Alex O'Brien

Meet Queensland Police’s newest canine recruits

The residents of Queensland can sleep safe at night in the knowledge that there are some new crime-fighting dogs on the scene: At just over eight weeks old, these doe-eyed dogs have a promising future ahead of them as the newest recruits at Queensland Police.

What’s more, the Queensland Police dog squad has asked the public to suggest names for the seven puppy recruits – two male and five female – destined for official duties, with the condition that the name must start with the letter W.

This is a breeding tradition where every litter is given a letter of the alphabet in chronological order.

Just one week after the announcement, Queensland Police has been inundated with thousands of suggestions ranging from names of Australian towns, including Weipa and Wagga Wagga, to home-grown heroes such as Weary after Sir Edward Dunlop.

Police Minister Jo-Ann Miller said the dogs would spend 18 months in the puppy development program before being tested to see if they will make it into the QPS as general purpose dogs or continue into the breeding program.

“Some of them are used for drug detections, some of them are used for search, they're working dogs,” she said. 

“They're absolutely beautiful animals, they’re well-trained, and I know their handlers not only work with them, but love them very dearly.”

Have a look for yourself in this video:

Related links: 

Best in show: The Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show has begun

Never give up: this greyhound lost a leg and still loves to run

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