Courtney Allan

What Prince Harry’s star sign reveals about the royal dad-to-be

Although some may not believe in star signs, every now and then you’ll come across someone’s star sign that explains that person right down to the letter. If you do believe in astrology, it can be a fun way to discover more about a particular person.

Prince Harry has been in the spotlight since his birth. With such high scrutiny, people have taken to the date, time and location to discover more about the beloved red-headed royal.

In order to figure out someone’s sun and moon sign, you need to know the following things:

  • Where they were born
  • What time they were born (down to the minute!)

By inputting all of this information into an astrology birth chart calculator, you’re going to discover more about a particular person and how the stars have influenced who they are today.

As Prince Harry was born in St Mary’s Hospital, London, on the 15th of September 1984, his sun sign is a Virgo and his moon sign is a Taurus. 

As his sun sign is a Virgo, this means that he has a strong sense of responsibility. This works out well for him, as he’s consistently in the spotlight as a member of the Royal Family. Virgos are also known for undertaking worthwhile projects that can make them feel appreciated and useful. This is something they thrive on, which again, it seems like Prince Harry has brought forward into his life with his work on the Heads Together program which aims to tackle the stigma surrounding mental health.

The royal’s moon sign is in Taurus. This particular moon sign is very romantic, which might explain why he was in such a rush to introduce Duchess Meghan to the family. Moon in Taurus are known for being reliable as well as being strong-willed and rooted in their ways. This might explain why the army life appealed to Prince Harry so much, as he was able to follow a routine whilst protecting his country.

As always, horoscopes and astrology aren’t specific to each individual. It is more of an overview that has parts that can be applied to specific people, so if you’re interested in looking up yours and you find it doesn’t apply specifically to you, take it with a grain of salt! 

Do you have an interest in astrology and follow star signs? Tell us in the comments below. 

star signs, astrology, prince harry, star sign