Alex O'Brien
International Travel

Dogs on surfboards steal spotlight at Festival of Surfing

For most dogs, the only physical activity they’ll be getting up to today will probably involve fetching a plush toy from the lounge room, figuring out which end of the couch to lie on, or perhaps digging up some gardenias from their backyard.

But the playful pooches in this video aren’t like most dogs.

These dogs are part of the Dog Spectacular at the Noosa Festival of Surfing, the only surfing event in the world where a master and dog compete as a team.

Dogs of all breeds and ages padded out with their owners for some pure, surf-loving fun as the catch the perfect waves on pristine Noosa Beach.

 “It’s a wonderful experience for dog and human,” said Festival Co-Founder Paul Jarratt. “It’s not really about winning or losing; it’s a celebration of all the good things we love about surfing, the ocean and environment that we are privileged to have in Noosa. I think that’s why we attract surfers and their families from all over the world, we’ve got 20 countries represented this year.”

To see some of the highlights from this year’s competition watch the video above. Don’t you think the dogs look like they’re having fun?

Or do you think it’s wrong for dogs to be surfing?

Share your thoughts in the comments.

Video: YouTube / NoosaSurfFestival

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surfing, pets, travel, dogs, Noosa