Claudia Byatt
Travel Tips

3 great travel tips from those with experience

1. Search for deals

Whether it be for flights or accommodation, thanks to the internet, there’s always a way to find cheaper travel than booking on the airline’s website. One tip to save money on flights (even though it is a bit of a pain) is to select flights with stopovers; although it’ll take a little longer, it will always be cheaper than a one-stop flight. As for accommodation, book motels or stay in hostels or simply search for deals on third-party websites. Be patient!

2. Get travel insurance

Yes, it's annoying to have to pay for a “just in case” situation on top of flights, planned activities and accommodation, but it is the most sensible thing to do when travelling, especially internationally. A common saying is, “if you can’t afford travel insurance, you can’t afford to travel”, and it reigns true. You could sustain an injury that hospitalises you in another country, so to get out of paying absurd fees, lock in travel insurance to keep yourself safe.

3. Never exchange money in your home country

Exchange your money in the foreign country you’re travelling to. Most airports and banks have horrible exchange rates. You’re always better off getting money out at the ATM once you’ve arrived at the destination. If you don’t want to pay ATM fees, look into getting an international ATM card!

Image credit: Shutterstock

Travel, Money, Cheap flights