Danielle McCarthy

Top 20 ships caught in storms

Generally, cruising is associated with relaxation, soaking in the sun, wonderful food and spa treatment. However, this picture can quickly disappear once a ship encounters a storm.

This video shows ships facing extreme ocean weather with 27 metres waves violently thrashing about.

Sail boats, yachts, cruise ships and merchant ships can be seen tackling the weather in the impressive video. 

Users have shared their experience facing extreme weather out at sea and many noted that after watching the video they will happily stay on land.

“Many years ago I used to go sailing along with a sea captain on his yacht. On one occasion, we started off, the weather was fine and calm. Four hours later, we ended up in a force 8 gale, while I was at the helm, he was below having a rest on his bunk. He was shocked that I did not wake him up. He told me never to command or buy a yacht/boat, as I do not see the danger for other passengers. We made it back to port with no problem. What a fantastic sail that was,” one user wrote.

Another user commented, “I was in that ship when the water spout happened it was really cool and not dangerous because it's Disney and the captain knew what he was doing.”

Have you ever been caught in a storm out at sea? Let us know in the comments below.

Video credit: TravelTV via YouTube 

travel, cruise, weather, storm, Ships, wild, Footage, sea