Michelle Reed

This toddler had the best reaction to being handed a “parking ticket”

In one hilarious moment caught on film, this toddler summed up all of our collective feelings about parking tickets with one scarily accurate facial expression.

Canadian constable Shawn Currie was snapped writing a “ticket” for three-year-old Declan Tramley after the boy’s father secretly told Currie that his son was a big fan of the police.

"We thought it would be funny to go over and I pretended to write a ticket for him ... it just created all kinds of atmosphere," Constable Currie explained.

Despite only being three years of age, Tramley’s reaction portrayed the face of a long-jaded driver, and was caught on camera at precisely the right moment.

The photograph, which has since gone viral, was first tweeted by the Halifax Police Department, who added the caption: "Remember, no motorcycle parking in the circle by the ferry terminal. This ruthless biker was caught yesterday."

We’re sure this is a lesson young Tramley won’t forget.

Photo Source: Halifax Police 

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