Danielle McCarthy
Home Hints & Tips

Cleaning tips that DON’T work

Nobody wants to spend more time than necessary cleaning. If you see any of the following “genius” cleaning tips, steer clear. You’ll be spending twice the time cleaning, because the following advice just doesn’t work.

Tip 1: Combining bicarb soda and vinegar creates an all-purpose cleaning solution.

Although bicarb soda and vinegar are both great (not to mention cheap) cleaners on their own, unfortunately combining them doesn’t create some super cleaner. Vinegar is acidic and bicarb soda is basic, so combining the two chemically cancels each other out.

Tip 2: Spray hairspray on an ink stain to remove it from fabric.

In the past this may have worked because hairspray contained alcohol in it. But most hairspray no longer contain that essential ingredient.

Tip 3: Use mouthwash to clean a washing machine.

Mouthwash is great for getting rid of germs from your mouth, but not so much for your washing machine. Firstly, your washing machine needs much more water to clean it then your mouth. Secondly, to clean an appliance like a washing machine you need some type of bleach in the disinfectant. Finally, it just doesn’t’ make sense because as we first mentioned your mouth is different to your washing machine.

Tip 4: A can of coke can clean the toilet.

Although the citric acid in coca cola may help clean your toilet, a can of soft drink is just not formulated to clean the multitude of stains and bacteria found on your toilet bowl. It’s also a more expensive cleaner than buying a cheap toilet cleaner.

Do you have any more tips that don’t work to add to the list? Share in the comments below.

Related links:

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tips, advice, cleaning, work, don't