Rachel Fieldhouse
Real Estate

“The gate is a no”: Apartment security gate draws ire online

While security gates are meant to be secure, one installed at a property in the UK has left many questioning just how effective it will be.

A photo shared by the account Design Fails shows a security gate that seems fully functional at first glance, but includes a glaring design flaw.

Though it has locks and an intercom panel, the design of the gate itself lends it to being a handy ladder that could be used to get inside.

“Security gate that doubles as a ladder,” the photo caption read, with the post soon attracting over 33,000 likes, over 6,000 shares and plenty of comments pointing out its fundamental flaw.

“OMG What on mother Earth was the designer’s thought doing that,” one person commented.

“The gym I never thought I needed. I’d purposefully forget my access card,” another joked.

“Whoever designed this gate heaven is waiting for her/him,” a third shared.

“So the thieves can climb over the gate 😑,” one user noted.

While some tried to defend the design by pointing out that it could be electrified, others were quick to point out the flaws in that argument too.

“If its (sic) electric and still has a key, thats weird. To be a gate and a ladder, while not thinking the violator can climb over the gate too is weird. Saying its electrical and not keeping in mind that its on the street is weird. Only turning it on at night is weird,” one person clarified.

“The gate is a no.”

Image: Twitter

Real Estate, Twitter, Security Gate, Fail