Alex O'Brien

Primary school sports team help elderly man move firewood

A primary school rugby team from Cooma in New South Wales have performed a beautiful random act of kindness, helping an 81-year-old man shift a large pile of firewood.

At the time of writing, the photo, shared to Facebook by Cooma North Public School teacher Mrs Jamieson, has been shared by almost 14,000 people and received over 75,000 likes.

“When the boys went back to the bus after the game, the team and their parents noticed an 81-year-old gentleman trying to move his woodpile from the front of the house to the back. It was a rather large pile and would have taken the gentleman a long time,” Jamieson wrote in the Facebook post. “The boys and dads, without hesitation, decided to help the gentleman and completed the task in no time at all.

“It is gestures like this from our fantastic kids that make Cooma North such a great school. Boys, I am very proud of each and every one of you.”

Even better, the elderly man’s daughter commented on the post, thanking the boys for their “lovely” deed. “My parents were so grateful and can't stop talking about what a fabulous bunch of boys.”

What’s the most selfless random act of kindness you’ve ever witnessed? Tell us about it in the comment section below.

Related links:

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Children, School, random act of kindness, firewood, Cooma