Melody Teh

Amazing pictures of the moment gorilla feeds her newborn daughter

Mary, a 27-year-old female gorilla, who lives in Busch Gardens Wildlife Park in Tampa, Florida, recently gave birth to a baby girl.

Just like any new mother, Mary gazed lovingly at her one-week daughter as she fed her.

The baby is yet to be named and just weighs a tiny four pounds. She’ll grow to be as powerful as her mum but for now she needs a mother’s fierce protection. Baby gorillas cling to their mother’s fur to keep warm and at four months will begin riding on her mum’s back.

Mary’s daughter marks the third successful gorilla birth at the zoo.

Jeff Andrews, vice president of zoological operations for Busch Gardens, said the first month was a critical period for Mary to begin integrating her daughter into the current gorilla hierarchy. The team would be monitoring the new addition very closely though to make sure she settles in.

Image credits: Busch Gardens Tampa 

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