Ben Squires
Travel Insurance

Airport security find giant lobster in checked luggage

Airport security working at Boston’s Logan International Airport in the US have spotted a nine-kilogram lobster in a passenger’s luggage during a security check.

The photograph, taken by the Transportation Security Administration (TSA), reveals one of the airport staff showing the immense size of the live crustacean.

Interestingly though, the transport of the lobster was completely by the book.

TSA spokesman Michael McCarthy told Reuters the TSA doesn’t prohibit people transporting live lobsters, provided they are in a “clear, plastic, spill-proof container.”

The lobster in question was in a water cooler, and according to McCarthy, “cooperated quite nicely with the screening process.”

At least they didn’t try to bring it in their carry-on luggage! 

Travel, Travel Insurance, Airport Security, TSA