Danielle McCarthy

What Tom Hanks did to help his wife get through cancer

Tom Hanks and his wife Rita Wilson are an example of a Hollywood couple who truly love each other.

In an interview, Rita has revealed how the Cast Away actor helped her get through cancer battle.

Rita was diagnosed with breast cancer and underwent a double mastectomy. Tom helped her through that time by going above and beyond to ensure she had everything to give her the strength to fight the disease.

Rita said at a fundraiser for the World Cancer Research Fund, "When I was going through my diagnoses and surgery, the one thing I really wanted to tell people is that there are still times when you have love and you smile and you laugh.”

"We watched movies, we watched great documentaries, we ate good food and we did our best to maintain our spirit and be thankful."

Tom added, “You just clear the decks and you circle the wagons and you hunker down. It's not that hard to do.”

"It's like when there's a big rainstorm outside, you bust out the hot cocoa and make sure everyone is comfortable."

Once again this couple grow closer despite what comes against them. 

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love, tom hanks, fight, movies, celebrity, cancer, Rita Wilson