Alex O'Brien

Retirement village residents hilariously recreate Taylor Swift music video

A group of retirement village residents’ answer to 26-year-old pop star Taylor Swift and her “squad” of famous friends have proven you're never too old to "shake it off” with their unique take on Taylor Swift's hit music video. 

Starring retired special needs teacher Margaret Gregory along with a group of 50 residents, staff and grandchildren from the Julia Wallace Retirement Village in New Zealand’s Palmerston North, the average age of the group is 82, and their frame-by-frame version of Shake It Off took a week to make.

"It was just gorgeous fun - we've never done anything like it," says Gregory.

"It's certainly not what I thought I'd ever be doing in a retirement village," says Margaret Gregory.

"It was a great team effort with everyone here and I've never laughed so much. It's certainly not what I thought I'd ever be doing in a retirement village."

"After filming it was a bit boring to go back to doing the washing but there you go."

Her husband Gerald, who also features in the video as a hip hop dancer and trombonist, says the best part was seeing how a video was made and then waiting to see his children and grandchildren would react.

"We came home every night tired but elated from filming. I pay a lot more attention to TV now because I'm always trying to work out how they made the scenes."

Residents of the village are no strangers to fame, having made a nude calendar for charity in 2015 and performing a 'flash mob' dance to Pharrell William's Happy in Palmerston North's The Plaza shopping centre in 2014.

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retirees, music video, Taylor Swift, Shake It Off, recreate