we’d love to hear from you.

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home, travel, security, safety, house