Domestic Travel

"This is evil": Unwary shoppers warned over Australia Post delivery scam

Christmas shoppers are being urged to be wary of a text scam targeting Australia Post customers.

The postal service company said it is aware of “delivery-themed scams”, where fraudulent text messages and emails are being sent to people expecting packages with claims of an update on delivery.

The messages prompt customers to click on a link, which will lead to a fake website with the Australia Post logo and ask for personal information and financial details.

“Please note that Australia Post will never email or text message you asking for personal information, financial information or a payment,” the company said.

“If you are in doubt about the authenticity of an email, text message or phone call, please delete immediately or hang up.”

The company advised people who have provided their personal information to any of the scams to call ID CARE on 1300 432 273.

Delia Rickard of the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission warned shoppers to be wary of online shopping scams in the leadup to holiday season.

“Reported losses have tripled over the last three years and it is concerning that losses from this year are already so high,” said Rickard.

“Many people enjoy the convenience of online shopping but it is important to remember that there can be risks involved.

“If you do think you have been scammed, contact your bank as soon as possible.”  

Australia Post, Scams, Australia