Georgia Dixon
International Travel

How to avoid catching a bug from your hotel room

There’s not much worse than spending months, or even years planning and saving for that big holiday – your grand adventure – only to be felled by a nasty bug as soon as you arrive. While hotels do freshen up rooms between guests, you never know if the occupants just before you were in tip-top health. They may have left behind some germs the housekeeping staff might not have caught when they changed the sheets and vacuumed the floors. You don’t want to waste time lying around feeling sorry for yourself in your hotel room, so we’ve got some tips to help de-germ your hotel room as soon as you check in.

Bring your own disinfectant

Either pack in your bag, or buy it at the airport when you arrive, a travel-size disinfectant spray, and some alcohol wipes couldn’t hurt either.

Put your bags down – now what?

Wash those hands! You’ve just spent time in the airport, maybe a taxi or shuttle bus or public transport. Before you do anything else, wash your hands so you don’t spread any of those germs around.

Disinfectant time

While you’re in the bathroom, give the toilet a spray with your disinfectant spray as it’s the biggest source of germs. Use your wipes to clean any frequently-touched places like taps, doorknobs, light switches, the phone and clock.

Hands off

If you know what’s good for you, you’ll avoid touching the curtains – they trap a lot of debris and allergens, building up germs over time. The same goes for the carpet, so it’s best to wear socks while you’re walking around.

Know the hotel’s reputation

Before you make a booking, you might want to check online review sites to find out if any guests have reported noticing cut-corners in the room’s cleanliness. If someone found dirty sheets or a less-than-pristine bathroom, chances are you could too.


tips, travel, clean, hotel, germs, Joel Callen, Hotel room