Danielle McCarthy
International Travel

Plane passenger shames another passenger who put bare feet on the back of her seat

A disgusted airline passenger has shamed a fellow traveller for putting her bare feet on the back of her seat.

The rude passenger first asked to move seats before putting her feet up so she could rest comfortably on the flight.

The annoyed passenger posted pictures of the impolite traveller on a HK Express Flight.

The annoyed traveller said, “She and two of her children hit my chair and asked me to show them my boarding pass. Later a flight attendant came and said the mother wanted to have more leg room.”

“The flight attendant suggested I move to another seat as she (the flight attendant) worried that the bad smell (from the passenger’s feet) might affect my flight experience.”

The passenger agreed to move seats so the flight attendant could deal with the situation.

She then took photos of the passenger’s unacceptable feet position; however, the Facebook post has since been removed.

Have you ever experienced rude behaviour like this on a plane? Let us know in the comments below. 

back, plane, travel domestic, feet, Passenger, seat, puts