Carla La Tella
International Travel

"I couldn't believe it": Drone footage at Loch Ness

Image: Richard Mavor Youtube

A British camper claims to have inadvertently captured drone footage of the fabled Loch Ness monster lurking on the water’s edge.

As the lore goes, the legendary creature is rumoured to live in Scotland’s Loch Ness – the largest and second deepest body of fresh water in the British Isles.

There have been several reported sightings in history dating back as far as AD 565, and sightings as recent as this year.

In August, Richard Mavo, 54, had been filming his journey as he paddled through the area as part of the Great Glen Canoe Challenge, raising more than $28,000 for the Alzheimer’s Society.

After sharing the lengthy video on his YouTube channel, Richard Outdoors, several eagle-eyed viewers noticed something strange about four minutes in.

They say the thin figure, just beneath the water’s surface – with a long neck and a large body – matched the description of Nessie.

“The last thing I want to do is make a Nessie claim,” Mavor told The Post.

“I’m the most sceptical of people but watching this I think yeah, there’s something a bit strange here.”

Mavor said the group had just parked their canoes and he decided to get some drone vision of the beach, oblivious to what may been lurking nearby.

“I couldn’t believe it,” he told The Daily Record.

“I had to rewind the footage several times and have watched it several times since.”

“There was no driftwood or anything like that so who knows. It could be a trick of the light but we can’t be sure. 

Loch Ness monster, britian, Travel International, camping, beach