Melody Teh

Women who met at an Over60 Catch-up now best of friends

With the recent launch of Over60 Catch-ups getting together with fellow over-60s has never been easier. A place where anyone from the Over60 community can arrange or look for a Catch-up in their area to meet with community members’ offline, Over60 Catch-ups is a great way to meet new people and make new friends along the way.

That’s what happened with one of our regular Over60 Catch-ups in Canberra, where a group of women have now become the best of friends and meet regularly to catch up.

Over60 community member, Robyn Wheate, organised the first Catch-up in Canberra. It started with just her and another lady, whose instant bond saw their coffee catch-up turn into a lunch, but has since grown into a group of ladies who love to meet-up regularly.

As you can see from the picture above which shows their most recent meeting, where two new ladies have since joined the growing group, the Over60 Catch-up is the perfect place to make new friends, chat with like-minded people, have fun, and share stories with fellow over-60s.

Robyn encourages any over-60s looking to make new friends to come along to the Catch-up.

“I would like more people to attend so I can expand my list of friends. There are so many amazing people in Canberra and I would like to meet a few more. Maybe there are other people who feel the same way,” she said.

UPDATE: The next Canberra Catch-up will be held at Hellenic Club of Canberra (Matilda St, Woden) on Sunday 3 July. For more details and to RSVP, please visit the Over60 Catch-up page here. 

If you’re not located in Canberra, why not organise your own Over60 Catch-up in your area? It could be the beginning of some beautiful friendships! Learn more about arranging an Over60 Catch-up with our step-by-step guide here.

Related links: 

Over60 Catch-ups are bringing people together

5 websites to help you make friends

6 ways to make friends when you’re 60-plus

community, News, over60, Catch ups, friendships