Danielle McCarthy
International Travel

10 best-value destinations for senior travellers in Europe

When you think of a holiday in Europe, the same words always come to mind. “Beautiful”, “fascinating”, “historic”, and unfortunately for many people, “expensive”.

A trip to London, Paris or Rome is always going to be pricey, but that doesn’t mean your whole trip to Europe has to be. If you’re willing to get off the beaten track and be flexible with your itinerary, there are plenty of places to visit on the continent that offer great value for seniors (and aren’t nearly as inundated with tourists).

We’ve done the maths and collated the 10 destinations we think offer the best value for senior travellers in Europe. To see them all, scroll through the gallery above.

Have you been to any of these destinations?


travel, europe, International, Senior, Travellers, best, Value