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The Block’s Scotty Cam weighs in on “identical bedrooms”

After days of controversy on-air and online, The Block host Scott Cam has weighed in on contestants Luke and Jasmin’s “copycatted” bedroom.

The TV host has determined the kids bedroom is “virtually identical” to the room they have been accused of ripping off.

Cam couldn’t resist stirring the pot on Wednesday night’s episode, by making sure Luke and Jasmin’s competitors knew something was wrong, a day after judge Shaynna Blaze had visited the pair to confront the pair on-air.

The WA couple received a perfect score of 30 for their kid’s bedroom and bathroom on Sunday’s episode.

However eagle-eyed viewers found the winning room was incredibly similar to a kid’s bedroom at a popular Byron Bay Airbnb created by design company The Designory.

Blaze confronted the two in Tuesday’s episode, informing them that there was a difference between “inspiration” and “completely taking someone else’s idea”.

“Hey, did Shaynna come and visit you guys yesterday?” Cam asked the South Australian couple Daniel and Jade during his visit one episode later.

“Because you know, it’s not always good news when Shaynna comes visiting. That’s all I’m saying. Alright, let’s go,” he said.

A couple of houses down with Jimmy and Tam, Cam couldn’t play coy any longer.

“Did you hear about Shaynna popping in next door? What’s your thoughts?” he asked the pair, who were aware of the reason for Shaynna’s visit.

Jimmy and Tam showed their reluctance on speaking ill of Luke and Jasmin.

“Umm … in all honesty, we’re not that worried about it. We know that other people might have a few issues about it. Jas did show me the image, and it does have a … very similar influence,” said Tam.

Tam said she and Jimmy had “made sure” to keep their designs original.

“I don’t really look at too much inspiration. I don’t have Instagram, I don’t have Facebook – I don’t want other people’s designs in our house,” she said.

Luke and Jasmin told news.com.au that they were “blindsided” by Shaynna Blaze's visit, labelling her “insincere” and a “smart-arse.”

The couple have since deleted their Facebook page and restricted comments on their joint Instagram account after being met with a heap of criticism from viewers.

2019’s couple Mitch and Mark reached out to Luke and Jasmin with a message of “support and positive wishes”.

“Hope you guys are doing OK & know from our experience it all goes away,” the pair wrote in a comment on Luke and Jasmin’s latest Instagram post.

“It’s definitely come as a surprise just how nasty the online world can be. We’ve never had people dislike us. So this is all new,” Luke and Jas said.

“We’ve deleted Facebook so we don’t see anything on there. Staying positive about our beautiful home and focusing on the rooms left and the auction.”

The Block, Luke and Jasmin, bedroom, renovation, design, home hints