Ben Squires
Home Hints & Tips

How to save energy if you work from home

Working from home can mean you use more energy than those who don’t, but with these easy tips you can cut your at-home energy consumption significantly.

1. Take advantage of natural light – If you work during the day and have adequate windows, take advantage of the natural light and turn off your overhead light and lamps.

2. Unplug gadgets you’re not using – Even if you’re not using them, plugged in gadgets still use power. Unplug your printer, chargers, etc. to save energy.

3. Use energy-efficient technology – When purchasing your computers, printers, and monitors, make sure you get energy-efficient rated products to help cut energy costs.

4. Use a laptop – Not only are they conveniently portable and light, but laptops also use up to 80 per cent less energy than a desktop computer.

5. Step out – Go to a nearby café that has Wi-Fi for some of your work hours to save on the amount of energy you use at home. Many cafes have free wifi, or offer it for free with the purchase of a coffee. The change of scenery might also encourage you to be more productive, lowering the overall amount of time you’ll spend working.

6. Get a tax break – If you work from home, you could be eligible for energy-related tax breaks or rebates on your energy bill.


lifestyle, Energy, energy savings, Work from home, home hints & tips