Danielle McCarthy
Travel Insurance

8 surefire ways to get sick while travelling

Looking to bring home a travel bug? Then follow these easy steps!

1. Drink tap water

This one will vary from country to country, but unless you’re 100 per cent sure it’s safe, it’s best to steer clear of tap water. Buy bottled water to drink and, if you want to be really careful, you can even brush your teeth with it. If you are going to be somewhere really remote, water purification tablets might be a better option.

2. Don’t wash your hands

Your mum was right – you really do need to wash your hands. It’s most important before eating or when you’ve been out and about touching lots of questionable surfaces. Hand sanitiser is also a good one to have in your bag, but nothing really beats hot water and soap.

3. Choose the wrong restaurant

Food poisoning can strike you anywhere though you can take some basic precautions. Always look for restaurants that are reasonably busy (as a regular turnover of food keeps things fresh) and one where lots of locals are eating is even better as they will tend to avoid places that are dodgy.

4. Or the wrong dish

If you’re not sure about the quality of the food, then it’s probably best to skip the rare steak and uncooked salad vegetables. These can be havens for bacteria and anything washed in tap water is potentially dangerous. Stick to things that have been cooked well or that have a low risk of making you ill, like a basic pasta.

5. Push yourself too hard

Sometimes we are our own worst enemy. In our quest to see everything on our list, we can run ourselves ragged. Make sure you factor in some time for rest, get a good night’s sleep and drink plenty of (bottled) water. It will make all the difference.

6. Skip your vaccinations

Do your research before you board the plane and make sure you’ve got any necessary vaccinations or stock up on medications you’ll need on the road. Many countries require things like hepatitis, polio, tetanus, typhoid and yellow fever. You may also need to take anti-malarials or medication for altitude sickness for certain destinations.

7. Forget your medications

Don’t expect to be able to buy everything you need anywhere in the world. Make sure you take all medications you need (and some extras if you can) as well as basics like pain killers or something for an upset stomach. You don’t want to be searching for a chemist in the middle of the night.

8. Eat (or drink) too much

This one is self inflicted. Holidays are a time for indulgence, but don’t go crazy. Stuffing yourself with three heavy gourmet meals a day will upset your system and can lead to digestive troubles. And we all know how bad a hangover caused by cheap local booze can be.

travel, insurance, ways, to, get, sick, holidays