Danielle McCarthy
Domestic Travel

10 tips to cope in a heatwave

Unfortunately, the ferocity of the scorching summer heat does not look like it is ready to bid us farewell just yet.

To keep cool without breaking the bank this summer – and to protect your health – follow these tips to cope in a heatwave.

1. Use water in creative ways

Whether you want to wet a scarf or bandana and put it on your head or back, or maybe give yourself a spray bottle of water and sit in front of a fan, there are many creative ways to cool yourself down with water. If you have the time to do so, drench a sheet in water and then stick it in the freezer and wrap it around yourself.  

2. Stay low

If you live in a double story home, avoid the upper floors since hot air rises. It is also unnecessary to waste energy climbing stairs on a hot day.

3. Don’t use hot appliances

Decide to use cold food for dinners rather than using your oven, which will save your home from that extra heat. This is also applies to other heat appliances such as a hairdryer or microwave.

4. Stay hydrated

Although it is one of the most basic things to remember, there is a high amount of people who go through summer dehydrated. So ensure you are consuming plenty of water and fluids to stay hydrated.

5. Close the curtains

Keep the sunlight out of your house as much as possible during the day. Close the windows throughout the day and when the cool breeze comes in the evening, open them to circulate fresh air through your home.

6. Use ice

If you want to exercise during a heatwave, researchers from California State University found that dumping ice-cold water over your head mid-workout helps to overcome the “overheated” feeling. You can also bathe in cold water or drink a slushie.

7. Swim

If there is a pool available to use, utilise it to cool down but just make sure you apply plenty of sunscreen. There are many public pools that also have indoor areas where you swim without the worry of getting burnt.

8. Steal air-con

Head to a shopping centre, library or the movies to enjoy air-con at someone else’s expense. Remember to bring a cardigan just in case.

9. Look after your pets

Remember to give them plenty of water and make sure they are out of the sun.

10. Use fans

Fans don’t cool a room down but cool the moisture on your skin to make you feel cool. When you aren’t in a room, make sure you turn the fan off to save power. Some say that placing a fan outside a door or window helps to eliminate hot air from inside.

What are your tips for staying cool in a heatwave? Let us know in the comments below. 

tips, cope, heatwave, travel, domestic, Australia, save