Rachel Fieldhouse
Home Hints & Tips

Taking the bath out of bathrooms - does your house really need one?

Though there’s something luxurious about being able to unwind in the bath with candles lit, soft music or even a glass of bubbles in hand, when it comes to the debate over keeping a shower or a bath, is the luxury actually worth it?

The answer to this contentious debate will likely depend on a few different factors, such as your life stage, the size of your home and even if you plan on selling in the future.

For Aucklander Cameron Nicholas, the $200,000 cost to include a large standalone bath in his bathroom was a must, having had to bathe two young children without one for the past four years.

"It was a backbreaking nightmare, with me and my wife stooped over the shower trying to get them to stay still, one after the other, or squashing them like sardines into a tiny plastic tub," he told Stuff. "My son used to say "I wish we had a big bath." 

After the renovation, Mr Nicholas was told by his local real estate agent the bath added at $100,000 to the home’s value - he also plans to never move into a home without one again.

For some, it’s not a necessity

Though young families benefit from having a bath, there are other circumstances where it isn’t a necessity or could actually deter potential buyers, according to Barfoot & Thompson sales agent Kari-Lee Haldane.

“I wouldn’t worry too much if there wasn’t a bath,” Ms Haldane told Stuff. “For smaller units that may attract a young couple or a more mature individual, a bath is not always a plus.”

However, she recommends against removing a bath already installed if your home has more than three bedrooms, since it’s an appealing option for families.

The best of both worlds can still be risky

If you are set on having a bath, there are plenty of options in terms of size, design, shape and style - and you can even combine it with a shower.

However, interior designer Nicola Manning said running with a combined option could compromise both.

“If you’re having a shower you have to step over the bath - this can be dangerous, especially for elderly,” she said. “You’ll have to use either a shower curtain or a glass screen which can often leak. And there’s limited choice available for shower bath options in shape and quality - most are acrylic.”

If having a bath will hinder the functionality of your bathroom, you could opt for a quality shower instead.

“Spend money on tiling, large glass panels, add a recess for products and twin shower heads,” Manning suggested.

It all comes down to you

Ultimately, deciding whether you want a bath or could live without one comes down to you.

After considering your preferences, needs and any restrictions on space you might have, it’s also worth thinking about how often you’ll use it and how that affects its worth as an investment.

Image: Getty Images

Home Hints & Tips, Property, Bathroom, Bath