Shannen Findlay
Domestic Travel

Is this the world’s cutest animal?

Hayley Shute, the curator of the Australian Reptile park has taken a joey koala named Elsa under her wing. 

The cute little reptile might have faced an entirely different fate if keepers had not stepped into to intervene and retrieve Elsa from her mother, Irene, who was experiencing a case of mastitis. 

Irene’s mastitis meant Elsa was not getting the milk she needed to grow and thrive. 

"Both mum and bub are doing amazingly in care and will be reunited in no time," Ms Shute told Lakes Mail.

The “koala whisperer” is no stranger to nursing koala joeys, however raising three children meant juggling between her human and fur babies which are no easy feat. 

"Koala joeys require 24 hours of care, supervision and seven bottles of a special milk formula a day," Ms Shute said.

"I can't tell you the last time I've had a proper night's sleep.

"Elsa will feed from the bottle from the next 4 to 6 months until she becomes independent enough to eat eucalyptus leaves. Once she is strong enough, she will be reunited with her mum Irene and be introduced to our koala family here at the Australian Reptile Park."

Elsa is one of the seven adorable koala joeys - dubbed the lucky seven - who will be on display at the park. 

Visitors will be able to watch the cute koalas cuddle up to their mother. 

Irene is in receiving care and is expected to make a full recovery.

Elsa is a true sign of hope and will act as an ambassador for the koala.

The Australian Reptile Park is an interactive zoo located in Somersby on the Central Coast.

Visitors can enjoy live shows, funky themed exhibits, and interactions with many of the wildlife sanctuary's residents.

The park is open daily from 9 am to 5pm, with free parking and barbecue facilities.


Scroll through the gallery above to see the beautiful Elsa.

cute animal, travel domestic, Australia, Elsa, koala, joey