Ben Squires

Aussie PM makes surprise visit to troops in Iraq

Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull has made a surprise visit to Iraq.

Mr Turnbull visited the Taji base where Australia has about 300 troops training the Iraqi army, as well as an air taskforce with six Hornet fighter jets and 80 elite special force soldiers.

In addition to meeting and greeting the troops Mr Turnbull visited the heavily guarded Australian Embassy in Bagdad, as well as taking time to meet with his Iraqi counterpart Haider al-Abadi.

Mr Turnbull stressed his appreciation of the Australian troops, "You are so admired... We so admire your professionalism, your commitment, your courage, your determination to get the job done. And that will be so important not just for Iraq but for the whole world. What you are doing is having a global impact. It's making the world safe, it's making our homes in Australia and New Zealand safer."

This is just one leg of the journey for Mr Turnbull is set to spend two days in Washington meeting the American president Barack Obama, where it is expected he will talk on a variety of issues including security, trade and financial reform. 

Image credit: Twitter / @turnbullmalcolm

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News, Anzac, Prime Minister, Malcolm Turnbull